CV514 5 Posted June 21, 2012 Plenty of garbage in general stores I found out! What is it, a junkyard :? There is so much epmty whiskey bottles that it MUST be dead drunk body nearby!DB Shotgun ammo is everywhere. In toilets, in residential houses, in barns, in zs' pockets, in players pockets, in bandits pockets, and after that even in my own pockets. Now why the hell this DB Shotgun cannot be loaded from 8 rounds pack if it same ammo type anyway? Crossbow has been met 9 times in 1 city and 3 villages. Gun itself now more common, than PM, and there is more crossbows than steel bolts for them.Funny as hell, but now we can turn 6 rounds .45 ACP from revolver to 7 round-mag .45 ACP for M1911, THAT'S AWESOME MAGIC :D! Revolver is useless now since M1911 is same power and more bagpack place/ammo friendly, also fire speed.Zombies spawn rate seems too fast, they literally POPUP in front of players eyes. I think it related to dead zs despawns or manual "hide body" option, ignoring spawn timer. But it works, and I have good time playing.New beta patch terrible wasted FPS at "8" AA, dunno why. Not DayZ issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sivart 85 Posted June 21, 2012 Please Rocket' date=' in future, refer to Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead to stop the infected v zombie arguement. Its the only film which presents fast zombies which are essentially the same as the infected in 28 days apart from their method in inception.[/size']that is so incorrect. there are many things wrong with that tired of this. get your facts straight.i guess im just wrong and what you say goes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andreamit 2 Posted June 21, 2012 I'd say. Start hunting animals... how hard can it be?sure. you only need a weapon, a hunting knife, a hatchet, matches and gotta find animals! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
i wub pugs 16 Posted June 21, 2012 Go inland around the fields, I always find at least a cow and a goat west of Zel.Are the two cows up by the NE AF still invincible? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hulkingunicorn 20 Posted June 21, 2012 Zombie alertness seems to be pretty fine, I crawled and crouch walked around a few villages avoiding aggro unless I screwed up.A few issues/concerns:* A few minutes before logging off I ate a can of Frank & Beans. About half an hour later I connected to a different server and the can was missing but I was hungry again.* On the same server I experienced severe performance issues. I normally have 40-50 FPS, but shortly after joining I got 20-30; I had not aggroed any zeds as far as I know and the previous server had more zeds and about the same number of players.* When I started playing on that last server I saw a group chat "Where are you?" and me replying with coordinates; shortly after I was removed from that group - is this normal when logging in with an existing character?* Two zombies in a barn seemed stuck. I was shooting some others with a shotgun but they were content to stand next to some crates while I killed their friends. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jealle 0 Posted June 21, 2012 would be good to make molovtov's using the wisky botels, and matches Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lattice 0 Posted June 21, 2012 Absolutely thrilled with this version - best since 1.7 orig. zombie detection is amazing, and mechanics (LOS, audibility, visibility) are perfect. you only have yourself to blame now for fucking that up.only complaints are as follows:- still have some lingering FPS issues, someone earlier mentioned great FPS in nature, but horrible in cities. i'm experiencing this as well.- broken legs are far too common even in buggy situations, esp given rarity of morphine and lack of starting gear... decreased rate of broken bones and/or morphine in starting kit would be great.- one-hit incapacitations at high blood count are pretty insane... any way to make sure this doesn't occur?otherwise, amazing job - thanks so much rocket. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jish (DayZ) 0 Posted June 21, 2012 I found a cow' date=' and it did move around a little bit. When I shot it, it vanished before the animation of it dying finished. No chance to loot meat.[/quote']When I was hunting earlier, I shot a goat from ~200m away. (Can also confirm that animals are roaming around now) It looked like it 'melted' into the terrain during its death animation, but it WAS still there when I ran over to check it, after maybe a minute and a half. I think it's an issue with LOD models, maybe the terrain simplifying and clipping over the animal at a range. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
razghul 2 Posted June 21, 2012 is the best and most enjoyable build so far, awesome ! Thanks :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
huma 3 Posted June 21, 2012 still the problem with low fps in cities (obviously this error is cause for zombies) all patches increase performance and i still have 15fps in cities xDD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jish (DayZ) 0 Posted June 21, 2012 how about when they hear you trough an object they only go investigate the area? not sprint towards you and chase.Thoughts on this? I can easily do this.HOWEVER. There may be a small performance impact from it.EDIT: Actually' date=' it would keep spamming your position. Would have a major performance impact. I could probably write something on this later. But for now, might not be possible.[/quote']Rocket, what if you only had the zeds investigate the FIRST noise they hear, this way the player isn't constantly updating their investigation, After a sound puts a zed into investigation mode, they ignore all other sounds that the player makes, until they have finished investigating. This way they are investigating one position, instead of a stream of positions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted June 21, 2012 I seen some other people mention things like this happening, so I figure I'd add my experience with it recently...I was at the NW airfield, prone still OUTSIDE the fences, and one of the hexazombie (6 zombies spawned inside each other) in the barracks somehow heard...Unfortunately I just told myself someone else was in there and hopefully dealing with it, but then they came out and knocked me out in one swing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sylvioux 0 Posted June 21, 2012 still the problem with low fps in cities (obviously this error is cause for zombies) all patches increase performance and i still have 15fps in cities xDDI think that's a sign to get a better comp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
addiction 0 Posted June 21, 2012 Just played for a few hours and had this happen on multiple occasions. I was be a few buildings and then a downed helicopter and it was all the same....i kill the 5-15 zombies in the area and when i shoot and kill the last one a fresh batch of 5-15 zombies just respawn immediatly. i saw 2 down helicopters very close and couldnt make it to the vehicle because zombies just kept respawning as i pick them off. Alpha :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phienyx 14 Posted June 21, 2012 Just played for a few hours and had this happen on multiple occasions. I was be a few buildings and then a downed helicopter and it was all the same....i kill the 5-15 zombies in the area and when i shoot and kill the last one a fresh batch of 5-15 zombies just respawn immediatly. i saw 2 down helicopters very close and couldnt make it to the vehicle because zombies just kept respawning as i pick them off. Alpha :(I agree. This does need to be resolved. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heretic (DayZ) 76 Posted June 21, 2012 I've only played the hotfixed version with an existing character for a couple of hours or so this evening and my observations are;1) Zombie behaviour on the whole is better now. They seemed to react to my shots fired within a barn fairly quickly, but were unable to immediately determine where I was (no LoS I guess). So they hung around the doorway for a few moments until I purposefully aggroed them to claim a few more headshots.2) The zeds are still coming through the walls.3) A single hit from a zed about 10-12 feet away broke a bone, but only took a few hundred blood. Which seems overpowered to me. Not having morphine in my pack at the moment means a lot of crawling (nearly a km so far) in search of an enterable building, with a very low chance of finding what I need when I get there.Then I got disconnected...Will try and crawl on a bit later and see what happens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StadyHaZe 0 Posted June 21, 2012 character disapeared in elektro 2h after logout -.-" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ibob991 1 Posted June 21, 2012, why u no release hotfix? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunnz 24 Posted June 21, 2012 I was in the large barn( the long one that has those horse/cow rails inside) and i got spotted form a zeds that not only just randomly spawned but spotted me from outside and there were TWO walls between me and it.Thankfully this only happened once but one thing that keeps on happening AND IMO IS MUCH more important than any anything else and should be fixed/sorted immediately is the zombies spawning right in front of you when you just killed 1 other zombie or just they just randomly spawn( zombies spawn in a town when your near, that's ok but having some spawn like 5 feet away from you in the middle of the town once you entered is too messed up)I understand its an alpha and i understand this new type of zombies has caused some problems but i do hope you focus more on this issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joebob 117 Posted June 21, 2012 u mad bro?Well of course he's mad. We've had nearly daily hot fixes for a week now and Rocket has diligently posted chapter and verse on each of them. Now he's not ... it's a clear case of outright negligence on the part of Rocket ... he should be shot at dawn ... and then again at sunset. :rolleyes:Joe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ironpants 2 Posted June 21, 2012 One big problem is that zeds are still attacking through walls (probably exacerbated by the increased attack range), which is very silly. I wonder, can players melee attack through walls? In any case solid objects should prevent this so that buildings provide a modicum of safety. Zeds also seem to aggro through walls and other solid objects. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heretic (DayZ) 76 Posted June 21, 2012 One further observation. I've just reconnected to a server and found that the half full/empty magazine for my AK74 has vanished from my inventory. Minor annoyance but not one I've had to experience prior to version I still have my trusty M1911...Now I just have to find some morphine for my broken leg before either a hungry zed or a covetous bandit find me... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
l mandrake 61 Posted June 21, 2012 One further observation. I've just reconnected to a server and found that the half full/empty magazine for my AK74 has vanished from my inventory. Minor annoyance but not one I've had to experience prior to version I still have my trusty M1911...Now I just have to find some morphine for my broken leg before either a hungry zed or a covetous bandit find me...Yeah my Makarov disappeared after reconnect, and it's mags was in inventory (not backpack). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MILLANDSON 3 Posted June 21, 2012 One further observation. I've just reconnected to a server and found that the half full/empty magazine for my AK74 has vanished from my inventory. Minor annoyance but not one I've had to experience prior to version's been in since about 1.5 or so - I believe it was added as a stop-gap feature, as the game otherwise just refilled partially depleted magazines when you logged off and then back on again. You need to combine magazines to fill them up to make sure they don't disappear when you log out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites