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A few SA Suggestions!

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Well I'm making a list of features I think could be cool to have in the DayZ Standalone!


• Anxiety, well what if when you are shot at or someone near you gets killed you may panick and get an anxiety attack? Same goes for when you kill your first victim your character could get anxiety and this could be something that doesn't affect you after time.

• Cooking, we should be able to use stoves or other cooking tools found in houses to cook meals or boil water.

• Jammed guns, guns jamming could add some depth to combat as you might need to spend some time fixing your gun in the middle of a fight.

• Knocking people out, hitting someone in the head with your fists or a blunt weapon could make people pass out this could be a way to disarm a player without killing them.


Please tell me if you want something added to the list!


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Anxiety doesn't seem needed, not everyone would get anxiety when killing someone, it depends on their characters psychology and personally I'd like to keep it the way it is, make their character(in a psychological manner) the way they want it to be.

As for the rest, I think it's quite interesting.

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  • Nah....i'm a trained professional kill0r. People dying to my left and right won't faze me. :P  ;) Good idea but from my experience in games it only adds to the story without having much of an impact otherwise. Same with a torture scene in games..you just sitting there can never imagine what the character goes through.
  • Would be great, better than just opening a can and starting to eat without warming it up which is pretty disgusting although it might not make a lot of difference nutrition wise...( what do we have the fire for anyway? ) Just dancing around it makes it pretty useless :lol:
  • Will be in the SA afaik...someone might eventually add this to the mod...
  • Is already in the mod and will hopefully make it to the SA...or so i heard.

@Ratsmon, watching movies and seeing it actually happen are two different things. That's why people IRL panic during an earthquake or when a madman suddenly pulls out a gun in the mall and starts shooting...panic is a natural reaction, some are trained to ignore it as good as they can but nobody will not be affected by it.

Edited by Enforcer

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I like the anxiety thing, it would have to be carefully thought out though. Some sort of short term negative effect (maybe shaking+heavy breathing for a few mins after you kill. The more you kill the less it happens, until your a stone cold killer and not effected atall.


The more humanity you have the greater the effect, the less humanity the less. And it would have to be a delayed thing for 2 reasons I can think of....1 if you kill someone you carnt just immidiatly start shaking, there could be more than 1 target. 2 adrenaline would delay the effects, its only when your out of combat, and start to reflect, that they start to take effect.


Adds maybe a little more immersion, and more value to wether you play hero or bandit. Obviously there would have to be a positive effect for heros to balance this out. As all the bandits would be able to kill and move on to another target quickly. Maybe heros can blood bag quicker as they are more used to doing it. Bandits take longer, so if a hero is shakey from the fight, but he wounded the bandit, the time it takes the bandit to receive blood is comparable to the time it takes the hero to stop shaking.


Cooking is good, but maybe not on household stoves. I doubt the gas companies are still supplying in the apocalypse :P. Maybe if we find little camping stoves to heat tinned food, and eating it hot would also remove low temperature.


Gun Jams.....YES! make the bandit panic for a change when he misses 1st shot then jams up, and you run to flank him :D


Ya can knock people out already, im not sure if we can take there primary weapon tho, that could be a good addition.

Edited by Karmaterror
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I think everything except Anxiety has been confirmed for the standalone, and Anxiety has been confirmed as something Rocket DOESN'T want in Standalone.

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when i kill someone in dayz i get anxious in real life so..


I was going to say something along these lines.

We should leave things like panic and anxiety to the personality of the player. If I'm wondering around and my friend gets shot dead by a sniper, I would probably feel real panic so there is no real need to simulate it. Other players might be more like 'oh my friend just died there must be a sniper...' and feel less panicked and deal with the situation in a more level headed manner. Adding something that makes your character react a certain way even if you do not feel thus affected is just going to piss people off. 

As riley4ever noted, I get anxious and panicked in real life playing DayZ and this affects the way my character reacts to situations in game. There is no need to simulate anything here.

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In order to add panic to the game, we need to player to feel panicked I think. Unfortunately, this game doesn't do that, and I don't have any ideas how to do that.

In DayZ, all anyone cares about is the loot. That's it. When they die, they're not upset that they died, they're upset they lost their NVGs. So when someone near them dies, they don't care. There needs to be a way to make the player care BESIDES items. (NO LEVELING.)

I care when I die in Project Zomboid. This is because I created the character, and when I die, it's over. I don't load on the same map, with the same events or NPCs, with the zombies in the same place.

In Day Z, you spawn in the same server, with the same players, and your body is where you left it. So items aren't that much of a big deal either. I think they're too common. It's too easy to get top gear, and once you do, you do. You've got nothing else to do besides take out players because they're the only ones that provide challenge.

All the other ideas are great, but it would be better if we could get panic out of the player, and not the character the player is playing as. It would cause dissonance between the two, and ruin the immersion of the player I thinks.

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When I play the game, I do care, at least when other players are around.  I may not panic when I hear gunshots off in the distance, but I definitely go into an 'Oh Crap!' mode.  When I hear the 'pinging' of shots hitting near me I go into an 'OH Shit' mode.  When I see other players my heart starts beating faster and I feel nervous and on edge.  Will they see me?  Will they kill me?  If they're a bandit, can I get a clean shot off?  Do they have buddies waiting right there?  Honestly it's kinda a thrill, even though I avoid other players as much as I can.

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