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Just bought the game and i cant play

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i am very angry and i need someone to assist me with this asap. I cant join any servers, my version is out of date even though i just bought it an hour ago. ive tried to use the DayzCommander thing and it wont launch the game from it or something. 

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do you have steam versions of the games or retail versions 

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do you have steam versions of the games or retail versions 

steams, my friend gifted it to me

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and you have run each game to the menu with steam running as admin


installed both the beta patch and dayz mod in dayz commander 


and the server shows up white in dayz commander when you launch 

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and you have run each game to the menu with steam running as admin


installed both the beta patch and dayz mod in dayz commander 


and the server shows up white in dayz commander when you launch 

wheres the beta patch?


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its down as just arma2 in dayz commander it should be on a min of 103718

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its down as just arma2 in dayz commander it should be on a min of 103718

i have no clue what u mean by this.

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These two should be installed. I know mine says corrupt there is a reason for that :) 

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i have no clue what u mean by this.

In DayZ Commander on the right of your screen make sure EVERYTHING is up to date.  Find where it says Arma 2 and update it.  Check through that menu on the right and if it there's an option to update then do so.

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ARMA II: NOT FOUND (out of date)


then it gave me the option to install so i did and its "downloading 0%" for the longest time, but i already have arma2 ownloaded in steam

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i have no clue what u mean by this.

He means make you DayZ Commander screen thingy look like this thingy:


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ARMA II: NOT FOUND (out of date)


then it gave me the option to install so i did and its "downloading 0%" for the longest time, but i already have arma2 ownloaded in steam

Make sure you RUN both Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead and get to their main menus BEFORE updating Arma through commander.

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Make sure you RUN both Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead and get to their main menus BEFORE updating Arma through commander.

i did that, i ran them both till as sooon as i saw the main menu

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i did that, i ran them both till as sooon as i saw the main menu

Uninstall Commander -> Restart computer -> Run both A2 and A2OA to main Menu -> Reinstall Commander -> Update Commander/Arma2/DayZ


If that doesn't work, try a clean re-install of both A2 and A2OA and DO NOT open either until BOTH are FINISHED installing.

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ARMA II: NOT FOUND (out of date)


then it gave me the option to install so i did and its "downloading 0%" for the longest time, but i already have arma2 ownloaded in steam


Don't worry.  it's looking for the beta patch.  If it sat at 0% for a long time try this link...




I usually go for the one in green.  When you run it, it might claim you have the wrong key but don't panic.  Just click okay and it'll install.  It may appear to be running a long time as there's no confirmation popup for completion.  

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