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carbine781 (DayZ)

Base Building - Do's and Don'ts (DayZ Standalone)

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Hi guys. This is my personal opinion about base building in DayZ standalone. It has a few do's and don'ts, along with a few other comments about the idea.


Please remember that this is my own personal opinion. If you do not agree with it, please be polite about it.


First things first, why add base building? It would become a cool new aspect of the game that I think would be really fun. You could board up houses to store items, etc. If you area bandit, you could find a house and break into it. It would become something quite fun.

However, theres a few things that are mostly involved with realism that shouldn't be implimented. Here are the Do's and Don'ts.


Do add base building (incase you didn't know)

Do allow the boarding up of enterable houses

Do allow people to make fences and wooden planks to board up items from tree logs

Do add more items into the games such as locks, candles, individual hammers, and nails (i know nails are already in the game)

Do allow as many building materials as possible, as long as they are realistic and you could probably find them in real life.

Do add stuff such as spray paint that will allow people to customize and identify there houses (or just draw a penis)




Don't make base building completely unrealistic (you could board up some walls and repair a fence, but you won't be able to build an actual house during an apocalypse unless you really have a lot of spare time and you've built houses in the past. Building a tiny little shed could be an exception, though it would be almost as small as a tent)


Don't make getting materials too easy (You can't punch down a tree with your bare fist)


Don't get carried away with crafting (This isn't minecraft, and unfortunately in real life, at least not currently, you can't make enchantment tables to give your guns godly powers)




Basically, keep it realistically; DayZ is know for being realistic (Before the SoS trend came). If your not quite sure if you want to add something, just think, could I do that in real life? You can board up a door in real life. Thats is a yes. You can't punch down 5 trees with your bare hands and use those logs to make a house, chests, and a shovel to dig a hole later to be used as a toilet(though if I could...).



A couple other things to think about:
Will these boarded up houses transfer over on different servers?

Could people affect the actual map houses by destroying part of the wall with a hatchet lets say?

Will these boarded houses stay forever or disappear(like vehicles)? If so, how long?


Thanks for reading,





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BTW, sorry if the post is long; i have a lot of ideas that I hope have a positive affect on the future of DayZ. if you did read all of it, then thank you :)

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I would also like to see part of the building aspect from Epoch, how you can build wooden shacks, fences, etc.



EDIT: I disagree with with the spraypaint idea though, it would just fill the game with crudely drawn penis' and boobs.

Edited by Statik
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I really, really like the idea of base building.

I personally don't imagine myself a Nomad in a zombie apocalypse, especially when with every new place you go you suffer new threats.

Give us clear differences in choice when base building. Fortification for in town sort of places making it hard for players and zombies to get inside intact.

Camoflauged/ undetectable for out in the middle of nowhere underground complexes any car nearby has a camo net over it to avoid any sort of detection sort of stuff.

More end game than anything really.

Large bases should be about as rare as they are now and require many people and a good influx of supplies to pull off.

Just a few ideas not really my best, but I don't know exactly what I want.

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I would love if we could do this.  I think it should be limited to the server you are on however, not the entire hive.  And you would be only allowed to 'claim' one house/building, but someone could come and 'claim' your house (things would have to be done, like breaking and changing all the locks, possibly have to hunt down and kill you, and also not have a house claimed themselves).  Claiming a house would prevent any new items from spawning inside it (but won't make any items that have already spawned/dropped disappear), as well as prevent zombies from spawning inside or nearby (if you claim one townhouse in a row of 20 or so, you'll still be surrounded by zombies, but they won't spawn directly in your house or yard).  Certain buildings could not be claimed (Hospitals, barracks, stores, ect) I would say residential only or maybe an apartment building (you could only claim one floor/room of the apartment, so they would be better for groups)

I would like to see it where you can fix up the house a bit better, board up the windows, board up a door, reinforce a door and put a lock on it, bring in furniture, clean the inside of the house (disinfect areas, clean up blood, ect) Use the building as storage (using furniture in the building or bringing in furniture for storage) able to use the fireplace or wood burning stoves to cook and purify water.  Set up areas as well, if it has a garage attached or close by you can park a vehicle (that fits) in it and lock the doors, do better repairs in the garage, set up a area as a clinic (heroes and medics can bring people there to treat major wounds)  Set up an area for you to fix and clean your weapons better, maybe an ammo bench.  This would all be things you would have to find/scavenge and bring back.

As for building materials I think they should have to be gathered, and since we can't punch down trees, we would have to raid the lumber yards and mills that dot some spots of the map.  I believe major building materials should be over sized, IE you cant just pick up a stack of plywood and put it in your jeans pocket, you have to pick up a sheet of plywood and carry it to a vehicle or to your base.  Know thous washing machines we see all over the place?  Pick one up and load it in the back of the GAZ, fix it up with some scrap metal, hook it up to your generator and you can wash clothing (kinda seems a bit overkill but considering clothing can be infected it might make a cool little feature. "Oh yes, I have a treaty with the bandits nearby, they won't kill me as long as I do their laundry for them.)  Same would go for any other large appliances/furniture, you would need a hand truck (I believe some of you call them a 'trolley') or a friend to pick them up ("Dude, I found a gun safe in the Balota train station, I need your help to get it into my truck.")

This would promote player interaction in my opinion, (Both good and bad, I can see bandits 'enslaving' players to get building supplies for them)

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Why board up a window? Those're firing positions, unless zeds can jump through them, is that a feature in SA?

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  On 8/9/2013 at 1:40 AM, AP_Norris said:

I really, really like the idea of base building.

I personally don't imagine myself a Nomad in a zombie apocalypse, especially when with every new place you go you suffer new threats.

Give us clear differences in choice when base building. Fortification for in town sort of places making it hard for players and zombies to get inside intact.

Camoflauged/ undetectable for out in the middle of nowhere underground complexes any car nearby has a camo net over it to avoid any sort of detection sort of stuff.

More end game than anything really.

Large bases should be about as rare as they are now and require many people and a good influx of supplies to pull off.

Just a few ideas not really my best, but I don't know exactly what I want.

Hate to double post but this gave me some more ideas and don't think its small enough for just a simple edit.

Say if enough people claim buildings in an area, they area itself could be turned into a base.  For example, the farm compound near Zelenogorsk (Grid Square 10, 01)  One player claims The house, and another pair of players claim the stables/sheds.  They could set up a perimeter fence, build a gate along the road, possibly dig a well or some other 'group project' or series of projects.

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  On 8/9/2013 at 1:54 AM, Welch said:

Why board up a window? Those're firing positions, unless zeds can jump through them, is that a feature in SA?

It's just something you should still be able to do. You don't have to do it, but it could be something you could still do if you wanted.

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  On 8/9/2013 at 5:45 AM, carbine781 said:

It's just something you should still be able to do. You don't have to do it, but it could be something you could still do if you wanted.

Would also be an indicator that the building is 'claimed'.  Provide a bit of defense against someone just throwing a grenade or unloading a LMG into the window.  Lessen some of the light leaking out at night (If there is light) and thereby attract less zombies.  Provide a small amount of cover to shoot out of the window.  Ect ect ect.

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  On 8/9/2013 at 6:31 AM, BigMike said:

Would also be an indicator that the building is 'claimed'.  Provide a bit of defense against someone just throwing a grenade or unloading a LMG into the window.  Lessen some of the light leaking out at night (If there is light) and thereby attract less zombies.  Provide a small amount of cover to shoot out of the window.  Ect ect ect.

I like the idea of boarding it so people inside have a smaller hole just to fit their barrel through.

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Yes. Also forced teamwork structures. Also some kind of anti-ghosting measures for player made bases. That is absolutely necessary. It just cannot be possible for someone to spawn inside another player's camp. Otherwise the gameplay will be completely broken.

Edited by SalamanderAnder
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  On 8/9/2013 at 7:46 AM, SalamanderAnder said:

Yes. Also forced teamwork structures. Also some kind of anti-ghosting measures for player made bases. That is absolutely necessary. It just cannot be possible for someone to spawn inside another player's camp. Otherwise the gameplay will be completely broken.

Yes, we need that if we are going to have fortified structures.

Maybe (I only just suggested this elsewhere) we could have a a group or friend management like you see on CTI or Wasteland so your friends aren't kicked out of your base every time they login.

it would be great to leave notes in the world on that server for other players maybe if your friend is coming on later leave a note to say you borrowed some food and ammo so they know nothing's been stolen and they don't have to go crazy base moving time.

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Apart from the boarding of windows I would like to see zombie hands smash though the boards then the undead climb though. Scary shit.

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  On 8/9/2013 at 10:37 AM, LancerG2 said:

Apart from the boarding of windows I would like to see zombie hands smash though the boards then the undead climb though. Scary shit.

Would be pretty cool I guess.

Zombies should do the same thing with immobilised cars.

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  On 8/9/2013 at 10:37 AM, LancerG2 said:

Apart from the boarding of windows I would like to see zombie hands smash though the boards then the undead climb though. Scary shit.

That's would help make zombies more dangerous. It may even help the KoS issue a little bit

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  On 8/9/2013 at 7:43 PM, carbine781 said:

That's would help make zombies more dangerous. It may even help the KoS issue a little bit

Yep, now you can't even make a base purely defendablele on your own.

And aslong as you have a way of keeping loot locked away you might even let strangers inside.

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  On 8/9/2013 at 10:06 PM, AP_Norris said:

Yep, now you can't even make a base purely defendablele on your own.

And aslong as you have a way of keeping loot locked away you might even let strangers inside.



I would simply keep loot buried in a stash separate from my base. Shouldn't keep all your eggs in one basket.

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  On 8/10/2013 at 7:02 AM, SalamanderAnder said:

I would simply keep loot buried in a stash separate from my base. Shouldn't keep all your eggs in one basket.

We tried that before our vase got looted. But my friend left the offroad right beside this tent that was pretty much impossible to see.

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  On 8/9/2013 at 7:46 AM, SalamanderAnder said:

Yes. Also forced teamwork structures. Also some kind of anti-ghosting measures for player made bases. That is absolutely necessary. It just cannot be possible for someone to spawn inside another player's camp. Otherwise the gameplay will be completely broken.

As I said before, you should spawn 2000m (I don't know how much but it seems good enough) away from the point where you left off if you changed servers. The SA will have the feature where you first select the server, then click play in the main menu. You don't need to search for that server, you can just jump on it. I've seen people suggesting spawning on the coast but the SA map is gonna be bigger so you don't want to waste your time running to the northest city where you left off. It doesn't completely block server hopping (They can just run back to the point), but at least you can't change servers, climb to a rooftop and sneakily kill a guy or something like that.

Edited by Sutinen
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I'd be happy with being able to apply more camo to stuff, like to hide tents, vehicles. 

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  On 8/10/2013 at 12:12 PM, delta5 said:

I'd be happy with being able to apply more camo to stuff, like to hide tents, vehicles.

That's all good but I really want structures aswell.

Either small sandbag supported dugouts or small shacks for a start would be great.

More depth into fortification could be added later.

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The main problem with base building is you would have to be on 24/7 to guard it.  If 1 can build 1 should be able to break. So the base becomes any ones if the base builder is offline. Now a small off shoot of the game could be 1 group builds a base and another tries to take it.

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That's sort of the point.  We're not really talking about bases so much as barricading a home and using it for yourself.  Any lock can be picked/broken, any wall can be scaled or felled, any door can be breached, its just a question of time and resources.  I think that if this was implemented there should be ways to 'claim' someone's base/house, but not just some simple thing like being inside or breaking in.  Even if they do add this (which I doubt) there will always be a time when you come back to your house, find the front door open and most of your valuables gone, should be one of the risks of choosing to fortify a home rather than go live out in the woods in tents.

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Find a prison,wipe out the walkers and stay safe in shit just like in walking dead movie!

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There's no prison (Yet, maybe in Chenarus+) 2nd, they RUN not walk.  Safe until bandits show up in large unorganized numbers with 3 badasses (I mean seriously wasting about 80 rounds of .50 BMG on a group of 20 or so slow moving zombies?)

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