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Lone wolf tips?

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I always do better as a team instead of lone wolf...but you can't trust everyone in DayZ so I want to start going lone wolf? But whenever I go lone wolf I go to the nearest town and either A.) Get shot by a bandit. B.) Get attacked by 50 zeds or C.) Get run over by a car. 

any tips?

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Never stay still, keep moving. Be more aware of your surroundings. Practice playing alone. Get off the coast asap.

I do better on my own. I die due to others screw up and trying to save them.

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I do better on my own. I die due to others screw up and trying to save them.


indd, got the same problem too :P

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Keep moving

Learn the maps

Keep a supply of medical stuff

Supplies of ammo

Learn the Zeds movement

Stay away from hotspots

Stay the hell away from hatchet wielders

Use tents to stock items across the map!

Trust no-one!

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Loot at night when the zeds can't see you

Cruise the edge of the map in search of camps

Raid said camps when the server pop is low

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Kill everything. Don't rush.

What this guy said. Kill everything that you run into, no exceptions. I remember when I was starting out and played the nice guy. Some dude saw me geared up and ran towards me saying friendly. He was unarmed but had a backpack on. When I wasn't looking, he shot me in the head with a revolver that was in his backpack. Like you said you can't trust anyone. Also approaching cities from the main road is suicide. Approach from behind where the main sniper spots will be, that way, if there are camping snipers, you catch them from behind. From there, scope out the town far away. If there are zombies in town, that means there are players. Also look at other popular sniper spots to see if there are any snipers. 

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Cautious aggression.  

Look to kill when you have the advantage.  Retreat when you don't have or lose the advantage.  

If you don't have eyes on your opponent(s) you are at a distinct disadvantage when solo.  

When there are multiple opponents don't fire until you've established an easy way to kill them all quickly i.e. don't give up your position.  

When being shot at note the direction that it came from.  If there are multiple shots swivel and look for muzzle smoke or flashes to identify location while moving.

Never stay in Electro or Cherno unless you are a fresh spawn and the risk reward is positive or you are looking to get some action.

Sneaking is generally a bad idea since it makes you an easier target compared to running.  Typically only do it when you feel confident that your line of sight is blocked both vertically and horizontally.

Swivel your head constantly and look to the tree lines to see if people are camping in known hot spots.

Become a carnivore, carry lots of meat in your bag.   :)


I'm sure there is more.

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As all have said above. Patience is a big part in being a successful lone wolf. Idiots run in where angels fear to tread. Take your time and have your head on a swivel.

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when you are playing solo you don't really need to go to NWAF or stary or other hotspots..you are happy with your enfield/ak. just collect a kit to hunt, a bigger backpack, at least 3 water bottles and go bushes, search for camps and vehicles..there you'll have the weapon you need and without major risks.

the best thing you can do is find a tent and a ghillie and become invisible.i watch NEAF from the treeline and sometimes go to the cornershop. i go to berezino when i'm out of medical supplies or at cherno at night, the apartments hospital is easy to reach even in the dark and without aggroing too many infected. behaving this way i didn't have too much fun, but i reached over 100 days with the best gear you can find..just with a couple of camp raids.

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unless you speak before hand try to shoot first I get one shot before I can type "hi you frendly?"

Other then that bludy knows what he is talking about,meds and a big pack matter

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meat pie saying ''type'' makes me remind that being able to use voice chat can put you in advantage..talking without having to stop aim can save your life in casual encounters, especially when you are in big towns, or if it happens you get close to people in the north..(less)

Edited by Bludy

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- Get loot and get inland fast

- Avoid hotspots if possible

- Scan all clearings/treelines

- Learn all portions of the map

- Trust no-one (this doesn't mean shoot everything that moves, if you can escape un-noticed, then do so)

- Live off the land (i.e. water bottle, and animals)

- Make every shot count.

- Look both ways before crossing the road.



I've been playing on the public hive again, and have started a "hermit" playstyle Upon spawn, I've been gathering necessary materials, and moving inland. From there, I've been sticking to the forest and work my way north, looting small towns that most players pass over. I've also been skipping using map markers, and just eye balling my way to my destination following roads, ridgelines, treelines, valleys, etc. This has resulted in me finding quite a few vehicles and tents, most of which had decent quality gear.


My main tip, is just be careful, watch your ass, and don't rush.

Good luck,



EDIT: I feel I should also add that you should take my word on all of this, because this is my 1337th post...

Edited by Statik
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EDIT: I feel I should also add that you should take my word on all of this, because this is my 1337th post...


l33t beanZ  :beans:

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if u have to cross a road , look for the closets tree line and sprint to it , always do and never ever got shot yet doing that .

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Here's my Lone Wolf style.

- Scan every town/village before entering. Are the infected aggroed?take this into account before entering.

- Take atleast 4 canned food and 2 bottles of water, H2O is easier to find than food, carry 3 mgazines for your gun, adjust depending on mag size.

- Avoid Chernogorsk unless you're desperate for supplies

- If you see a car, don't charge right in, survay the area, it could be a trap.

- Trust absolutely No-Body, not even a friend.

If you see a pot o' gold, you'd better fucking run, cause' if I see youse looking at me gold, I'll fucking kill you.

- Don't walk near the fucking trees. And for feck sake, DON'T GO PRONE UP A STAIRS! (It can knock you unconsious, if you have a buddy with an Epi-pen it's not a problem, but if you're alone, I'll find ye and steal yer whiskey)

Edited by King of kong
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No matter what, don't lose your sight with your surroundings whether if it were a zombie in a building you're about to go into or just someone trying to snipe you out in the distance. Take advantage of your surroundings like cover, staying hidden and gather what you can to survive. After you gathered your basic survival equipment like a hunting knife, hatchet and matches you can go out hunting in areas like Kamenka on the hillside where there are a lot of animals then you'd want to travel to the nearest market that isn't occupied with a lot of people then the hospital.


After all that, you might be lucky to run into a vehicle and start driving around but be aware of how loud/noticeable you are.

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Kill everything. Move slowly, but don't stay still for too long.

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In my opinion you got to play really careful regardless if you are alone or not, but if you are a lone wolf then you got to be faster than a group.


So, at the beginning you should go to a big city, cherno, electro of berezino. There you just gear up, it is not hard because you got nothing to lose. Don't try to team up with someone and never approach the city from the coast. It is better when you come from the north, in electro for example you can check the sniper hill first and then go to the barn which is outside of electro. Normally you should find a winchester or an enfield. This is not just the case in electro, but cherno, too. Just check the barns for some weapons before you go to the city. With these weapons you go and loot the firestations + supermarkets. Don't walk to much on open streets, always stay near a position where you find cover. If you see anyone with better gear than you got, hunt him down and kill him, you got nothing to lose. But if you approach a looting stop like firestation or supermarket, you got to observe it. If you are sure there is no player in there, you should take your time like 1 minute to be sure, then you go in there. But the golden rule is to loot fast. Go in there, 30 seconds maximum and you should be out of there. If you got a map, some food and water + you should check the hospital for morphine, you can go north.

At that point you should avoid contact with everyone who got lower gear than you, it is not worth to die for nothing useful. If you see a driving car, don't shoot at it. The people in there will either drive away and you wasted you ammo or they will stop and shoot you in the face. So never do that if you are alone. But however, I really like to go hunt groups of 3-4 people. The higher they armed, the saver they feel. You got the advantage of surpise. A lee enfield with 2 mags is enough to kill 4 highly armed guys if you got a good position. But never rush it, you can shoot one guy, two guys or even three, never go loot the body. If you really killed someone you always should wait as long as you can. Observe everything, ask the people in the chat if there heard shots at your location. If someone responds it could mean there is someone who knows you are also there. So you should also loot the corpses really fast. Take what you need and get out of there.

If you find a tent you should hide it somewhere, where you would never expect someone to hide a tent. But it should be not too far from the coast, because if you die you want to access if ofcourse. Hide it well in a tree and put some good gear in it.

If you encounter a guy or a group of 2 people in the woods, and you see them but they don't, you should follow them if they got better gear than you. Always stay out of their sight, but don't lose them. If they stop for drinking or maybe even loot a house, you stop wait as long as you can to get you breath back, and shoot them. You should win the fight because as they did not stop as long as you they got worse aiming.


However, stary sobor is really dangerous, but you can hunt some people over there. Just hide in some bushes on the hill next to it and you are good to go. If there are no zombies in the city you are wasting your time and go for the airfield. If you find a tent with low gear, you should not burn it. You could wait some days and come back, maybe the owner will leave some decent gear in there.


Well, there are some more rules but actually it is alway the same. Playing alone is like playing with a group, just that you got to be more careful with other players and loot faster.

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See something? Go pew pew


More pew pew and less Q Q

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