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Dayz vs Standalone Questions

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I'm still thinking about this, and admit I have no answer to what the SA should "be."

I'm pretty ignorant about the SA, except from what Rocket has shown and said in demos.

I've tried to stand back and see Dayz for what it "is." Not what anybody thinks it should "be."

Here's my view of the Dayz mod.

It's a multi-player KOS PvP game. Sure, there's "lone wolves." And those who want to "talk" to other players.

Zeds have been made more and less dangerous. None of that changed much of anything.

The history of how it evolved with the player base doesn't matter.

It's a multi-player KOS PvP game. That's the bottom line. You like that or don't like that.

Do you want the SA to be a multi-player KOS PvP game?

What will prevent the SA from being a multi-player KOS PvP game?

I have my own ideas, but I'll hold them - don't have my fire suit handy right now.

Pretty sure you guys have plenty of answers, and I'm interested about what you think.

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All there is to say here is the SA will be what WE make it. It is a sandbox game, right?

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i see coming some features to limit some kind of killing on sight..i'm not too much afraid..the only thing preventing me to kill is hero skin..on SA with skins gone i'll be free to decide upon the single situation

Edited by Bludy

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I don't agree that it is a KoS PvP game.


Sure a lot of players do play that way but i don't and i know many players who don't either.  It really does depend on the servers you frequent.


For me i would like the SA to be such that firing a weapon has to be a thought out process of "Is it really worth it?".  I know a lot disagree but i'd rather ammo to be so scarce that every shot has to count.  Finding an M4 and then mag after mag of ammo dulls the excitement of finding a decent weapon.


My 2 cents anyway.

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I don't agree that it is a KoS PvP game.

I didn't think so at first, but once I played enough, the only thing of interest was PvP.

Only KOS bandits, but that doesn't stop others KOSing me.

I'll agree you don't have to play PvP or KOS. But that's how it usually works out.

I'm thinking the SA will go the same way, but have more non-PvP activities/exploring to delay that.

Thing is, many of the DayZ base players will go into SA with a PvP/KOS mentality.

First thing they'll do is go hunting other players.

The others who don't think that will happen will be raging/quitting.

That's what happened with DayZ. Early.

So I was wondering what actual game "mechanic" might be used to prevent that.

Maybe none, but I think Rocket is working on that "balance."

Your ammo idea is one idea, but it would make sense for a KOSer to spend a round on a head shot to maybe pick up 5 rounds from your corpse. Or to backstab you with his axe.

PvP/KOS players only play to kill other players. Chasing down somebody with an axe works for them.

I'm not anti-PvP or anti-KOS, but many just won't play the game if that's the main purpose of the game.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think PvP/KOS made DayZ, but also limited its appeal.

Personally, I would have no problem with "safe zones." Even having "friendly fire" turned off every other hour.

That could be interesting. Offers many tactical possibilities for PvP'ers and respite for those who want to avoid PvP.

I'll never buy any "breaks immersion" argument. I'm always immersed in a game, otherwise I don't play it.

Still know I'm playing a game and manage to know what the time is.

Looks to me like the SA has very little to do with DayZ anyway, except both have zeds and a PvP element.

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I think the ones who have had their time in the game PvPing are the ones who are more likely to leave one alone. And in the SA they're adding restraining survivors, add a little challenge, so that should take away from KOS a lot... The thought of tying someone up if possible or knocking them unconcious then breaking their legs etc sounds like MUCH more fun to me...

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Hello there


Are we talking Vanilla Mod or those "extra gear" mods.


The more gear the more PvP IMHO.


Regardless, the SA hopefully should give you better "reasons" not to KOS rather than forcing you down a route where one cant.


Its a tricky balancing act though. They have to prevent the lowest common denominator.





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Hello there 

Are we talking Vanilla Mod or those "extra gear" mods.

The more gear the more PvP IMHO.

Regardless, the SA hopefully should give you better "reasons" not to KOS rather than forcing you down a route where one cant.

Its a tricky balancing act though. They have to prevent the lowest common denominator.

I've only played public vanilla, aside from my own vanilla server.

When they are populated my experience is it's mostly PvP/KOS. There are occasions where true "friendlies" are encountered.

I'll take your word about non-vanilla, but vanilla has plenty of weapons to go killing with.

You say "reasons." I call it game "rules" or "mechanics."

All games have them, and DayZ is no exception.

If the game works, the "reasons" are accepted by the players. In DayZ I can't jump 10 feet off a roof without serious damage.

In BL2 you can jump 300 feet off a cliff with no harm done. Both are unrealistic, but it doesn't matter - because the games work.

Some people don't like either game.  :)


"Safe" areas where friendly fire is turned off is a pretty common game mechanic.  Fairly common IRL too.

Nobody would be forced to go there.  It's realistic.

If weapons were rendered useless every other hour, it wouldn't be realistic, but nobody is forced to play any hour.

This is all assuming that SA can keep players busy surviving, crafting and exploring. 

But killers are still gonna kill.

I'm just batting around ideas that "might" keep the most people happy - and sell more games.


What do you think is the lowest common denominator?

I've concluded it's just PvP.  The purpose of PvP is to kill the other player.  KOS flows naturally from that.

So if the SA is meant to attract both PvP and non-PvP players, it needs to satisfy both types of players.


The 2 ideas I mentioned could meet that mark, or maybe not.  Just flapping my lips.

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