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Killed a hero group in Chernogorsk

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Welcome to my topic,today I will tell you my story about my raid of Cherno(Chernogorsk).
One day I decided that i need medical supplies,more weapons,beans and some coke(I was able to hunt animals myself and cook their meat and take some water from the pounds but i was not in a mood to find animals)and Cherno was near me,so i traveled there and after some looting,I have wandered on a group of heroes near a hospital and after some hiding and scouting them,I decided it is the moment to strike,so I pulled out my m4a1 with acog and killed 1 and then they spotted me and 1 shot me in the leg and broke my bone,but then i threw a granade at them and it was over and after bandaging myself and waiting for zombies to pass,I looted them,fixed my bone and headed back north.On the way north i have seen someone on the ''Sniper hill'' and after some climbing,i've put a bullet in his head and looted him,and after some traveling I asked myself why I killed the heroes and the guy on the hill only for looting,maybe they would give me some stuff and help me,but I haven't managed to get the answer to my question WHY?.Let me tell you something,banditry is like an addiction,I killed 1 player before 6 months and since that,I started my search for players with good loot to kill them because the feeling is so good after looting someone so you don't have to go risk your life in cities.I hope you enjoyed my story about the weirdest day in my DayZ playtime.And btw I enjoy killing Trusted Medics of Wasteland after calling them to help me.Trust me,you have to try it,it's so funny. :D

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Thats interesting. seen as non of our medics have died in the field in ages =)


i think your telling porky pies!

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I asked myself why I killed the heroes and the guy on the hill only for looting,maybe they would give me some stuff and help me,but I haven't managed to get the answer to my question WHY?.Let me tell you something,banditry is like an addiction,I killed 1 player before 6 months and since that,I started my search for players with good loot to kill them because the feeling is so good after looting someone so you don't have to go risk your life in cities.I hope you enjoyed my story about the weirdest day in my DayZ playtime.And btw I enjoy killing Trusted Medics of Wasteland after calling them to help me.Trust me,you have to try it,it's so funny. :D


don't worry this shit 'WHY???' :D no reason is need for kill some hero B)


is true bandit life is too much addicting for sure, because we are look for thing other guy is try avoid - pvP and adrenalin :P


adrenalin is good natural drug for make you feel good


I go now to bandit anonymous :ph34r: 'hallo, my name is KoS and I am addict this bandit life'


guy looks me and say 'sorry, is no cure for this shit' ;)

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Actually did a little digging on this chap here.


According to the Recruitment team this guy attempted to join awhile ago.


later that day tried to impersonate himself as a patient and claimed he had no mic. This might have been viable if we couldnt hear you typing all the time and a bunch of background noise. So basically he tried to kill us but failed. Nicely done sir.

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Strange, the last time a TMW member got killed was by a hacker. Was that you?

Edited by Goose77
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Children these days. Also judging your post if you had 100 grenades one of them might hit your intended target (if its not moving)

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Children these days. Also judging your post if you had 100 grenades one of them might hit your intended target (if its not moving)


Pff... nades...

They are useless. Unless of course, you know how to use them :D

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lenyvxv3. No! Xavier. NO! Goddamn it - I always get confused with your alter ego's. However. You've been horribly bad with what you were trying to achieve and we were alarmed even before you did anything. I actually want to congratulate you for creating account on this. It even has the same name as on our TS. You must VEWI smart. Thank you for trying and I congratulate myself to another ban.


Okay, Tschüß!

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Thats interesting. seen as non of our medics have died in the field in ages =)


i think your telling porky pies!

Oh Rly.Don't lie to me

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Children these days. Also judging your post if you had 100 grenades one of them might hit your intended target (if its not moving)

Hi 4 years old baby,granades are easy to use and easy to hit,so dont tell me what's happening with your granades and dont tell me your skill.

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Strange, the last time a TMW member got killed was by a hacker. Was that you?

NO,m4a1 with acog is my favorite not hacking

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don't worry this shit 'WHY???' :D no reason is need for kill some hero B)


is true bandit life is too much addicting for sure, because we are look for thing other guy is try avoid - pvP and adrenalin :P


adrenalin is good natural drug for make you feel good


I go now to bandit anonymous :ph34r: 'hallo, my name is KoS and I am addict this bandit life'


guy looks me and say 'sorry, is no cure for this shit' ;)

KoS,I think you only have a brain here of these that have replied to this topic so far(not including me).It's nice you are not 1 of these babies trying to prove a lie

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KoS,I think you only have a brain here of these that have replied to this topic so far(not including me).It's nice you are not 1 of these babies trying to prove a lie



I don't know if this guys make some lie here I don't give fuck  yes or no B)


 but is true I know for sure they make some bullshits before when I ask for some help from this guys, they are troll me now :lol:  is ok, I make nice plan for get revenge :P

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Hi 4 years old baby,granades are easy to use and easy to hit,so dont tell me what's happening with your granades and dont tell me your skill.


Hilarious. granadas... I love threads like these, they entertain me.

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Those amount of posts! I understand that you need to push your postcount in order to make yourself believable, but that is just..




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Those amount of posts! I understand that you need to push your postcount in order to make yourself believable, but that is just..




like you on tmws forums? :lol:


my girl study pychology shit, she say YOU ARE projecting your own faults and issue onto me :huh:


is look like true for me :P


and always some meme shit, is because words is hide from you?

Edited by KoS

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like you on tmws forums? :lol:


my girl study pychology shit, she say YOU ARE projecting your own faults and issue onto me :huh:


is look like true for me :P


and always some meme shit, is because words is hide from you?


i think to save future argument it would be preferred if you did not quote any more of TMW members posts, because your clearly not trying to be productive with your comments.


The reason he has a high post count on our forum is because he is an admin, and keeps us updated on information for the group.


Fact of the matter is that yes this guy did try to attack us but failed, and now all medic groups have him on there ban list, you can see to eachtoher "you the only one talk sense here" all you like, but we honestly don't care.

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i think to save future argument it would be preferred if you did not quote any more of TMW members posts, because your clearly not trying to be productive with your comments.


The reason he has a high post count on our forum is because he is an admin, and keeps us updated on information for the group.


Fact of the matter is that yes this guy did try to attack us but failed, and now all medic groups have him on there ban list, you can see to eachtoher "you the only one talk sense here" all you like, but we honestly don't care.

I quote if some guy make comment in some conversation I am join, you don't tell me nothing :D




:D I see you soon guys in teamspeak ;)

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:D I see you soon guys in teamspeak ;)

no you wont. 

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Don't feed the trolls!

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Keep it Civil.


mZLY, I have trademarked that expression, (Derpwashed) it's mine,,,,all mine,, rubs hands together thinking of future profit...

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