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Hostage-taking - probably a terrible idea

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Found this epic idea on reddit.




That's on the agenda too. I want to kidnap someone from a gang, force them to a room in some large building, and then have my gang fortify it while we take turns eating spoiled soup and shitting on the hostage. Are the bonds forged between warriors strong enough to overcome the miasma or will they leave their brother to a runny fate?

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people that log after being captured should be made to wear combat logger onesies then bum raped in the square while all watch its the only possible solution.


hopefully it will be a blonde beautiful women if so ill take the punishment duties first ! :lol:

Edited by dgeesio

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"Captured?"  What nonsense.  That's for children, or maybe adult masochists.  If it were possible for me to be "captured" when my choice is to die first, I would "combat log."  Probably never come back to the game too.  And I don't care what anybody here says about that. 

This "capture" stuff is sick to me.  For those who like kinky stuff, do it all you want.  But you can count me out.

It would be a stupid idea to allow "capturing" a player who wants no part of it.  So it won't happen.



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In Standalone, I'll handcuff people and force them to tag along and be my friend.


All the great times we could have.


You sadistic bastard.

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"Captured?"  What nonsense.  That's for children, or maybe adult masochists.  If it were possible for me to be "captured" when my choice is to die first, I would "combat log."  Probably never come back to the game too.  And I don't care what anybody here says about that. 

This "capture" stuff is sick to me.  For those who like kinky stuff, do it all you want.  But you can count me out.

It would be a stupid idea to allow "capturing" a player who wants no part of it.  So it won't happen.


If you don't want to be part of it you either try to escape or disconnect, the end result is no different to if they'd just shot you, except if you play along there a possibility that you might escape.

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I find it funny how you presume the only reason to capture someone is to mess with them and kill them later

Did it ever occurr to you that maybe......just maybe they are doing to to protest themselves or group while they determine your intentions, did you think that maybe they might give your stuff back after

Of course not..... In your mind the only option you have when interacting with another player is to kill them

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If you don't want to be part of it you either try to escape or disconnect, the end result is no different to if they'd just shot you, except if you play along there a possibility that you might escape.

Right.  I was responding to the idea that disconnecting would punish a player beyond a normal death.  For example you got knocked out or tased, and some idiot kid cuffed you and had you helpless.  Of course I would combat log, just as I did when a hacker puppeted me, or try to escape even if it meant being shot or hacked dead.  Sorry I wasn't clear.  There are enough sadist players who can string out your death so that combat logging is the only sensible way out.

But really, the idea of cuffing another player seems to be designed for role-playing scenarios in YT vids.  Nothing I'll ever engage in.

I won't allow it if at all possible.  You want to kill me?  Go for it.  You want to talk to me?  Direct comm.  You want to cuff me?


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If I got handcuffed, I'd just assume that I was going to die regardless and log then and there. If I'm going to get killed, I might as well ruin your fun too.


Not that I'd end up in a situation where it would ever happen any way. There would be so many opportunities to log before then.

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If I got handcuffed, I'd just assume that I was going to die regardless and log then and there. If I'm going to get killed, I might as well ruin your fun too.


Not that I'd end up in a situation where it would ever happen any way. There would be so many opportunities to log before then.

Did I seriously just read that? You're exactly what's wrong with this community, representing every fiber of it.


Ozelot, the cheating anarchist troll.

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Did I seriously just read that? You're exactly what's wrong with this community, representing every fiber of it.


Ozelot, the cheating anarchist troll.

I'm sorry, but you're an idiot if you actually believe people are not going to cheat based on some honor system. It is no one's fault but the game designer's.


If there is an exploit made available made to players, you have to assume they are going to use it. Players in online games continually find exploits after tens of thousands of play-testing that even the programmers don't know about and constantly use them. What do you think they are going to do with an obvious one like combat logging?

Edited by Ozelot

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Personally, every time any one has ever tried to take my hostage in Day Z, I do what ever I can to make them kill me, its just a game, I WILL NOT entertain some ones power trip by letting them parade my around, make me play stupid games, record it for their crappy youtube channel or what ever, because at the end of them taking you hostage, they're going to kill you any way, dead is dead, my way makes it so I get right back into the game, not letting some one go on a power trip because their life sucks.



Just as a little side note, last time this happened, I was a fresh spawn outside electro, no weapons, group of three tried to take me hostage, so I ran and made them shoot me, re-spawned at Drackon, ran into electro from the other side, went to the fire house, picked up an AKM, went back for where they were waiting for fresh spawns and killed all of them.


Hostage taking I think is be a neat mechanic in the game, just used horribly by the players at large.


My two cents,


Fully agree. I'll never combat log in that situation, but I will jihad with a grenade or charge you with an axe. I'd rather lose my full-kit toon before enduring the humiliation of being a thrall for some fat, power tripping acne coated neckbeard.

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I'm sorry, but you're an idiot if you actually believe people are not going to cheat based on some honor system. It is no one's fault but the game designer's.


If there is an exploit made available made to players, you have to assume they are going to use it. Players in online games continually find exploits after tens of thousands of play-testing that even the programmers don't know about and constantly use them. What do you think they are going to do with an obvious one like combat logging?

And those people are dirty rotten good for nothing cheaters that have no business playing the game in the first place. Exploits are exploits, a part of the game that isn't meant to be in the game, but can be used by crappy players to gain advantage or avoid death. Hopefully it's bannable in SA, if such things exist.


Not so surprisingly, I don't expect anything less from filth like you Ozelot.

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Not all people who take hostages kill them afterward. I, for one, don't. In fact, they typically end up with better gear than they had before I came along - because they eventually earn my trust by not being stupid and attempting to kill me with their less than advantageous positioning.


Please, don't be stupid. I don't want to have to lose humanity or waste ammunition on a person who could have actually benefited from talking to me instead of just turning around to try and kill me.

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Not all people who take hostages kill them afterward. I, for one, don't. In fact, they typically end up with better gear than they had before I came along - because they eventually earn my trust by not being stupid and attempting to kill me with their less than advantageous positioning.


Please, don't be stupid. I don't want to have to lose humanity or waste ammunition on a person who could have actually benefited from talking to me instead of just turning around to try and kill me.



I have occasionally robbed and taken people hostage and I'm always a bit disappointed that they didn't try and turn the tables on me or escape.

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I have occasionally robbed and taken people hostage and I'm always a bit disappointed that they didn't try and turn the tables on me or escape.

That is just your preference. You've already made it abundantly clear that you prefer violence to be the answer above all else.

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Roughly - if memory serves- 25% of people who have been taken hostage show a form of Stockholm syndrome ( basically where the captive shows sympathy/empathy for the captor)  of course game time wouldn't allow for this..but it is freaky :) 

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Rule #1 of DayZ: Don't get attached to your gear.


Rule #2 of DayZ: Don't get attached to your character


I play for my own selfish reasons and with limited time to do so, so I'm not getting restrained for however long someone sees fit.

So I'ma just gonna leave them to holding essentially an AI captive if that's how it ends up working or start again if its death, aint no thing, rule one and two applies.

Edited by RogueNZ
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What's to stop people just logging when they're taken hostage?









I want to be touched

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They won't implement you losing your character. I have had to leave while being at a standstill with people before thats not my fault that my life doesn't revolve around a game especially if you have to go at a bad time you just lose everything.

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They won't implement you losing your character. I have had to leave while being at a standstill with people before thats not my fault that my life doesn't revolve around a game especially if you have to go at a bad time you just lose everything.


If your life doesn't revolve around the game I see no problem here. 


Anyway, I'd rather have this implemented and have a few instances where it's "unfair" than making it pointless to bind someone because people will just log out. 

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Rule #2 of DayZ: Don't get attached to your character


I play for my own selfish reasons and with limited time to do so, so I'm not getting restrained for however long someone sees fit.

So I'ma just gonna leave them to holding essentially an AI captive if that's how it ends up working or start again if its death, aint no thing, rule one and two applies.

agreed, ive got better things to do with my time then sit around while some other griever "plays" my character..


end process coming right up...

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So would you rather you be able to just log out when handcuffed?



i want the option of being handcuffed/restrained or not.


if i accept, then im fine with whateva penalty comes there after wether its from the other player or a logout penalty..


what im not cool with is an unaccepted restraint followed by a logout penalty..


im seriously not even remotely intersted in the views of grievers, they have 1 objective.. to hassle/bother players who want nothing to do with them.. and as such i'll do what i need to to deny them their "jollies"...even if it means my toon dies, least im still in control of what happens to me and my time.

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Why would anyone ever accept a restraint?


If you ask me, if someone manages to get up on you and handcuff you before you can shoot them, you deserve what's coming. It's not like they can handcuff you from 100m away and grief you...so it's unlikely to happen in the first place. If someone is devoted enough and skilled enough to make that happen, then why wouldn't you want to stick around to see WHY they went through all that trouble?

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Why would anyone ever accept a restraint?


If you ask me, if someone manages to get up on you and handcuff you before you can shoot them, you deserve what's coming. It's not like they can handcuff you from 100m away and grief you...so it's unlikely to happen in the first place. If someone is devoted enough and skilled enough to make that happen, then why wouldn't you want to stick around to see WHY they went through all that trouble?


Well you'd either resist arrest or submit. You'd make a choice.

Unless you were asleep I doubt someone could just sneak up and restrain you without you noticing.

I know I don't walk around with my hands clasped conveniently behind my back.



Just to add 5c..

You should not be able to be armed at the same time as having handcuffs ready for use

Edited by RogueNZ

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