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Classes in DayZ (let the shitstorm commence)

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I dislike game driven mechanics. These sort of classes should be made by the players for fucks sake. Don't you understand that DayZ is special because it puts "PLAYER CHOICE" above everything else?

Easy to make classes:

1. Someone carries all medical supplies

2. Someone carries extra ammo

3. Someone carries extra food

4. Someone carries extra car parts

Not fucking hard damnit.

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I dislike game driven mechanics. These sort of classes should be made by the players for fucks sake. Don't you understand that DayZ is special because it puts "PLAYER CHOICE" above everything else?

Easy to make classes:

1. Someone carries all medical supplies

2. Someone carries extra ammo

3. Someone carries extra food

4. Someone carries extra car parts

Not fucking hard damnit.

When no one in the game has any unique attribute there is no reason to keep anyone alive beyond the people you play with in your small circle of friends or clan. Strangers you randomly see on servers have no unique value and can't be trusted when the stakes are perma death and total gear loss.

Are you going to trust a perfect stranger in this game to do any of the things you listed if they can just shoot you in the back and run off with your loot at will? Probably not, so how can you have community in this game if you don't intrinsically need one another?

As far as the real life argument I see coming up in forum posts ...in real life people who survived would be from all walks of life, doctors lawyers, school teachers, they would all have unique skills and talents none of wich would involve firing sniper rifles and gutting goats for the most part.....If I gave 80% of the Day Z players a live pig and a hunting knife in real life and said when I come back have meat steaks cooked or I'll shoot you in the head instead and steal your beans....well, there would be alot of dead nerds that's for sure....

Realism would lend itself to classes. Because in real life to quote Liam Neeson "I have a particular set of skills"...at least most of us do anyway... This game is not realistic....whens the last time you ate a can of beans without a can opener?

This games design philosophy is emergent gameplay. That changes little in the concept of class as we can still have them by loading out a particular set of gear ourselves so to be frank classes exist they are just personal choise decissions as opposed to ones made by the developer which again is not fully acurate because even in a class based game you get to choose the class you want to be up front.

So the true difference is in a class based game you don't get to say be a sniper then choose to be a soldier you are stuck with your decision. Which again to be fair is more like real life.

Trust me I was in the military if they spend thousands sending you to sniper school your not likely getting the option to change your MOS any time soon...

Although in rel life non military professionals have more control over life decisions the idea that at will you can master how to build a chopper or a car with no prior knoledge is again not reven remotely realistic.

The game makes conciets to further it's seudo reality. Saying classes are less realistic is not even a remotely lucid argument. It may be a design choise of the developer wich is fine but like anything if the people that play the game want something different they are entitled to give their argument to why it would be a usefull addition.

For a more rich journey down the line wether you call it a class or just make it an item in the loadout having more character specific unique items will add alot more to the game then not.

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Keep it civil !

is that video a mod or a mission from one of the arma 2 levels I havn't played the game proper yet....makes me want to have my own trainable dog in day z though....would be so much fun have to feed him and nurture him can train him to kill zombies and defend you if you get knocked out or drag you to safety if you get a broken leg and if you don't feed him he attacks you and rips your throat out in your sleep and eats your remains..by the way they should really make sleep a mechanic in the game.....having to find a safe plae and sleep after a certain time would add alot to the game.....lol ....i can see it now....the joys of pet ownership in the apocalypse....

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When no one in the game has any unique attribute there is no reason to keep anyone alive beyond the people you play with in your small circle of friends or clan.

Your point is well taken. But let's have naturally emerging classes via skills that get better with practice instead of skills buffed at the outset.

As far as the real life argument I see coming up in forum posts ...in real life people who survived would be from all walks of life' date=' doctors lawyers, school teachers, they would all have unique skills and talents none of wich would involve firing sniper rifles and gutting goats for the most part.....


Good point. You've convinced me that classes are realistic.

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oooh dear i'm in two minds with this....

on the one hand it is difinately more realistic to give people limited/more specialized skills.

on the other hand the way this normally works in games does cut into realism. What i mean by this is that i'm almost a doctor sure, i could probibly clean and close a wound better than most of you for sure (military people and qualified doctors/nurses/paramedics aside!). but that wouldn't stop any of you making a go of it if needs be!

Maybe you should fill in a background that will give you "skills" that influence how likely you are to be successful, and the extent of your success, rather than whether or not you attempt.

medical example : say i've filled in that i'm medically trained and john has filled in that he isn't. we both get shot, we both are alone, we both have everything we need (cleaning supplies, tweasers for getting the bullet out, surgical needle/thread, bandages, antibiotics (oral)).

we both go for it.

things could go wrong, you could leave some bullet in, you could nick an artery, you could use too much/too little antibiotics. these could all be % based chances influenced by character background and how much you've done this before ingame. in this example a doctor might well be morelikely to do all this right compared to an "average person". but a paramedic or military medic is more likley to get the bullet out without nicking an artery etc. This could create powerful team dynamics where somone isn't just "the medic".

tasks shouldn't just be multiperson, they should be multiskill and multi task.

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Classes?(lets make this game go random)

no no, sry sir but thats silly.... or just for the thought a medic class, but thats it!

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Certain skill points that increase for doing certain things would be better imo. (think Morrowind)

Bandaging people increases your bandaging skill. (You bandage faster or something, can't level it by bandaging yourself.)

Repairing cars for Mechanic skill, Building fences for Engineering skill, Running long distances alot increases your stamina (can sprint further maybe).

That's just a few off the top of my head. Then you'd make it so only a mechanic with alot of skill has the ability to make helicopter repairs. So if your group finds a helicopter they can't repair they'd have to scour the wilderness looking for a friendly survivor with enough skill that could. Then if the mechanic wanted he could pop them in the back of the head and take it for himself. :D

Yeah it could be fun.

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What about if there was more different types of equipment so it's difficult to have an allround character? I mean if there are more types of medical supplies, more types of tools and so on so you have to choose what kind of gear you pick up. You can't have it all. :)

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I actully wouldnt mind if something like this was tested. It may be complete shit, but it could also be the best thing to happen to dayZ ever :D

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This mod is doomed.

What a champion. Such an insightful comment.


People seem to have the main counter-arguments or criticisms for this idea as saying either a) it's a sandbox, you make your own way/"class" (shouldn't have used that word), or b) limitations on what we do, blahdeblah.

Firstly, no limitation, everyone would still do everything. Different people would just be better at different things, like IRL. I also feel it would add a singular reason to not just shoot on sight. Currently I do everything just as well as anyone, so why the fuck do I need anyone else around, if they are just a threat? In a real apoc situation, I know other people would have skills to me more valuable than beans, so I wouldn't just KoS. I'd love a reason to risk all my shit to meet a stranger other than "just 'cos".

And re: the "sandbox, make your own dreams, man" comments... This idea just extends that functionality. It could be implemented as such that it wouldn't impinge on the beautiful world that is the sandbox.

If we currently spawned with nothing, and rocket said: "hey guys, in the next patch we're adding spawn inventory would you prefer that you spawned with:

a) a bandage and painkillers, and everyone is exactly the same. With the exact same goofy fucking hat.

b) items/clothing specific to who you were before the breakout, possibly with a skill set to match that"

I wonder how many people would say A.

EDIT: Oh and someone asked about staying alive since 1.6.0-ish? I completely avoided as I saw a video of just sheer madness, but I played every other update. Just stuck to the wilderness. Ponds and animals, friend. Since posting this I've started again twice though haha. One time I shot someone at NWAF and just completely forgot about the impending zombie horde :0

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I feel like some classes should exist. Doctor especially because every group would need a doctor most likely and people who are low on blood would want to find a doctor to help them

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This is such a silly idea damnit. Just stop it already. This mod needs scripting in other, more useful places.

Nobody wants to be a warlock or mage nowadays.

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First off, I haven't read through the entire thread, no offence, I just can't be fucked right now. I did however read your OP in it's entirety, well done, it was clear and to the point, and I think that it might just be worth testing this. Only problem is that it's a shit load to implement especially if it doesn't work out. Even so, it could be worth a go.

I think I skim-read somewhere on the first page someone saying this should be put as character backgrounds, I couldn't agree more, but it's just semantics over the title. The thing is, when people read classes they do instantly think WoW and all that other shit, which I guess is fair enough, but the way you have put the idea forward is a much better approach.

Anyway, all in all, I would like to see something like this tested but completely understand if it doesn't. I would like to see less death matching but in no way do I ever want to see it completely be removed, that would suck and kill the best part of this game, the tension. I think the only way to promote less of a KoS attitude is give players a good enough reason not too.

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I like the idea of your character spawning with items related to his previous job, have a small chance of spawning with items eg.

A fireman spawns with a hatchet and a fireman suit

Police Officer spawns with a makarov and police suit

Hobo spawns with empty vodka bottles

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Anyone play the game Project Zomboid? I kinda liked their system. It didn't affect what you spawned with, only certain details of your abilities.

Policeman was better with guns, construction worker was better at building barricades, night watchman could see better at night and didn't get as groggy in the early morning, etc. etc. There was a skill system that you improved, etc. etc. but still.

I personally agree. It's strange that you can do all of these things. And I don't think it would ruin my game if I suddenly found myself unable to repair a helicopter because I'm a carpenter or a paramedic.

Honestly, I think items is a bit too straightforward and simplistic. After all, what's the difference between a doctor and a hobo if the doctor's only "skill" is having a bottle of Tylenol in his pocket?

I think minor skill preferences would be better, like doubled gutting and chopping speeds for a woodsman, or a small chance of reviving a car with no parts as a mechanic.

Maybe some more creative stuff, like "tour guide", who has a better idea of where he is at most times, where he can look at a building and say "I know this place, this is down the street from the plaza and the hospital", represented in-game by a hazy, ethereal "mental map" in the M slot if one doesn't actually have one, and also a marker that appears sometimes on the map if your character sees something he recognizes, like the Chernogorsk fire station or whatever.

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The "Classes" mentioned' date=' sound exactly like Perks to me. Like Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Skyrim. Actual classes would make this a different type of game, one step closer to Battlefield. :(

To be good or best at something in this mod, you actually have to learn to be good at it yourself. Meaning, for you to get better at say shooting; requires you in real life to sit in your computer chair and practice in Dayz or in armory or whatever.

I like that about this game.



Maybe some more creative stuff' date=' like "tour guide", who has a better idea of where he is at most times, where he can look at a building and say "I know this place, this is down the street from the plaza and the hospital", represented in-game by a hazy, ethereal "mental map" in the M slot if one doesn't actually have one, and also a marker that appears sometimes on the map if your character sees something he recognizes, like the Chernogorsk fire station or whatever.


Doesn't this already happen for you in your head?

Why do we have to simulate this?

Interesting idea though - I'd pick this one every time.

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I think it would destroy the balance of the game. To be a survivor in an apocalyptic world you also need to be a jack of all trades, specialisation won't help you survive imho.

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