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Bases in DayZ: Construction vs Fortification


21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which direction should the Standalone take in regards to base building?

    • Construction
    • Fortification
    • Neither Construction nor Fortification

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Bases in DayZ: Construction vs Fortification


it's been talked to death before, but I think it's time to resurrect this idea of base building in a new light. The purpose of this thread is to get a general consensus of what the public thinks about base building in DayZ Standalone as well as to provide a framework for possible solutions.


There are different degrees of base building that could be in the Standalone. Our focus is to choose a balanced medium that will not only satisfy the general audience, but also flow with the central concepts of DayZ. If done correctly, this new mechanic could give players a new way to experience the dark and mysterious world of Chernarus.




Generally speaking, there are two main paths that base building could take in the Standalone. The first is "Construction". This includes building houses, sheds, and the like by using tools and materials. Defenses could also be built as well such as walls and fences. While this would provide deep levels of creativity and creation, there are problems incorporating it into DayZ.


One of the main disadvantages of this system is that a building could "bug out" in the game world if it is constructed on the wrong terrain or location. There is also the problem that the buildings could be spammed by players and make the landscape look unrealistic and unsightly. Even constructing a house itself during a zombie apocalypse could be seen as "unrealistic" and wouldn't make much sense from a practical standpoint. But most importantly, the largest complication with this system is that it would go against the multi-server architecture of DayZ. Players could clip into buildings when they log into a new server and most likely die as a result. The streamlined essence of the DayZ servers would also be lost as a result of this new permanence from custom-build houses. As it stands, "Construction" does not seem to be the way to go for the Standalone.


The second path available is "Fortification". Basically, this means adding defenses into the in-game world. This does NOT include constructing new houses or buildings. Rather, it is about temporal means of protection in an ever-changing wasteland. Barbed-wire fences, different sized tents, and boarded-up windows would be a few examples of temporal defenses that focus on a more nomadic lifestyle.


This direction does not suffer from the problems that "Construction" has. Since options would be far more limited, fortifications could be built on almost any terrain or location. They would not look unsightly either because they would simply only add to the pre-existing architecture rather than taking away from it. Fortifying a pre-built house could also be seen as more "realistic" as the time and knowledge it would take to actually construct a house in reality would be very long and unreasonable (not to mention exceptionally dangerous in the context of a zombie apocalypse). Fortifications would not go against DayZ's multi-server architecture either because they are meant as temporary defenses. Clipping would also be a very minor problem since large and thick structures could not be built in the game world. In my opinion, "Fortification" is the way of the future for the Standalone.


tl;dr - Construction = bad. Fortification = good.


What do you think? Would you rather build your own house and rearrange the furniture or fortify a building and keep the zombies at bay?




Thanks for reading. Post any comments, suggestions, or ideas that you may have. But most importantly, have a wonderful day!

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If both were equally possible i would much rather fortification.


I just don't think you would have the time or resources to construct anything in an apocalypse scenario apart from maybe a hole in the ground, but there would be a great incentive to fortify a house for example.   Even a few planks of wood across a door or window.


Ive read (seen?) somewhere that the devs plan on having the zombies beat down doors, so for me this insinuates we can barricade those doors with something.

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Fortification is badass. I would like doing that in DayZ. Fuck it, i'll just fortify Cherno.

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I would like a good amount of choice between fortification and concealment.

But I feel you should be able to... Construct these things?

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I would MUCH rather fortification. With all buildings enter-able, you can fortify yourself in one of those houses in the middle of the woods. I can also see Hero's fortifying themselves inside an abandoned factory building in Cherno, helping out passers by.

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One place I would want to fortify an old gold mine.

The ones that are just cramped unstable tunnels, no wait... That would be terrible D:

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I'd prefer fortification, mostly because out and out construction would only lag the servers, there will be bases, and attempts at bases EVERYWHERE clustering up the server and just making lag.  And honestly, anything you could build with limited resources would not be of high quality or durability (you'd probably just be better off having an improved camp out in the woods).  As mentioned above I don't think either is (currently) possible with the engine as it is, but of the two I would prefer to fortify a building (with restrictions: Fortified buildings won't spawn loot, not every building can be fortified ((Hospitals for example)) your building can be broken into and taken over ((or just 'destroyed')), ect.)

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Since Barricading has been confirmed and cleaning entire areas of the map (killing all zeds in a specific zone) wil be possible, underground bases have  become obsolete for me.. Every building or structure can become a base now in a very realistic way. Better add some new features like barricading doors and windows or  some nice traps and use underground instances instead as dungeons to explore.


-1 for shittyoriginhobbithouseswithchildishgardenfencesandletterboxes :facepalm:    



+1 for barricading and fortifying existent/predefined places and structures   :beans:

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yeah, fortification would probably be the better choice, but i still want to be able to build a shed or a secret hide-out.

make it very difficult to build if needed.

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I would like a towing caravan, or as our brother Americans would say "huge mofo RV"

My base would be mobile, and the risk of losing it would be great

I also would like the new forests to allow lean to's and ditches so make shift shelters (providing the new forests are more built up)

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yeah, fortification would probably be the better choice, but i still want to be able to build a shed or a secret hide-out.

make it very difficult to build if needed.

I would want to construct extra fortifications.

But, the expense of them should make them a poor choice compared to picking and defending a spot.

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I would like a towing caravan, or as our brother Americans would say "huge mofo RV"

My base would be mobile, and the risk of losing it would be great

I also would like the new forests to allow lean to's and ditches so make shift shelters (providing the new forests are more built up)

Lean to's would be nice, I think small insignificant structures like them should fall down and disappear after a server reset though.

I'm thinking any constructable fortifications should be reasonably large so there isn't a lot of small things to get the same result.

To construct things drop all the materials on the ground, select what you want to build with the scroll wheel from the pile and start a long animation followed by wasteland style placing it.

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I would want to construct extra fortifications.

But, the expense of them should make them a poor choice compared to picking and defending a spot.

I would like to be able to build things outside the building as well, (latrine, trash pit, improved cooking pits, sandbag walls and barbwire ((as we can do now)) ect)

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I would like to be able to build things outside the building as well, (latrine, trash pit, improved cooking pits, sandbag walls and barbwire ((as we can do now)) ect)


instead of barbwire and sandbags ( which was based on a military simulation) we will now be able to collect stuff to build improvised barricades which seems more realistic....you also can use vehicles like the big busses to block passages  :) ( which is possible even in the mod)  Fortifying and building camps should be done in a creative way, letting the player find out what to use or combine...not some shitty building deers stands out of your backpack mechanics like in Origin..did I say that I really hate this?  :P ...the day I find a playermade Hobbit house with a letterbox and a garden fence..i will stopp playing this game....

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instead of barbwire and sandbags ( which was based on a military simulation) we will now be able to collect stuff to build improvised barricades which seems more realistic....you also can use vehicles like the big busses to block passages  :) ( which is possible even in the mod)  Fortifying and building camps should be done in a creative way, letting the player find out what to use or combine...not some shitty building deers stands out of your backpack mechanics like in Origin..did I say that I really hate this?  :P ...the day I find a playermade Hobbit house with a letterbox and a garden fence..i will stopp playing this game....

But the hobbits!

Go to NZ giv us muneys! We needs mor muneys.

Yeah, I would like creative barricades, but what you are sort of describing sounds hard on the server.

Putting two things that fit in your inventory together sounds small, you would have to stick 50 of them down to make anything.

If it was possible to have that and it run fine I'd like it a lot.

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But the hobbits!

Go to NZ giv us muneys! We needs mor muneys.

Yeah, I would like creative barricades, but what you are sort of describing sounds hard on the server.

Putting two things that fit in your inventory together sounds small, you would have to stick 50 of them down to make anything.

If it was possible to have that and it run fine I'd like it a lot.



Barricade building has been cinfirmed by Rocket some time ago. As far as I remember he was talking about moving wooden planks and stones and of course washing mashines  etc etc and use them to buld barricades :I can imagine that we actualy will have to carry the larger pieces in our hands..maybe even use vehicles later on  :)

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Barricade building has been cinfirmed by Rocket some time ago. As far as I remember he was talking about moving wooden planks and stones and of course washing mashines  etc etc and use them to buld barricades :I can imagine that we actualy will have to carry the larger pieces in our hands..maybe even use vehicles later on  :)

That sounds awesome! Maybe we can chop stuff down with hatchets! Or just burn it down with gasoline!

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setting up a base in a town where people can find you sounds more fun than hiding away from everyone

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setting up a base in a town where people can find you sounds more fun than hiding away from everyone

Not when people just log out, jump in a different server and spawn right inside your base.

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