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Did anyone buy Arma 2 solely for this mod?

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I saw it on a game site. Then checked out a vidi or two, the dayz forums then bought it. Yes and it was just for this mod. So far it is one of the best 30 bucks I have spent on gaming.

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I brought the game (Combined Operations) for Project Reality Mod in fact. Nowadays nobody plays it but well, the mod was not of my like (I'm a fan of Battlefield Project Reality).

I had Arma totally abandoned. I didnt remember last time i played the game. But when I discovered DayZ, oh boy.... i can't stop f*** playing it!! Awesome mod!!

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I bought Arma2 on release day because I remembered the original Operation Flashpoint being one of the finest PC gaming experiences of my life. I spent a fair bit of time playing the campaign after release but frequent mission-killing bugs turned me off of it.

It sat unloved and ignored in my Steam library for years.

When people started taking about DayZ it was a no brainer to drop another 20 bucks on OA.

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I did yes. But I now play Arma II more than I play DayZ, so I am more than happy with my purchase.

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I did buy this game solely because of the mod. Watched loads of videos before i bought it, but not because i didn't want to buy it straight away, but because i loved the vids :D

This mod is totally worth the money, unlike most games that comes out nowadays. most games are just repeatative and bores me really fast.

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All for DayZ! But i will try Arma2 also.

- I bought "Arma2 CO" via steam ... english LANG.

- and i bought from Amazon "Arma2 X Aniv. Ed." german LANG.

Happy, happy, happy !!! :)

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I got two copies with the pretty dlc. Steam is nice, now both of my accounts have a copy and I only got it to play this mod :)

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I did, but I'll probably play the SP of Arma at some point anyway, been tempted to try Arma for a while.

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Guys in my clan told me about the game.. watched one youtube vid and was sold.

Beste game buy ever.

Its hard.. unforgiving.. Frustrating.. Fun.. Exciting.. Nervwreking. Idiotic(in a god way). Unbalanced(so is life). And totaly adictive... All in one package.. big games studios.. LEARN from THIS!!!!

I have never played a game that gives you so many Emotions. Highs and low's ever...


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I bought Arma II and OA just for this, however I've had my fair share of trouble getting the download to work off Amazon, as have most others. Lots of issues with corrupt files, AFTER the download completes- forcing you to redo the entire thing. (8GB/game).

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I had ArmA II already, but never did much with it (got chased off by the horrendously poor scripting of the SP campaign). The first RPS article about DayZ caught my interest and CHKilroy's shacktac vids convinced me to get OA. Even bought a headset with proper mic just for this.

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Bought game only for this mod as well and many of my friends are thinking of doing the same. Wish I could pay DayZ team instead of BI.

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Yes, but I have been delving into the single player of arma for a bit because I haven't had reliable access to the internet for a bit ;_;

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Just thought I would see whether there was any relation between whether someone who already had ARMA2 & OA and their play style; compared to someone who bought ARMA2 & OA for the MOD.

Unfortunately I can start a poll.

so... I already had Arma2 & OA & I play as Survivor.

I hypothesis that the majority of ARMA2 players play as above due to the need in the original game to co-operate to mission.

Discus :)

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There is already another thread on this (unless someone deleted it).

But yes, I bought ARMA2 just for DayZ, and I must say that the purchase was worth it. Don't worry; I am not terribadding up your normal games. I'm just here for the DayZ.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I am also a survivor, though I won't hesitate to shoot someone if I think he might kill me.

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Bought it specifically for this mod, the game itself I never had any real interest in as I am not a simulator buff, I'm just a zombie/survival horror aficionado.

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Really? Buying a game just for a mod? Arma II is the dogs bollocks to begin with and you should be ashamed you didnt buy it when it came out, losers!

..But it is a great mod granted!

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The SEARCH function.

Use it.

I did & there isn't one; & it is to see if people who have bought the game for the DayZ MOD are more likely to be more pvp orientated than people who have have the game originally.

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