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Newbie Flying

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Hi. I'm planning on getting dayz, and I am a big fan of aircraft in video games. It would be great if you guys gave me some tips on where to find aircraft, what types there are, pros and cons, etc etc. Thanks you!

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dayz pro tip #231: if you can't fly GTFO of the pilots seat because if not death is waiting.







This is very true. I was playing on one of those 1000 vehicle servers with extra aircraft so I decided to try to fly again. I literally wrecked 3 helis within 30-40 min.


Made it about 10 feet off the ground on the first try. Second try I got far off the ground but I guess I held down Q too long and dam near did a front flip. 3rd try I did good for a second then somehow lost control and went crashing down into the woods.

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Turn auto hover ON the first time from the scroll menu. Then try just going forward, backwards banking, up and down, and rotating with c and v I believe. When you're ready and haven't gotten sniped, turn auto hover off and start to go forward and take it easy.

Good luck!

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The armoury is best for learning to fly.



Idk why people even try to fly without using armory first.


Not to toot my own horn, but by practicing I have gotten good enough to practically do anything. Land a non-hovering Osprey or An-2 on the coastal roads, 100m wide field, practically anywhere. I'm also an amazing dogfighter in ArmaII. 72 confirmed kills, 6 deaths, 1 crash, 2 ejects. :D Combination of both AI and multiplayer with 3 deaths coming from that aimbot ground AI.




With practice comes perfect.

Edited by OfficerRaymond

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Well, I'll speak in terms of public hive Chenarus, as private servers can and will add whatever they damn well please.


UH-1H (Huey):

Location- Typically on Skalisty Island, North section next to the house in the woods

Pros- 2 M240 mounted guns, carries up to 8 people, good balance of maneuvering vs. speed

Cons- Location is a bit of a pain to repair at, can drop you while switching seats, tail is a bit long


AH-6X (Little Bird):

Location- Typically in on of the NE airstrip hangers

Pros- VERY maneuverable (training wheels for a new flyer), small target, seems to do well on fuel, less to fix (only 6 glass), has an undercarriage camera in the cockpit

Cons- A bit slow for a heli, only seats 2 people, no weapons, can hit the rotor with parachute, spawn location takes some skill to get out of


Mi-17 (the Russian Lady):

Location- Typically at Devil's Castle, hard to miss

Pros- Very, very fast, has mounted guns, can hold a whopping 17 people, large cargo space

Cons- Not very maneuverable, very large


An-2 (Biplane):

Location- Not sure about this one as I have only found one on my test server, I found that one at the far west hangar at NWAF

Pros- Fastest air vehicle, manuverable, can take off nearly anywhere that has ~100m space

Cons- takes some skill to land outside of airstrips (although still better than compared to actual planes and jets), has a tendency to stall if you rise too quickly, a bit fragile


Hope that helps.  I'd mess around on armory or the editor before you actually pursue these in a DayZ server.  It really sucks to spend the time to gather all the supplies to fix a heli only to crash and burn 1 minute in because you couldn't handle it.


Reference vid of above situation:

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has a tendency to stall if you rise too quickly



What are you on about, Jon? That's the best part  :D


And you forgot the MH6J, which is like the AH-6X, but in black and with 6 seats, as it has benches on the side. <3

Edited by kichilron
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I'd say practice on a game where choppers are more common, like the Armory, or my favorite, for combat and escape piloting, "Evolution blue" on ARMA II OA.

It took me a while to get good at flying. Then I forgot how, and now I can't anymore. :C

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Hi. I'm planning on getting dayz, and I am a big fan of aircraft in video games. It would be great if you guys gave me some tips on where to find aircraft, what types there are, pros and cons, etc etc. Thanks you!

If you want  to play. I'd recommmend Arma 2 OA editor. You can spawn all jets and aircraft and fly them

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It does depend on the server/hive you visit but helicopters tend to be at airfields and castles on hills, though they can be found in town centres (there's one that sometimes spawns outside the hospital and flats in lower Cherno, for example).


They usually require work/parts before they can fly and on many servers you will need to go find a jerry cans (30 gallon ones are essential in my view) to fill up the fuel tank. 


To fly, hit Q and your engine will start.  Scroll the mouse wheel and make sure auto over is ON.  Then when the blades are really spinning, hit Q again and you will lift off.  Get a good height and scroll wheel again to turn off auto hover.  At this point, if you've not spent a few hours practicing in arma on the armory, expect to plummet to the ground and die.


You should have a good knowledge of moving the keys and or mouse to move the helicopter and that includes pulling up with mouse to slow down or stop and pushing down and forward to go faster and down.  Hitting Q while going forward will help keep you elevated whiling moving forward. 


Honestly, the best way is to have someone show you or to practice first in arma.  Good luck!

Edited by Sula
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If you want to do this vanilla...well don't. Not yet.


Play around with choppers elsewhere first, get a feel for them. Some choppers basically fly themselves, others require constant awareness.


The littlebird is a good one to try first.



As for where to find them in DayZ. On a vanilla server, NWAF or NEAF. Hidden far north or along the edge of the map, or at Devil's Castle.

If you fancy a swim, you can check out Skallisty Island (across Krutoy) for a huey, but have fun fixing that as you make multiple trips from coast to coast.

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To fly good you need to practice ive clocked about 10 hours inside air vehicles in the 2 years i've been playing ARMA 2. I'm a better pilot then most, but there are some like my friend who can fly like a pro. He was flying a huey and an his group got in a conflict with an Mi-17 he picked up his friends and the choppers exchanged fire, my friend pulled up beside the Mi-17 on the side with no gun and barrel rolled over the top of it while his gunner was firing at the engine of the '17. it dropped out of the sky and he flipped straight again. pilots like  a boss.

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They usually require work/parts before they can fly and on many servers you will need to go find a jerry cans (30 gallon ones are essential in my view) to fill up the fuel tank. 



This is the truth. We typically make a run for a chopper with two of us with 2 in inventory and 2 more in the backpack, quickly fill up the chopper then fly it to near a fuel supply where we can more quickly fuel it as a team. Having one cover and two running back and forth with 3 jerry cans in the main inventory seems to work best.

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dayz pro tip #231: if you can't fly GTFO of the pilots seat because if not death is waiting.





This is very true. I was playing on one of those 1000 vehicle servers with extra aircraft so I decided to try to fly again. I literally wrecked 3 helis within 30-40 min.


Made it about 10 feet off the ground on the first try. Second try I got far off the ground but I guess I held down Q too long and dam near did a front flip. 3rd try I did good for a second then somehow lost control and went crashing down into the woods.

.... GTFO OUT OF MY DISCUSSION HATERS. I asked for an answer, and a good one. and people that say things like


Turn auto hover ON the first time from the scroll menu. Then try just going forward, backwards banking, up and down, and rotating with c and v I believe. When you're ready and haven't gotten sniped, turn auto hover off and start to go forward and take it easy.

Good luck!



Well, I'll speak in terms of public hive Chenarus, as private servers can and will add whatever they damn well please.


UH-1H (Huey):

Location- Typically on Skalisty Island, North section next to the house in the woods

Pros- 2 M240 mounted guns, carries up to 8 people, good balance of maneuvering vs. speed

Cons- Location is a bit of a pain to repair at, can drop you while switching seats, tail is a bit long


AH-6X (Little Bird):

Location- Typically in on of the NE airstrip hangers

Pros- VERY maneuverable (training wheels for a new flyer), small target, seems to do well on fuel, less to fix (only 6 glass), has an undercarriage camera in the cockpit

Cons- A bit slow for a heli, only seats 2 people, no weapons, can hit the rotor with parachute, spawn location takes some skill to get out of


Mi-17 (the Russian Lady):

Location- Typically at Devil's Castle, hard to miss

Pros- Very, very fast, has mounted guns, can hold a whopping 17 people, large cargo space

Cons- Not very maneuverable, very large


An-2 (Biplane):

Location- Not sure about this one as I have only found one on my test server, I found that one at the far west hangar at NWAF

Pros- Fastest air vehicle, manuverable, can take off nearly anywhere that has ~100m space

Cons- takes some skill to land outside of airstrips (although still better than compared to actual planes and jets), has a tendency to stall if you rise too quickly, a bit fragile


Hope that helps.  I'd mess around on armory or the editor before you actually pursue these in a DayZ server.  It really sucks to spend the time to gather all the supplies to fix a heli only to crash and burn 1 minute in because you couldn't handle it.


Reference vid of above situation:

 Thank you so much! You get my beans!

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.... GTFO OUT OF MY DISCUSSION HATERS. I asked for an answer, and a good one. and people that say things like








You asked about the pros, cons and etc of flying.


Way to be a dick. If you ever do ask a question that I have useful answers for I will make sure not to answer with any useful information.

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You asked about the pros, cons and etc of flying.


Way to be a dick. If you ever do ask a question that I have useful answers for I will make sure not to answer with any useful information.


Except you didn't answer his question at all. Your post was just agreeing with someone saying he shouldn't fly in the first place and the telling a silly story about how you crashed heli's, barely on topic.  Sure his reaction was a little much, but at least this time, you didn't offer any useful information.

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Except you didn't answer his question at all. Your post was just agreeing with someone saying he shouldn't fly in the first place and the telling a silly story about how you crashed heli's, barely on topic.  Sure his reaction was a little much, but at least this time, you didn't offer any useful information.




I did answer. I told him a con of flying, its hard as shit. And then I told him some of my experiences with trying to fly and wrecking 3 times in a row to let him know exactly how hard it is. Its not something that your gonna jump right in and do successfully.


I answered his question and everything I said was on topic. Sure, he may not of considered my answer "useful" but there is no need to be a dick at all.


He hasnt even played the game but yet hes on here telling people that are trying to give him info (tho useless info in his opinion) to GTFO his thread.


And its not like he said "Repy with tips only" or something like that. He asked about flying and I gave him the best answer I could.

Edited by electricfuneral

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Alright, settle down people, and keep it polite and on topic please. Or might have to have a flounce in my frilly skirts!

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