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I've only played, and watching videos from previous patches made me realize just how easy the zeds were. I even tried Lingor, where the zeds are in pre-patch state, apparently, and my goodness it sucked. Not scary.

Have you guys watched "28 days later"? 1 bite, 1 drop of blood getting in your mouth infects you for good. I know that survivors are immune to the *rage virus*, but can't you get it? It's not the dumb undead we're fighting, after all, the game is meant to be hard. Don't risk it if you know you can't handle the consequences, and stick to "not one bite" rule all the time, because one bite can and will screw you.

Edited by S.Maelstrom
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I am always living in the woods... - so I don t get infected :D


only, if I see guys running into my terrain - I will kill them :D

Edited by TiMEDANCE
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If you run past, the Z's will take 2 steps and hit, they do not have 10 foot arms, although I understand where the confusion comes from, I asked the same question when the function was implemented.

lol ive been hit even though no animation was shown so ran by zombie ten foot away im bleeding. thats where the ten foot arms come from and it is true.


where is the murders and zombie montior ? i like seeing who i killed.

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where is the murders and zombie montior ? i like seeing who i killed.

This is part of the Journal which can be bound to special key bind N° 20, keyboard set up.


Click on page to turn, outside of jounal to close or escape key.

It will not show who you killed but the sum.

Crafting has it's own tab which needs to be closed with the escape key.

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cheers sorted the journal


one thing i noticed is how the zombies seem slightly quicker but they are hitting you before you start climbing on a ladder even though you have a resonable gap. the ladder animation needs speeding up. it causes you to get hit just because its so slow .

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lets hope it will be released soon...? 14.09. ? :rolleyes:

Edited by TiMEDANCE

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Melee is easy, however the answer isn't infection, all that happens is you risk the chance of getting infected and then you might as well suicide off a building. It's a boring mechanic that has ruined so many gameplay sessions with friends, maybe that's why they've let you spawn where you want now but that just causes new problems. 


Just get rid of infection, it's a crap mechanic or at least make antibiotics less rare as in real life they're so common.


Actually, I'm finding that infection really adds to the game. I've been infected for the past three days and we've been roving around the map checking the hospitals for antibiotics and blood bags, and hunting animals to keep my blood levels up. It's been quite challenging at times and it's given us an objective other than find lootZ.


Of course, if you take the easy way out and just kill yourself and go back for your gear then it will seem boring.

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So every time a zed hits me i will get an infection?


Nope. There's a chance 1% of every hit causing sepsis.

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How does one cure sepsis?


Also, will 'infection' in it's current state exist in 1.8?

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Nope. There's a chance 1% of every hit causing sepsis.



I get infected alot for that 1%


And to answer MZtLY, to cure sepsis you need sterile wipes.

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Nope. There's a chance 1% of every hit causing sepsis.

been infected 3 times in 3 hits !


as anti and blood is not common its a pain in the arse. also as i pmd you the ladder animation is now to slow for zombies they hitting you from 50 foot behind when you grab it.

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How does one cure sepsis?


Also, will 'infection' in it's current state exist in 1.8?

Plants can also cure Sepsis.

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been infected 3 times in 3 hits !


as anti and blood is not common its a pain in the arse. also as i pmd you the ladder animation is now to slow for zombies they hitting you from 50 foot behind when you grab it.

Your just plan unlucky or your not telling us everything.

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And to answer MZtLY, to cure sepsis you need sterile wipes.


Plants can also cure Sepsis.


Ah, okay. That makes sense. :)


What about 'infection' through water, raw meat, blood transfusions and temperature? Is that still a feature?

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Infection is no different. Sepsis during a hit is the only difference.

During testing Sepsis is just a plan 1% chance. Once final is out the zeds must make you bleed 10% chance and then the 1% chance for sepsis comes into play during an attack.

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Adapt and overcome. I <3 1.8. Great work R4Z0R49 and mod team!

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1.8 is not out no.


it has simply been given to 2 communities.


www.bmrf.me and www.tmwdayz.com

Edited by TMW Se7eN, Yesterday, 01:59 AM

Top lel.

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Infection is no different. Sepsis during a hit is the only difference.

During testing Sepsis is just a plan 1% chance. Once final is out the zeds must make you bleed 10% chance and then the 1% chance for sepsis comes into play during an attack.

because of how the zombies react and swarm you you get infected more. it may not of increase in percent or ratio but you get infected more because of how the react or act now.


if this is the case you need the blood and antibiotics which generally dont spawn as quick or even at all. ive played for hrs now and its not random 5 minutes noticing this.


increase blood spawn and antibiotics speed up ladder animations when getting on. overall pretty fun .

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Edited by TMW Se7eN, Yesterday, 01:59 AM

Top lel.

dont get what you mean?

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because of how the zombies react and swarm you you get infected more. it may not of increase in percent or ratio but you get infected more because of how the react or act now.


if this is the case you need the blood and antibiotics which generally dont spawn as quick or even at all. ive played for hrs now and its not random 5 minutes noticing this.


increase blood spawn and antibiotics speed up ladder animations when getting on. overall pretty fun .


If your going to have them swarm you there inst alot we can do You attracted them its up to you to deal with. Its a clear 1% chance on every hit nothing else comes into play at all during the test run.

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If your going to have them swarm you there inst alot we can do You attracted them its up to you to deal with. Its a clear 1% chance on every hit nothing else comes into play at all during the test run.

When will the 1.8 update be released?

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I'm not a fan of the zed hit/infection mechanic - I've explained why many times and I will probably never be a fan... but, I have to say it's a much, much better system now than previously.  While antibiotics may be rare and the herbs needed to create a sepsis bandage are currently... I don't know... mythical... ;), antiseptic wipes seem to be more common and these will prevent infection.  And, while in previous builds it seemed like you would definitely get infected if a viral zed hit you, now it seems more balanced (as of the B test release).


So, the infection system is a huge improvement over what it was.  The zeds are the best they've been in some time... though, on the public server I've been playing on, the lag makes them act a bit funky at times.  Stealth is back as an aspect of the game... if you don't want to get hit, be stealthy.  And that definitely gets harder the larger the group, but that makes for an exciting game.  Zeds are definitely a part of the game now.  PvP is possible, but dangerous.  The zed detection system has improved dramatically (especially sound detection - thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!). I can't wait to play at night to see how it works there.


The crafting system is a huge deal - though, it's only basic at the moment.  It's simply untrue that items for crafting are rare.  Some are... and maybe could use some adjusting (string... rare?).


The hatchet only seems OP if you are really good with it - and, from what I'm hearing in-game, many aren't.


Overall, I think this is the best update the mod has seen since I've been playing the game (which has been over a year now).

Edited by entspeak
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If your going to have them swarm you there inst alot we can do You attracted them its up to you to deal with. Its a clear 1% chance on every hit nothing else comes into play at all during the test run.


what if they already there ? on busy servers for eg alot of areas will be constantly swarmed.


on the test server for eg i shot one zombie in head within two minutes 150 zombies ! i like the numbers but if it isnt spawning the gear to heal myself whats the point ? ive been in hospital every time for eg one box no blood. on busy servers guess what soon as you get infected you might awell just die. spawn again in electro healthy ! no real thought on that has been made.


you dont go from 10 zombies to one hundred you just broke your own rules . you lept to far . increae yes but obviously if you going to make the zombies more dangerous which xombies sohuld be dangerous atleast give us items in hospitals. quite liking the mod how it is but as said zombies are infecting you so easy and you do get hit even without arm movements say running by them which is wrong. arms width or no dice !


also where have all the bags gone ? finding a bag is like finding a rockinghorse shit but finding a auto matic rifle or machine gun is easier ! makes no sense. balance basics please !.


weapon swopping 1 2 3 man why this wasnt done straight away i never know but so glad its in now but.... still bit slow and clunky so smoother transition from swop to gun to axe to pistol please.


great work keep at it ! ;)

Edited by dgeesio

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