dgeesio 1034 Posted October 2, 2013 How can you conclude so?occam's razor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rossums 2190 Posted October 2, 2013 Hello thereMassicor, you are actually honest to god retarded slow.Completely wrong and decide to attack a mistype rather than an actual argument, pedantic AND wrong.Like trying to argue with a brick wall - you know exactly what I meant and instead of arguing against my points you just try to disregard it as usual because of a simple mistype.It's a perfectly logical argument and it's pretty obvious that if ammo was to become more scarce it would therefore become more valuable.The 'arguments' just seem to be from people that are far too attached to their gear and make little to no sense.RgdsRossums Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 131 Posted October 2, 2013 (edited) I'm not sure if English is your first language, so I won't be too critical but, 'and a whole lot more' does not in any way imply the rest of the community. Drop it. The difference remains that dgeesio was trying to speak for the entire community ('first thoughts of anyone in game is...'), whereas I was only voicing the opinion of a large part of the large part of the community that I've spoken to. 'a whole lot more' indeed does not imply the rest of the community ....that is true but it does imply a part of the community and as "a whole lot more" isn't a percentage we will never know exactly how much "a whole lot more" actually is. You do NOT "know" as you said and i quote "And I do know that based on conversations with people that I've played with, met in-game or spoken to outside of DayZ.". ..you do NOT "know" that "a whole lot more wouldn't kill on sight if there wasn't such a high chance of other players killing them on sight"...How could you possibly know ? I even gave the perfect example to go against this when i said and i quote "just remember when this mod first released ..it was all teamwork and hardly any banditry ...but what happened ? people got bored and decided to kill each other as it was more fun....that then lead to not only killing people for fun but also survival. Yes there will be more stuff to do in SA but people will get bored of that stuff too and go back to kosing ...like i said in another post the only possible way to reduce kos is when SA is released and people may decide to team-up to explore the new content etc....but they will return to kosing when they get bored" Word play all you want ..i can also word play. Now can we please move on :) Edited October 2, 2013 by Massicor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flyingpurplehippo 17 Posted October 2, 2013 (edited) All the people saying "Oh, killing on sight was just meant to be dissuaded, not stopped" are making me crack. Gear destruction will not dissuade anybody. Maybe 0.000000001% of players. As I have repeatedly stated, KOS happens because you want to protect your own gear, not take someone elses. It's sad this simple concept is so hard to understand for you. I'd say a decent chunk of people who play are bandits, they aren't going to be too happy to KOS and find out they destroyed half of what they wanted and the other guys gun. And killing unarmed people to save your own stuff from them is ridiculous. There's no reason to kill unarmed people "in self defense". Edited October 2, 2013 by FlyingPurpleHippo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted October 2, 2013 busiest server in dayz is ......DUN DUN DAHHHHHH ! GITS KOS server :lol: KOS is as much of DayZ as anything else that matters ! im no voice for anyone ! only my opinion ;) would the tie wrapping mechanic of been added if the devs wernt playing the game which it came from ? PAYDAY ? . its been added to try and curb a KOS mentaility. Mentality - The characteristic attitude of mind or way of thinking of a person or group . that is not a game mechanic ! and i came here for " The capacity for intelligent thought " :lol: . KOS roundabout, spinning freely like a drunk cider foam laden tramp, doing wheelies on a bmx cant replicate my freestyle , bruv ! what u on about ? :o The busiest servers are the most far removed from what the mod is actually supposed to be, that doesn't mean that the standalone should be tailored towards those players and it's actually been made pretty clear by Rocket that it won't be... 'a whole lot more' indeed does not imply the rest of the community ....that is true but it does imply a part of the community and as "a whole lot more" isn't a percentage we will never know exactly how much "a whole lot more" actually is. You do NOT "know" as you said and i quote "And I do know that based on conversations with people that I've played with, met in-game or spoken to outside of DayZ.". ..you do NOT "know" that "a whole lot more wouldn't kill on sight if there wasn't such a high chance of other players killing them on sight"...How could you possibly know ? I even gave the perfect example to go against this when i said and i quote "just remember when this mod first released ..it was all teamwork and hardly any banditry ...but what happened ? people got bored and decided to kill each other as it was more fun....that then lead to not only killing people for fun but also survival. Yes there will be more stuff to do in SA but people will get bored of that stuff too and go back to kosing ...like i said in another post the only possible way to reduce kos is when SA is released and people may decide to team-up to explore the new content etc....but they will return to kosing when they get bored" Word play all you want ..i can also word play. Now can we please move on :) You've actually overshot missing the point and landed in making no sense whatsoever here. Please do explain to me why I couldn't 'know'? The standalone will have a lot more content than the mod, and even more added as time goes on. I find it hard to believe that people will become bored as they did with the mod that was originally intended as a tech demo and hasn't had much content added 1 year down the line. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dgeesio 1034 Posted October 2, 2013 (edited) I'd say a decent chunk of people who play are bandits, they aren't going to be too happy to KOS and find out they destroyed half of what they wanted and the other guys gun. And killing unarmed people to save your own stuff from them is ridiculous. There's no reason to kill unarmed people "in self defense".people have varying ideas on KOS ! people have varying opinions on KOS ! the simple thing what people dont understand which is regardless of opinion or bias is ....KOS is a mentality , not a game mechanic ! some people will just kill you because they enjoy to, some will kill you for gear, some will kill you to survive as they lack the gear you may have , some wont kill and play the game properly :lol: :rolleyes: . there is no right way to play and gimping one way of playing by game mechanics when the so called "issue " isnt a game mechanic is stupid. Edited October 2, 2013 by dgeesio 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thelonewarrior 886 Posted October 2, 2013 The fact that a KOS server is one d he most popular just goes to prove that the majority of people are playing it the same as any other deathmatch gameDo you not see the problem?If most servers are catered for KOS then the majority will play KOS with one or 2 populated survival serversIf suddenly everyone changed their servers to hardcore survival they would be the most populated if the opposite were true and only a few servers had KOS as the main featureThe problem is all the players who joined the game thinking from the word go that it was a deathmatchThe stand alone just like arma is not meant for the casual gamers and is meant for the minority (which will follow the similar path the arma 2, not so much caring for profit but instead aimed at a certain kind of gamer)Proof is in the many videos from rocket, he is trying to keep the games who want survival and not a COD clone that had zombies and food 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wayze 549 Posted October 2, 2013 And killing unarmed people to save your own stuff from them is ridiculous. There's no reason to kill unarmed people "in self defense".There was no reason to kill unarmend people. But in SA there actually is. Hand to hand combat ftw! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dgeesio 1034 Posted October 2, 2013 The busiest servers are the most far removed from what the mod is actually supposed to be, that doesn't mean that the standalone should be tailored towards those players and it's actually been made pretty clear by Rocket that it won't be... You've actually overshot missing the point and landed in making no sense whatsoever here. Please do explain to me why I couldn't 'know'? The standalone will have a lot more content than the mod, and even more added as time goes on. I find it hard to believe that people will become bored as they did with the mod that was originally intended as a tech demo and hasn't had much content added 1 year down the line.i was using the busiest servers as a eg to show that majority favour KOS and those who want the game changed to stop KOS " mentality " are actually the minority. the number show that most people want KOS and are happy with it . if they wernt the most busy servers would be the none kos servers which remain empty with blowing tumble weed :lol: so now because of a minority you are going to try and change a game which shows more prefer KOS :o it makes no sense to do so. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted October 2, 2013 i was using the busiest servers as a eg to show that majority favour KOS and those who want the game changed to stop KOS " mentality " are actually the minority. the number show that most people want KOS and are happy with it . if they wernt the most busy servers would be the none kos servers which remain empty with blowing tumble weed :lol: so now because of a minority you are going to try and change a game which shows more prefer KOS :o it makes no sense to do so. The majority buy Coldplay records and voted for Hitler, that doesn't mean it's the best course of action. I think a lot of people are going to very disappointed when they buy a survival sim thinking that it's going to be Battlefield with zombies, and they'll only have your favourite servers running bastardised versions of the mod to blame... 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dgeesio 1034 Posted October 2, 2013 The fact that a KOS server is one d he most popular just goes to prove that the majority of people are playing it the same as any other deathmatch gameDo you not see the problem?If most servers are catered for KOS then the majority will play KOS with one or 2 populated survival serversIf suddenly everyone changed their servers to hardcore survival they would be the most populated if the opposite were true and only a few servers had KOS as the main featureThe problem is all the players who joined the game thinking from the word go that it was a deathmatchThe stand alone just like arma is not meant for the casual gamers and is meant for the minority (which will follow the similar path the arma 2, not so much caring for profit but instead aimed at a certain kind of gamer)Proof is in the many videos from rocket, he is trying to keep the games who want survival and not a COD clone that had zombies and food you cant alter the mentality of the people playing ! mechanics cant do this. you take away guns ! people will use sticks ! you take away sticks people will use fists ! minority want to be protected from gamers mentality ! if people are that bothered about kos just make it impossible to kill each other . job done. i just solved it and also lost 90 percent of the player base. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted October 2, 2013 dgeesio, you're missing the point completely... The majority of players don't just kill people for the sake of killing people and I don't think anyone would miss that part of the playerbase if we did lose them. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 131 Posted October 2, 2013 Hello thereMassicor, you are actually honest to god retarded slow.Completely wrong and decide to attack a mistype rather than an actual argument, pedantic AND wrong.Like trying to argue with a brick wall - you know exactly what I meant and instead of arguing against my points you just try to disregard it as usual because of a simple mistype.It's a perfectly logical argument and it's pretty obvious that if ammo was to become more scarce it would therefore become more valuable.The 'arguments' just seem to be from people that are far too attached to their gear and make little to no sense.RgdsRossums A mistype ? you mistyped a whole sentence ? nice excuse ...that wasn't a mistype at all and you know it so don't try to worm your way out. You contradicted yourself and made yourself look stupid your now hiding behind the excuse of a mistype to cover you stupidity. I take it in that all the other kos topics you wrote in when we where in disagreement and you wrote total nonsense ..those where also mistypes ? Pathetic. Its true that if ammo was to become more scarce it would therefore become more valuable...but that doesn't mean it would stop someone kosing you ...actually it could have the opposite effect ...they may pop a few bullets into you and take your ammo instead of letting you run off. You see that's what wrong with people like you ...you think that your arguments are fact but you don't even to look in depth at your own argument and see what else lies beneath ...and what lies beneath your argument is that the very thing you say would prevent people wasting ammo on killing you could in actuality lead to them killing you for your ammo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dgeesio 1034 Posted October 2, 2013 The majority buy Coldplay records and voted for Hitler, that doesn't mean it's the best course of action. I think a lot of people are going to very disappointed when they buy a survival sim thinking that it's going to be Battlefield with zombies, and they'll only have your favourite servers running bastardised versions of the mod to blame...i don't want bf with zombies or actually like kos servers .i just shown the popularity is more for KOS than none KOS servers. this is the opinion you seem to have grasped at and maybe labeled me . i love the Hitler relation to try and condemn my opinion(differs from yours ) in relation shows a biased moderator which is bad as a good moderator is supposed to be unbiased and just moderate ;) i would like a survival game but by breaking KOS. i dont agree with. KOS is natural mentality especially in a video game . i think people are getting messed up and mixing up "real world " with virtual world " 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dgeesio 1034 Posted October 2, 2013 dgeesio, you're missing the point completely... The majority of players don't just kill people for the sake of killing people and I don't think anyone would miss that part of the playerbase if we did lose them.you obviously don't play your own game then much do you ? all the busiest servers and always have been are KOS servers. if people didnt want it then those servers wouldn't be the busiest. ill agree some do want the other ways of playing but the kOS mentality way of playing is a bigger group of players and saying youd be glad to lose them well you may aswell stop making the game cause it would be a waste of time releasing it. that's why they wouldn't stop KOS because the effect on sales would be so dramatic it would make the game almost unsellable. i do see others dont like KOS fair enough but saying lets stop it or dumb it down for the minority is dumb. if the devs are going to do it well do it lets just stop with the bs in between. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted October 2, 2013 (edited) you obviously don't play your own game then much do you ? all the busiest servers and always have been are KOS servers. if people didnt want it then those servers wouldn't be the busiest. ill agree some do want the other ways of playing but the kOS mentality way of playing is a bigger group of players and saying youd be glad to lose them well you may aswell stop making the game cause it would be a waste of time releasing it. that's why they wouldn't stop KOS because the effect on sales would be so dramatic it would make the game almost unsellable. i do see others dont like KOS fair enough but saying lets stop it or dumb it down for the minority is dumb. if the devs are going to do it well do it lets just stop with the bs in between. The majority buy Coldplay records and voted for Hitler, that doesn't mean it's the best course of action. I think a lot of people are going to very disappointed when they buy a survival sim thinking that it's going to be Battlefield with zombies, and they'll only have your favourite servers running bastardised versions of the mod to blame... i don't want bf with zombies or actually like kos servers .i just shown the popularity is more for KOS than none KOS servers. this is the opinion you seem to have grasped at and maybe labeled me . i love the Hitler relation to try and condemn my opinion(differs from yours ) in relation shows a biased moderator which is bad as a good moderator is supposed to be unbiased and just moderate ;) i would like a survival game but by breaking KOS. i dont agree with. KOS is natural mentality especially in a video game . i think people are getting messed up and mixing up "real world " with virtual world " Actually, no. As a moderator I'm still perfectly entitled to an opinion and am not expected to remain neutral. I do not show bias in how I moderate content on the forums and I set a decent example by staying well within the forum's rules. Beyond that how I use the forums is my own choice. I'm not trying to 'condemn' you, purely illustrate that the opinion of the masses is not always 'best'. Edited October 2, 2013 by mZLY 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 131 Posted October 2, 2013 (edited) The busiest servers are the most far removed from what the mod is actually supposed to be, that doesn't mean that the standalone should be tailored towards those players and it's actually been made pretty clear by Rocket that it won't be... You've actually overshot missing the point and landed in making no sense whatsoever here. Please do explain to me why I couldn't 'know'? The standalone will have a lot more content than the mod, and even more added as time goes on. I find it hard to believe that people will become bored as they did with the mod that was originally intended as a tech demo and hasn't had much content added 1 year down the line. You cant comprehend something so simple ? "A lot of people don't kill on sight and a whole lot more wouldn't kill on sight if there wasn't such a high chance of other players killing them on sight" You cant possibly "know" this....why cant u get your head around something so simple ? I wrote an example and even quoted myself to help you out and yet still cant comprehend that you cant "know" as that would imply that its "fact" and it is NOT fact. Here is my quote a final time "just remember when this mod first released ..it was all teamwork and hardly any banditry ...but what happened ? people got bored and decided to kill each other as it was more fun....that then lead to not only killing people for fun but also survival. Yes there will be more stuff to do in SA but people will get bored of that stuff too and go back to kosing ...like i said in another post the only possible way to reduce kos is when SA is released and people may decide to team-up to explore the new content etc....but they will return to kosing when they get bored" This goes against what you say you "know" ...just bloody read it and you see why . People can and usually do get bored of content after they have experienced it ...it may take some time but they usually get bored sooner or later ...even with a steady stream of content after the initial release of the SA you really think that will keep people occupied and stop people kosing ? Anyways bandits are bandits and will usually kos regarless ...i for one dont care about all this new stuff in SA ..so ill be kosing from day one. Boredom is human nature. Edited October 2, 2013 by Massicor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 524 Posted October 2, 2013 What is this talk about "dumbing down", or "breaking" KoS? How exactly would that happen? Why is it whenever these arguments come up, people defending KoS claim "nothing can be done, don't even bother trying!". It looks more like "please don't do anything about it" to me :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 131 Posted October 2, 2013 What is this talk about "dumbing down", or "breaking" KoS? How exactly would that happen? Why is it whenever these arguments come up, people defending KoS claim "nothing can be done, don't even bother trying!". It looks more like "please don't do anything about it" to me :) Then you aren't looking hard enough fella. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
disgruntled 38 Posted October 2, 2013 The GITS server has PVP in it's title. Therefore nothing wrong with PVP on it, it's intended.Yes it is a very bastardised version of the mod. I joined it first time to simply practice PVP for when I might need to use it on a more regular server. Enjoyed it so much I only stopped playing there to go play Arma 3 Wasteland.Anyways both myself and another poster stated that surely a headshot wouldn't damage chest or trouser stored items and if you get an easy shot it should only take 1 bullet.That is of course if headshots register correctly and the gear damage system works well. Any chance mods can give insight on that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted October 2, 2013 (edited) You can comprehend something so simple ? "A lot of people don't kill on sight and a whole lot more wouldn't kill on sight if there wasn't such a high chance of other players killing them on sight" You cant possibly "know" this....why cant u get your head around something so simple ? I wrote an example and even quoted myself to help you out and yet still cant comprehend that you cant "know" as that would imply that its "fact" and it is NOT fact. Here is my quote a final time "just remember when this mod first released ..it was all teamwork and hardly any banditry ...but what happened ? people got bored and decided to kill each other as it was more fun....that then lead to not only killing people for fun but also survival. Yes there will be more stuff to do in SA but people will get bored of that stuff too and go back to kosing ...like i said in another post the only possible way to reduce kos is when SA is released and people may decide to team-up to explore the new content etc....but they will return to kosing when they get bored" This goes against what you say you "know" ...just bloody read it and you see why . People can and usually do get bored of content after they have experienced it ...it may take some time but they usually get bored sooner or later ...even with a steady stream of content after the initial release of the SA you really think that will keep people occupied and stop people kosing ? Anyways bandits are bandits and will usually kos regarless ...i for one dont care about all this new stuff in SA ..so ill be kosing from day one. Boredom is human nature. How can I not know something that people have told me personally?.. A lot of people have told me that they only KoS out of fear of the other player killing them if they do not, therefore I know. ...And if I can't know that then how can you possible know that people will get bored and resort to KoS? I'm going to have to agree with Rista and say that it just seems like you're clutching at straws in an attempt to defend the KoS play style here. That is of course if headshots register correctly and the gear damage system works well. Any chance mods can give insight on that? The item damage system is unfinished and still needs a lot of tweaking. Plus we all signed NDAs and can't reveal anything that hasn't been said by the devs already, sorry! Edited October 2, 2013 by mZLY 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thelonewarrior 886 Posted October 2, 2013 And yet that 90% of servers are run by 12 year olds and players who watched Frankie and other videos about bandits and think that's all the is to the gameOf course the majority want that, because the only games they have played or want to play is where they shoot people where as it's meant to be survival and not a death matchThat is the reason why there are so many KOS servers and that's because most of those wanting to play dayz in a survival sense have left so of course they don't even come into it anymoreThey don't want to work for their stuff because it's ''boring" apparentlyHence all the top servers are "spawn with dmr, full tool belt, 2500000 million verchiles and self bloodbag"It's because they know nothing else and arnt meant to be here 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 131 Posted October 2, 2013 The GITS server has PVP in it's title. Therefore nothing wrong with PVP on it, it's intended.Yes it is a very bastardised version of the mod. I joined it first time to simply practice PVP for when I might need to use it on a more regular server. Enjoyed it so much I only stopped playing there to go play Arma 3 Wasteland.Anyways both myself and another poster stated that surely a headshot wouldn't damage chest or trouser stored items and if you get an easy shot it should only take 1 bullet.That is of course if headshots register correctly and the gear damage system works well. Any chance mods can give insight on that? Thats what i said earlier ...it wouldn't delay kos as all you need to do is aim for a certain part of the body to stop destruction of gear...yes one piece of gear may get damaged...but the gear you damaged is the gear you shot...all you need to do is shoot another person in a different body part till your fully geared out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted October 2, 2013 i love the Hitler relation to try and condemn my opinion(differs from yours ) in relation shows a biased moderator which is bad as a good moderator Moderators are entitled to their own opinions. They are not required to remain unbiased in a debate, only in the act of moderation which is not occurring in this topic. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 131 Posted October 2, 2013 (edited) How can I not know something that people have told me personally?.. A lot of people have told me that they only KoS out of fear of the other player killing them if they do not, therefore I know. ...And if I can't know that then how can you possible know that people will get bored and resort to KoS? I'm going to have to agree with Rista and say that it just seems like you're clutching at straws in an attempt to defend the KoS play style here. The item damage system is unfinished and still needs a lot of tweaking. Plus we all signed NDAs and can't reveal anything that hasn't been said by the devs already, sorry! You do not "know" ...knowing is fact and opinions from people you talk to is not fact....there opinions. I could for example say the opinions of the people i talk to go against what the opinions of people you talk to ...they both cant be fact ...thats why there opinions. Not hard to understand. Also i didn't say i "know" that people will get bored and resort to KoS....i said that they can and usually do hence the example i wrote. I think that your actually the one clutching at straws in an attempt to bash the KoS play style here. Edited October 2, 2013 by Massicor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites