bad_mojo (DayZ) 1204 Posted November 8, 2013 So, a friend keeps bugging me to try Epoc. I'm the type of player who likes authenticity in DayZ, so the idea of having invincible houses and safes doesn't really thrill me. Is there anything else in the mod that would make it worth my while? Am I missing out on any improvements? Or should I just keep waiting for the standalone? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancros 62 Posted November 8, 2013 Inb4 Epoch hate...But seriously. Its not my cup if tea. I prefer vanilla. Like you said, I dont like the idea of invincible houses and such. Not to mention that alot of epoch servers have safe trading zones implemented. Which I think is fucking retarded. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
callsignBravo (DayZ) 323 Posted November 8, 2013 (edited) the houses thing depends on the server some are indestructable some are not. Either way you need to maintain them for them to stay, I think epoch is a flat upgrade of the mod and if you find the right server like i did epoch can be one of the best mods for dayzThere are also servers with deadly traderzones if you don't like the idea of god mode traders cities Edited November 8, 2013 by callsignBravo 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BAHADIR 124 Posted November 8, 2013 Inb4 Epoch hate...But seriously. Its not my cup if tea. I prefer vanilla. Like you said, I dont like the idea of invincible houses and such. Not to mention that alot of epoch servers have safe trading zones implemented. Which I think is fucking retarded. here, have my beans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beavis_5000 111 Posted November 8, 2013 Houses and safes arent even the problem of Epoch imo. Extra vehicles that are ready to drive, Self Blood Bags and full blown military starting loadouts are the problems in Epoch. Some have more Vanilla aspects but Self Blood Bags are the main problem imo. No need to be cautious or careful and no value in your character because no matter you can easily heal yourself. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DayZeeSurvivor 22 Posted November 8, 2013 As mentioned in previous posts there are a servers with different settings in regards to traders, houses, self-blood and so on. I've also been on servers with extra buildings. You can pick and choose to your liking almost. I havent played all servers of course but the ones I've tried, loot was more common than vanilla, seems like the chance of bleeding after a Z hits you is higher but then you dont bleed out as easy/fast. In general I would say that if you are more hardcore go for the vanilla DayZ. I play Epoch beacause of the crafting and building and it takes a lot of time to do it on your own. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheWizard14 372 Posted November 8, 2013 It really depends on the server you are on. Some have barracks right on the coast, with god mode trader zones and self blood and all that crap, some servers have it really hard, with very scarce loot areas. But I just go back to different mods since epoch doesn't really keep me hooked. Just find the right server that fits your style. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boxman80 964 Posted November 8, 2013 (edited) I can see why Epoch doesnt appeal and to be fair I really didn't like the sound of trading and currency what not when i first tried the game earlier this year as I'm a massive fan of post apocalyptic stuff and to me it wasn't how I envisioned spending my zombie survivial experience. However I would say the mod works very well in practice and gives a lot more focus and longevity over vanilla day z. The crafting side of it and modular base building has been done really well and can be quite a challenge to do. The currency based on precious metals also works very well too. It makes scavenging and looting much more interesting as you can sell almost anything (dependent upon the server), so no more just hitting the high value military barracks! As has already been said - it really does depend on the server you play on. Personally I dont agree with safe trader zones so our server doesnt have them. For us the trader zone is meant to be a hotspot of danger, yes you can buy and sell stuff, making a lot of money and getting your hands on some good stuff, but it's a place where you're at your most vulnerable and likely to be killed. Also we've adjust trader prices so anything that makes survival easier costs a lot more gold, things like night vision, safes, choppers, cars, high end weapons all cost a lot more gold which means a lot more scavenging and trading etc. So again it all lends it self rather well to a longer game and survival experience. It also means stakes are actually much higher than in vanilla too as now instead of losing all that decent kit you can carry on you or fit in a small tent, you stand to lose a lot of gold, be it in physical gold, high priced items, vehicles or bases, that represents a lot of time and effort! Again not all bases are indestructible, our certainly arent on our server, and they usually do require some form of maintenance, which is done by using mortar which by default is not something you can just buy but something you have to search for - the bigger your base, yes the more you can store but also the more maintenance you need. I guess it depends on what sort of base you want, you can build your own compound with time and patience , which is purpose built and difficult to infiltrate , sure. Or you can take the easy approach and just fortify a quiet little building out in the middle of nowhere and scrimp and save to get a safe (which you could lose at the trader by being sniped by a bandit!). There are many different ways to achieve the same thing really but all have their pros and cons. Those key features aside there are also some other brilliant additions such as the additional vehicle s(there were even more before the last patch but a whole pack had to be removed :( ) , the loot weight system (you may have more slots available potentially but you can physically only carry so much weight!), there much more loot available, the crafting (which was available before vanilla), more clothing options, better loot locations (you have to hunt around for loot!), tougher zombies and even the chance you may turn into a zombie (its pretty irritating actually but can be good PvP). The mod it's self is one of the best developed mods available. The dev team havent just given up after the first release and they are constantly improving it and taking on the feedback of the community. Its actually quite a well balanced mod and it's truly, in my opinion, a much more multi-play suited game . True it's not in the die hard zombie survival genre but it's a very well thought out mod and lends it's self well to MMO and long term sand-box gaming. You really should try it, there's a reason it's rapidly becoming the flavour of choice and I sincerely hope this mod is ported to stand alone! Edited November 8, 2013 by Box 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PK Richie 507 Posted November 8, 2013 Dayz bores me, You get geared up and then what ? go round shooting other players ?Epoch gives you something to do, try it and you'll be suprised at how good it is :) 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BAHADIR 124 Posted November 8, 2013 You will be suprised when you find +500000 heli's, yea, go try it... *sigh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boxman80 964 Posted November 8, 2013 You will be suprised when you find +500000 heli's, yea, go try it... *sigh You get vanilla private hives that are just the same so I'd say that's a server admin issue not the mod it's self. Decent servers manage their vehicles much better no matter the mod. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr Nasty 1023 Posted November 8, 2013 So, a friend keeps bugging me to try Epoc. I'm the type of player who likes authenticity in DayZ, so the idea of having invincible houses and safes doesn't really thrill me. Is there anything else in the mod that would make it worth my while? Am I missing out on any improvements? Or should I just keep waiting for the standalone?I personally dont believe you will like it. I view it as the bastard child of Wasteland and DayZ. However, I think you should give it a try just because I'd like to know what you think. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 524 Posted November 8, 2013 I see how it can be a fun mod on its own but it doesn't really have that survival feel about it, no. Chances are, your friend is not playing vanilla Epoch either in which case you'll most likely hate it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Diggydug (DayZ) 331 Posted November 8, 2013 (edited) The couple of times I played it a month or two ago I didn't really like it. It wasn't a wacky vehicle server but I did manage to snag a car, go to the trader zones, only to find I don't like the idea of them. There are a lot of servers though. If you don't have a download limit, I'd just say try it and decide for yourself. Personally, I prefer Aftermath, as it has better weapon customization, loot isn't any easier to find (unless they changed it recently) and you can break into people's bases if you have the tools to do so. Edited November 8, 2013 by Diggydug Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nyz01 17 Posted November 10, 2013 IMO epoch is a very different game from dayZ, still enjoyable, just in a different way from vannila. I'd say give it a try and see if you like it . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigChef 55 Posted November 11, 2013 Epoch is definitely not DayZ, however I do find it very enjoyable. I like the crafting and base building...planning a strategy for days and weeks in advance. And perhaps some players do this in Vanilla, but I never did. My DayZ strategy was always fluid and changed with the hour The server I play on does have two god mode traders, however the others including two roaming trader caravans are feral! Our bases are anything but indestructible! Safes yes, building...oh no. We have another Epoch server on the tavi map that has no safe zones and the individual traders are spread about the map, with wandering ai that have been tweaked, they can be a challenge.Epoch is not for's not for me all of the time, I have to go back to vanilla to get my stalk back, you can get lazy with easy weapon access and I find a few days of vanilla puts my sneaky right. It is a great role playing possibility, heroes are pitted against bandits, clan against clan and admin events that are highly entertaining, Like I said, not for everyone, but damn fun for a change or a while. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wesmacker 34 Posted November 11, 2013 EPOCH is a ton of fun, you always have things to do.Vehicles are excellent, having to load your ammo is a big thing, while ammo for vehicles is rare to find, it makes you think about what you are about to use that ammo on.Bases are the best, they take a lot of time to build as well.We had so much fun playing EPOCH, but couldn't find a good server, we started our own. Low end starting gear.No protection at traders, its a DayZ eat DayZ world afterall!Tons of buildings, towns, roads added in, yeah you can add roads in that you travel normal road speed on!!!Vehicles usually have a thing or two wrong with them, usually a tire needs fixed.Full moon nights make it so bright i haven';t used NVGs that I have in my inventory in over a week.Weapon options were always limited greatly in vanilla EPOCH so we edited the loot table to add 40+ new weapons, no TWS or 50 Cal either.Join us: Glory of War Epoch, check my sig for IP! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mercules 1290 Posted November 11, 2013 You will be suprised when you find +500000 heli's, yea, go try it... *sigh Houses and safes arent even the problem of Epoch imo. Extra vehicles that are ready to drive, Self Blood Bags and full blown military starting loadouts are the problems in Epoch. Some have more Vanilla aspects but Self Blood Bags are the main problem imo. No need to be cautious or careful and no value in your character because no matter you can easily heal yourself. DURRRRRRRRR... Not part of EPOCH! DURRRRRRRR!I don't know how many times I'll have to say it. Self Blood bags have nothing to do with Epoch and are not part of the mod. Extra Vehicles are not part of Epoch. Saying Self Blood bags are the problem with Epoch compared to vanilla is like saying Vanilla also sucks because it has self blood bags. Yes, some of the server hosts have added the same crap some of the server hosts have added to Vanilla DayZ but EPOCH DOESN'T INCLUDE ANY OF THAT! So stop bringing it up as a reason. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rapid12 2 Posted November 11, 2013 Why all the hate for God zone trader areas? They make perfect sense, let me explain why.... Epoch is set after the infection; a time when civilisation is returning. The fact that market traders and currency are present tells you it's not just a land of anarchy, so one would assume some sort of law and order is in place. The traders can't be stolen from, killed or kidnapped, and one would hope not in a supposedly bustling market. Yet, the customers (players) can be slayed right there in front of the many traders without any of them batting an eyelid or any form of justice dished out to the murderers. In the real world that wouldn't happen and you know it. In the real world (imagining a zombie apocalypse has indeed just taken place) even the most nastiest bastards wouldn't do their killing in a busy market place as they would fear whatever justice the survivors have democratically agreed upon for such crimes. Sure, you'd get highwaymen lurking in the bushes alongside the roads into the market areas waiting to pounce on anyone heading to or from the market, but they wouldn't do it in the market place. So, now to move on to the fact we're all just controlling pixels....... Killing in the trader zone without the traders moving is unrealistic. But what can you do about it? They're AI after all, right? You need to somehow outlaw killing in the zones, but how can servers police it around the clock? They can't. So, the easiest and most efficient way so far has been the God zone script. You so called 'hardcore' players laugh at its unrealistic physics, yet you're quite happy to go with the very unrealistic model I described above where traders will laugh off a murder in front of them and carry on trading with other market goers who also didn't even flinch that someone just had their brains blown out in front of them. So, with the God zone script in place players can be more in tune to real life by being able to do their shopping without the fear of someone putting a bullet in their head while they do it. Those that don't like the God zone, you need to understand that this is just a video game and that the God zone script is the easiest way to mimic the behaviour of survivors (or should that now be residents now) in a real market place. It works really well, and, IMO, should come as standard across all Epoch servers. Regarding the OP, the mod is great if you like making pretend money, as there's a strange satisfaction when you sell something, but you can literally spend hours upon hours doing that, which isn't my idea of fun but I believe it's very popular in Israel. You can play as a highwayman and hold-up Isaac as he makes his way to market, stealing his goods before killing him (that's how I play Epoch). You can craft things if that floats your boat, it ain't for me but there's plenty of sad bastards that love doing that shit. They're fun to kill because it pisses them off no end and they bitch like mad in sidechat. You can build glorious palaces if you put enough time into it, or just build a simple garage to keep your good shit in. Y Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wesmacker 34 Posted November 11, 2013 So instead of REAL players doing what Real people would do, you implement an Artificial God mode to mimic what real people "should" be doing but aren't actually doing? If I am a friendly trader doing my business alongside 10 others and a snake in the grass shoots the guy beside me, I know I will be looking for him, as should the other 9 players still alive. God Mode seems more of forcing players to/or not to do something now. Should be an open sandbox, the way DayZ is meant to be played. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mercules 1290 Posted November 11, 2013 So instead of REAL players doing what Real people would do, you implement an Artificial God mode to mimic what real people "should" be doing but aren't actually doing? Real people are not on 24/7 and the "bandit" population far outweighs the "I want to hang out at Klen and protect people coming to trade" population. ;) My thought was to add in AI guards at various locations. "Survivor" guards for Klen and a more neutral traders, "Bandit" guards hostile to those who do not have seriously -humanity at the bandit trader, and then a bit more strict guards at the "Hero" trader who don't let anyone with under +2500 humanity nearby. Not invulnerability but AI you can shoot and kill. What would this do? Well, you could still assault people at the traders but those who are inherently hostile would have to kill off the guards or slip past them to kill players. If a player came up to a trader post and there were no guards about, they might just get a bit suspicious. If they are trading when you take out the guards they will hear the gunshots(unless you can do it silently) and get out before you can kill them. Much more realistic. I'm waiting to make sure another patch doesn't come out any time soon since I have to redo things every time they patch them, then I'll probably set up AI on my server again with those in place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rapid12 2 Posted November 11, 2013 So instead of REAL players doing what Real people would do, you implement an Artificial God mode to mimic what real people "should" be doing but aren't actually doing? If I am a friendly trader doing my business alongside 10 others and a snake in the grass shoots the guy beside me, I know I will be looking for him, as should the other 9 players still alive. God Mode seems more of forcing players to/or not to do something now. Should be an open sandbox, the way DayZ is meant to be played. Real people wouldn't slay other people while they traded with a trader. Real traders would pack up and fuck off if someone was shooting in the market they had their stalls at. God mode for me simply acts as an invisible police presence which works as in intended. As for Vanilla DayZ, it's complete shit once you've worked out how to avoid zombies hitting you; the fear factor is gone. It's brilliant for new players and it's good for groups fighting other groups but Wasteland provides that.anyway but without the slight annoyance of the zombies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rapid12 2 Posted November 11, 2013 Real people are not on 24/7 and the "bandit" population far outweighs the "I want to hang out at Klen and protect people coming to trade" population. ;) My thought was to add in AI guards at various locations. "Survivor" guards for Klen and a more neutral traders, "Bandit" guards hostile to those who do not have seriously -humanity at the bandit trader, and then a bit more strict guards at the "Hero" trader who don't let anyone with under +2500 humanity nearby. Not invulnerability but AI you can shoot and kill. What would this do? Well, you could still assault people at the traders but those who are inherently hostile would have to kill off the guards or slip past them to kill players. If a player came up to a trader post and there were no guards about, they might just get a bit suspicious. If they are trading when you take out the guards they will hear the gunshots(unless you can do it silently) and get out before you can kill them. Much more realistic. I'm waiting to make sure another patch doesn't come out any time soon since I have to redo things every time they patch them, then I'll probably set up AI on my server again with those in place. Do you know what'd be good with your idea? If a murder took place at a trader city, the traders refuse to trade until the murderer was killed himself (or logged off). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites