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About PieceOfDust

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  1. I have a theory: I believe that the abundence of military gear happens because there are static military gear spawns scattered throughout the map. With too many places to get it, and with most people rolling around in their own fecal matter along the coast, this means that anyone who actually wants it can get it with little risk. The mod didn't have this problem because there were only three high-value military areas: NWAF, Balota, and NEAF (which wasn't very good). The good stuff like M4s and AKs had a low enough spawn chance that they wouldn't be in deer stands and fire stations very often. Another issue is that the military gear is significantly better in Standalone. The mod (at least when I played) didn't have plate carriers and ballistic helmets; add this to the fact that bullet wounds seem to be far more lethal and you have a pretty damn good incentive for players to hit up military bases, which, as we know, is easy to do.
  2. PieceOfDust

    Where are the hotspots these days?

    So it seems... I just went to Cherno and got shot through a wall... but at least there were other people around.
  3. PieceOfDust

    Best Sniper Gear?

    I'm currently running around with a SKS + PU and an AK-74 + whatever the 2.8x fixed scope is. I haven't been able to find anyone to shoot at, though, even on 50-person servers... I'm also wearing a green Gorka + ttsko autmn pants, black wellies, and the Russian ballistic helmet. I have a blue Press vest on as well, though I might swap it out for something else if there's another protective vest that isn't blue. EDIT: Never mind, someone glitched into one of the docks at Cherno and shot me through it. Back to the green shirt and pants...
  4. PieceOfDust

    Where are the hotspots these days?

    Let me guess, private hive servers?
  5. PieceOfDust

    Shotguns are a Joke.

    That's desync, my friend. Happened all the time *shaky old man voice* back in my day. I once encountered desync so bad that someone I was unloading my AKM into was able to run up to me, take my DMR out of my backpack, and kill me with it before he finally collapsed.
  6. PieceOfDust

    Flow of DayZ and spawning in

    bfisher has an excellent point. Now that you can find just about everything on the coast, there's no reason for most people to go anywhere else. The extra loot points and new towns were a great idea, but they might have been slightly overdone. It still wouldn't be a problem though if everyone spawned all over the map, as others have said. That could make travelling very interesting... I wonder where people would migrate to and how many newer players - who have never been off of the coastline - would get lost and wander around aimlessly?
  7. I played a ton of the mod and haven't played much since standalone first came out, but I decided to give it another go. I spent a significant amount of time in the western half of Chernarus, and I never saw another person, even on servers with 30+ people online. There was nobody at Belota Airfield, Zelenogorsk, the radio tower, Stary Sobor, or even NWAF! Where does everybody go in standalone?
  8. PieceOfDust

    Ban Appeal US 3480

    Bullshit. Reading your post history is amusing, too. Seems you get banned a lot... perhaps you wouldn't need to lie and cry if you started playing legit.
  9. PieceOfDust

    Suddenly taking 10+ minutes to load

    OK. I decided to not update the BIOS since that a) isn't a potential cause of my problem, and B) is potentially risky. I still haven't been able to figure out what's causing it.
  10. PieceOfDust

    Suddenly taking 10+ minutes to load

    I defragged my HDD two days ago. I'll update my BIOS and see if that helps.
  11. PROBLEM SOLVED - IT FIXED ITSELF *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: Steam *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: Yes, 102591 *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: DayZ Commander *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: As of this morning (March 29th), the game now takes at least 10 minutes to load in from the server lobby. After loading in, almost none of the textures are loaded, and it takes another 3 minutes to load the textures and models. During this time, my framerate is shit. After all loading is complete, the game runs well. YES, I HAVE UPDATED MY GRAPHICS DRIVER The only thing that was changed between the last normal run and the first time this problem started happening was an OS update. *Your PC specs: CPU: AMD Phenom II 955 GPU: Nvidia GeForce 560ti RAM: 8GB DDR2 HDD: Western Digital 500GB Caviar Black Mobo: Gigabyte GA-990XA-UD3 *Your Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium x64
  12. PieceOfDust

    Skin perks

    I'd like to second the "bandit skin hides your backpack." I strongly prefer having the bandit skin to having the survivor skin for that reason. I also never pick up camo skin for that reason. The "shoot on sight" bit really isn't that bad. You get shot a lot as a survivor anyway, and killing people for gear is worth it.
  13. PieceOfDust

    Motor Vehicle Theft

    OK, I'm back from the field. I didn't find anything at the factories, but my friend and I found several vehicles near the north dam, which we lost in different manners. Later, we raided a camp we found on our server, but a hacker came and we left for the night. When I got back on this morning, there was a GAZ there, so I took it. I ran across a running tractor on the road while looking for parts, from which I took an M107. I parked my GAZ in a not-the-best-ever place because I just can't stand extended off-road trips with it. We'll see if it's there tomorrow.
  14. PieceOfDust

    Motor Vehicle Theft

    Awesome, thanks.
  15. PieceOfDust

    whats your humanity

    I was at -100k but I've started to fall behind on my banditry and now I'm sitting at -70k. Next time I die I'll hit up my tent and start sniping people.