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SA: trying to change the kill on sight mentality, *without unfair disadvantages to that or any playstyle

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The sooner into release even the most basic stash/base system and/or a party/group system is implemented, the better.


edit: SUMMARY OF WALL OF TEXT. people werent really reading it haha.

the idea is, upon its release, a base system that hides your tent / stash when you are logged out, will allow for players to start 'farming' for 'end game' items like repair kits and medical supplies right away. The aim of this is for it to encourage social play a little, particularly upon release, which could potentially shape the future of dayz pvp. Any idea im suggesting still offers advantages to everyone, with only one disadvantage mentioned at all, and thats to lone survivors not being able to construct underground bases as large, thus not being able to store quite as much. Thats along the same lines as players not being able to blood bag or epi pen themselves though, some things are quite difficult alone, and so need 2 people in the mod, and likely still will in SA. Adding a few other balanced incentives for group play, that still dont put lone players or anyone at a disadvantage could also be implemented, such as 105% loot spawning for a 'party' of 2. This means they will still only recieve 52.5% loot each instead of the 100% that lone wolf players get. This system doesnt force any changes to anyones playstyle, unless they want to actually be social and need an extra pair of hands to expand a base.


Reasons why i believe this is the case.

It seems like the majority of players got bored of being kitted out, ran out of things to do, and thats what they said led them to turn to banditry. Many players often added they attempted setting up a base, or stashing vehicles, only to find it was kinda pointless when you have other commitments like working and family, which mean your hard work can easily by stolen while you arent even logged in. Tents were an ambitious idea, but flawed in the fact they would persist in game when u werent there, and would still be accessable to you post death, meaning players can just rearm at their tent after respawning. This game is just about as close to an mmorpg as a shooter can get, yet it has completely avoided becoming a click spamming hack n slash grindfest. With this in mind tho, the same mechanics from a traditional mmorpg can be used to discourage kos hostility stemming from boredom. Even the most basic form of a fair, guaranteed safe while offline stash system implemented means survivors can begin 'farming' for 'end game' items. Time will mainly be spent focusing on farming and stashing things away, like repair tools, resources and the like, and expanding your base, instead of getting bored and pvping. If a system could be implemented which offered incentives to group playing / group base building, but didnt put lone survivors or bandits at any unrealistic disadvantage, this could potentially change the whole dayz player base mindset, making dayz into a more coordinated, welcoming community. This will have an even greater effect if it happens early on in dayz and not 7 months into alpha when the player base is full of sour, hate fueled, bored pvpers getting revenge on the world. This needs to be clarified now too, this concept of stashes entails they will be mostly if not entirely destroyed when you die, so its not just a way to go rearm straight away after dying.



A little more depth.
So to begin, i gotta say i have been mulling over this entire concept for a long time now, and read over dozens and dozens of suggestions. I've searched round for a while and feel like this suggestion is pretty fresh still. I rewrote this thing bout 4 times, cutting it down as brief and clear as i could possibly write it, and saved little balance issues for follow up questions that anyone may have. All numbers in this post are just estimates too, and im very open to constructive criticism, id like to see how the ideas in this suggestion are flawed and could ruin anyones playstyle or experience cos thatd rule it out obviously. Keep in mind! this system was thought up with sticking to the current plans for base building, which AFAIK are going to be portals to instanced bunkers. The system i am suggesting could be adapted over to this instanced system when it is developed and implemented, or even if it needed a wipe, im sure most dayz players wouldnt mind a few wipes if it meant a hugely expanded base building feature. I am also very open to the idea of losing your entire personal stash upon death, because none of this 'bonus persistent clan stash tab' and fortification salvaging stuff mentioned below needs to see the light of day for the goal of less KOSing to be achieved. I believe merely being able to store gear safely when you are logged out would be enough to make people want to utlize multiple / larger bases for the added benefit of gearing up a friendly, or them gearing you up when you die. KEEP IN MIND ALSO! Standalone is aiming to have a lot less of everything, particular medical gear, so itll be a challenge just having enough space for each type of antidote / medication, as well as food, water, and other supplies. So a small increase in loot for a group isnt going to affect the amount of loot as much as it would now, and grouping up your camps will probably be necessary just to have enough space to store all the required medical and survival supplies, for all the different in game ailments and requirements.



The concept. (when i say stash, base, or settlement, i mean the same thing each time, just a different name for a hidden storage space)
The idea im suggesting is an as balanced as possible incentive reward system for group base building and group play. This mechanic must not neglect any lone survivor or bandit playstyle. It attempts to benefit everyone as equally and realistically as possible.  A new stash node system, similar to the current, would be linked to your character and spawn in when your character logs in, and be invisible upon logging out. The stash object model + input could be the same objects as the stashes recently added to the mod.  A survivors stash will collapse upon death, leaving only ~10% of random gear salvagable. Group owned stashes, with linked access to one another, opens up a new persistent shared storage space, like a small WoW guild bank tab, that persists through death as long as one stash is intact. Both lone wolf survivors and clan stashes can be fortified with an earthquake resistant+security addition, or given an extension, using mats, most likely a mix of harvested wood, and items from industral zones / tools. Fortifications increase the amount of salvageable gear leftover at a collapsed stash by a miniscule amount, with diminishing returns making it a challenge to get anywhere past about 15%. Giving your stash an extension increases total personal storage size, and gives a very small increase to total shared clan storage size. Lone wolf players are capped at a certain extension capacity, as construction requires moving and lifting materials too heavy for one person. When a survivor logs out in combat, or far away from their base location, their stash remains visible for an extra undetermined amount of time (anything above half hour sounded neat to me.. like an hour or 2 for combat loggers, ~30-40 mins when u log off outside of combat but far from ur stash). If a player can get to their stash area and stay close by without entering combat for ~10 mins, they can log off and the stash is 'logged off' with you. Players would feel enticed to make small bases, and share with players so if their buddy didnt  die, they could both share from that remaining stash. another standalone feature which has been put on the list for development later on apparently, that this suggestion works around nicely is locks for stashes. If an unkown survivor attempts entry but doesnt have a key or passcode, he can shoot the stash up and collapse it and loot the salvaged gear or he can wait for when the owners are opening up their stash and jump them to get access to the unlocked stash. Group play could be implemented by increasing the spawn amount at an item spawning zone by a small% for each extra player in a party. As a guide to the idea, a building will spawn 105% loot for a 2 player group, 110% for 3 player group, 115% for 4 etc. This means a higher chance of at least 1 person finding the desired item inside a building / area. To make sure this doesnt hurt lone wolf players, the readers of this post should understand, 1 person looting will always get 100% of the loot to themselves. The only way a building would be able to spawn more than 100% each again is in like a group of 20+ depending on the % of increase for group play. The idea of salvagable gear in stashes was mainly to have a way where lone survivors could still rearm themselves some small amount from their last stash spot after dying. The fortification idea allows them to spend time gathering resources, so that in the event of death more gear is saved. The lone wolf player could even spend days, building 10 stashes, and save 10% of each one after they end up dying if they choose to do so. A player who does this instead of fortifying will instead save a higher number of small items, instead of a small amount of large items.



A brief(ish) summary of the idea in action
You go to town, meet up with 2 friends and begin looting in a group/party. Loot spawned at nearby buildings is increased by 10%, so each player recieves ~37% each of what theyd recieve if they were going solo, instead of 33%. After looting enough materials and supplies, you have enough to construct 2 underground stashes, similar to the mod currently. Player 1 builds a stash, that takes 10 minutes of standing in an area for it to build. 1st level stashes grant say, 20 personal invent spaces or somethin. Player 1s brand new, tiny stash has been already filled with gear, but the other 2 survivors are still nearly full. So player 2 then builds a stash, and by linking the 2 stashes, and sharing access, a shared, persistent clan storage is opened up that has ~10 slots. Player two is able to take some of player 1s gear into storage to even things out, but player 3 is still nearly full of leftover building materials. Player 3 opts to give player ones base an extension, and initiates a group action through the mousewheel. Once all members click accept, the extension begins construction.  Player 1 will now have 25 personal invent spaces, and the clans shared persistent storage is increased by a small amount, from say 10-12. All 3 players now have near empty inventories,  a base, and are ready to fill up with new gear next play session. The three players call the session for the day and once a 10 minute no combat timer is up, the players can log out, and their stash node (like the little rock or the underground thing in the mod) disappears with them, ready to reappear when the player/s log/s in. An hour later, player 1 logs in, but isnt careful when out scavenging, and dies. Since player 1s stash had an extension put in, the clan shared tab is slightly larger than standard, and holds a little bit of spare gear for player one to use. Upon inspecting your unfortified, collapsed stash, you are able to salvage an additional 10% from the rubble. The shared stash size bonus resets to standard when the owner of the broken stash attempts to build a new stash, or repair their old one.

So iv put a lot of time into thinking of potential flaws with this setup, im pretty sure the take on helicopters engine will be capable of it, and they could all be tweaked to be balanced to be fair/realistic for all playstyles,  its just how people feel about certain mechanics that would stop this from happening.

Before anyone is quick to critique this idea, i probably thought of the potential flaw you have in mind, and its solution. Like vehicle hoarders. A second clone vehicle would then spawn somewhere, and that clan would be limited to 1 of that vehicle type until a certain number of settlement members is reached, or the settlement has had enough extensions. Until then, the extra helicopter can not be stored by that clan, and will teleport to a random spawn location if it was landed too close to their base during server restart.




Feedback, balancing and deciding on bonuses-

So finally, i wonder, what do you guys think the about the stashes being invis on logout, about them collapsing upon death and about them being salvagable?

What do you all think about a very very small amount of extra loot for grouped players?

Edited by tomfacekillahhh

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Nothing in DayZ should ever be safe while you're offline IMO. I wouldn't be against better ways of hiding things though.

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Nothing in DayZ should ever be safe while you're offline IMO. I wouldn't be against better ways of hiding things though.


I'm inclined to agree, but feel the overall experience would still be more enjoyable if players werent run and gunning willy nilly, and had a reason to group up and build a base.


I was going to mention this as one of the flaws i saw in this whole idea of mine, but left it out to save anyones eyes bleeding from that wall of text. This base system could be temporary until locks / password security systems are implemented. So for the time being, stashes would be invis when you logout, promoting a bit friendlier of an atmosphere initially, but once stashes are able to be locked, they could potentially persist. Thanks for your feedback tho, input noted :thumbsup:

Edited by tomfacekillahhh

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Nothing in DayZ should ever be safe while you're offline IMO. I wouldn't be against better ways of hiding things though.


i dunno about that statement, if base building were implemented, i would be damn pissed if even all my hard work in building it would go to waste by some bambi wandering in

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Play on one server, set up base on another. Now you're geared up and your base is invisible 95% of the time. As well as not being in keeping with the general idea of the game, it's kind of open to abuse.


i dunno about that statement, if base building were implemented, i would be damn pissed if even all my hard work in building it would go to waste by some bambi wandering in


AFAIK there are no plans to implement above ground base building. With 100 players on a server the map would be more or less full of bases within a month.

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i dunno about that statement, if base building were implemented, i would be damn pissed if even all my hard work in building it would go to waste by some bambi wandering in

does it seem silly to you too though that when you die currently in the mod, you can go rearm at your old tent, somehow the whereabouts of which is stored in your new characters subconscious, like some kind of instincts? i think the current tent system offers a lot of potential storage, but your gear inside of it should be wiped on death. Thats just part of it, while you're in game, everything should be vulnerable, but i think when you arent in game, it should be safe. The novel i just wrote is sorta attempting to make a balanced solution for this problem and i appreciate your input, but what can you see as the most viable short term solution that will in the long term social play, whether bandit, hero, or loner? Really, i have no qualms being outgunned and flanked by 4 coordinated attackers, its the endless waves of bored 14yo cod kids that annoy the crap out of me, hopefully a new system implemented quickly in SA would draw even them to team play.

Edited by tomfacekillahhh

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Honestly, I don't care how much information or statistics you bring to the table, actively trying to change the raw, natural playstyle of any player is 110% against the point of DayZ and should never happen. Instead, make changes to the game to make it as real as it needs to be, balance things for the sake of fairness and realism. Add features that will make the game more enjoyable. Through this, should that affect players mentalities and reduce KoS incidents, then it would be a completely natural change that does not try to enforce a manner of playing on the player. But if your only objective with an update is "People want to play like this and I don't want them to", then it's completely against what DayZ stands for.

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Play on one server, set up base on another. Now you're geared up and your base is invisible 95% of the time. As well as not being in keeping with the general idea of the game, it's kind of open to abuse.

well, when i started playing dayz, it was all one giant world, not hives. You were usually at the same spot when you logged in and it was to my understanding thats how dayz SA would be. Another flaw i left out was one you just bought up, but if your stash always spawns into the server after you log on, and you always spawn into the same spot on the map, your base is still only invis when you are offline, which fits fine with the idea of the game. This opens up the potential for server hopping for farming, but this isnt a problem that hasnt been encountered before even in the mod. Nor is it a problem that cant be dealth with by having zones around towns where stashes cant be built too close. Besides, if someone wants to take the time to farm all the mats itll take to build a base, and then build it close to somewhere thats gonna get noticed and shot up, thats their idiot choice to make. :P


so this way having your base spawn in with you whenever you are logged in, keeps your base vulnerable while you arent guarding it, yet cant be used to just hide your gear on a different server.

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Honestly, I don't care how much information or statistics you bring to the table, actively trying to change the raw, natural playstyle of any player is 110% against the point of DayZ and should never happen. Instead, make changes to the game to make it as real as it needs to be, balance things for the sake of fairness and realism. Add features that will make the game more enjoyable. Through this, should that affect players mentalities and reduce KoS incidents, then it would be a completely natural change that does not try to enforce a manner of playing on the player. But if your only objective with an update is "People want to play like this and I don't want them to", then it's completely against what DayZ stands for.

was this direceted at my post?


cos i completely agree buddy, trying to change the playstyle of people is the wrong step for a game like dayz. But the numbers i threw up werent statistics, nor were they changing to change anybodies playstyle. This is about the psychological effect of having the ability to store items safely, and a system that does so WITHOUT forcing anyone to change playstyles, but instead promotes their own play style. I guess the title wasnt well enough thought out. This post is more aimed towards promoting teamplay and coordination, than ending killing on sight. Its just either way, a side effect of a good base building mechanic will be that it will encourage this type of social play. And like it or not, steps ARE being taken already in standalone development to try and get players to play together more instead of just KOSing. Now this is just my opinion, but i think most people would agree here, strength in numbers, majority rules, that whole thing applies here in a few regards. In a game with base construction, how is a loner going to be able to construct an underground bunker singlehandedly? Shouldn't more players in a group have the ability to lift heavier beams, and be able to make bigger storage spaces?

Edited by tomfacekillahhh

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They even kill you when you run around naked just because...well because it's fun for them. They confuse DayZ with a typical shooter...

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They even kill you when you run around naked just because...well because it's fun for them. They confuse DayZ with a typical shooter...

hahahha input noted.


this isnt me crying cos dayz is too hard tho. When the game got more popular, and the going got tough, and when the kill on sight mentality of most players i came across seemed to occur more and more often i made a choice. Instead of going rogue or ever complaining or anything like that, i just went and got people less experience with the realistic elements of a computer game like dayz. The extra challenge of keeping them alive, as well as teaching them along the way, still is  a lot of fun in the mod. Bandits will always be present, you will always eventually be killed, and i like that in this game. But i think what draws people to this game, and the zombie genre, is seeing how people change, and react to the broken world they are stuck in. In real life, which again,is what dayz is trying to replicate in a lot of ways, people arent as willing to kill another human usually because of the thought of what if it were us. Theres a bunch of other reasons, but the fact is this is programmed into most humans for our survival as a species. Theres no way to replicate this value of an in game character as accurately, but the base building idea iv suggested is a good fair solution to most playstyles, except for loners, who couldnt really construct as large a structure realistically anway. Any legitimate suggestions to offer tho?

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The mentality is what it is. If people go for a kill on sight then so be it. The game does not, and never should, prevent you from doing so in any way, shape or form. Period.

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They even kill you when you run around naked just because...well because it's fun for them. They confuse DayZ with a typical shooter...


It's because it's safer to leave a dead player behind you rather than someone who might kill you.


The KOS mentality is about mitigating uncertainty and ensuring personal safety at the expense of everything else. Every player you kill makes you safer and secure your survival. It's the strategy of the scorched earth, destroy anything that might be useful to your enemy and prevent him to progress and become a threat.


It's not going to be easyto change this, mostly because DayZmod doesn't have much going on beyond safeguarding your position on the foodchain.


Hopefully the SA has things in store that go beyond personal safety and survival.

Edited by Lady Kyrah
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The mentality is what it is. If people go for a kill on sight then so be it. The game does not, and never should, prevent you from doing so in any way, shape or form. Period.


k this might of been my bad but ima edit the original post just beneach the tldr, and change forum title if thats possible =/.


instead of me trying to explain,could you explain how would the system i thought of prevents anyone from playing however they want to?

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k this might of been my bad but ima edit the original post just beneach the tldr, and change forum title if thats possible =/.


instead of me trying to explain,could you explain how would the system i thought of prevents anyone from playing however they want to?


Changing a mentality by artifically making certain behavior more appealing. It's kinda like talent trees in many MMO's where you have the illusion of picking your own playstyle, but there really is only one that is viable. Stuff like that should stay far, far away from DayZ.

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whole point of dayz magic is you never feel safe 100% :huh:


is not possible for change KoS because is nature of player to find action and make adrenalin, dayz is 100% best for this shit and SA will be more crazy for this :D


I am wait for this game more than any before this and I will play same style for sure. find gun and some stuff for survive - find player make pvP ASAP B)

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Changing a mentality by artifically making certain behavior more appealing. It's kinda like talent trees in many MMO's where you have the illusion of picking your own playstyle, but there really is only one that is viable. Stuff like that should stay far, far away from DayZ.

ooh k now i get you thanks for clearing that up. I couldnt stand cookie cutter crap in MMOs. i completely agree here, but bases are a system that need to be implemented eventually. The current tent system is very flawed though.


so say the bases didnt give any exponential increase for groups sharing access, they were only visible in game when u were logged in, and that they were completely destroyed upon death. Would it still be forcing players to take one path, when realistically, if you wanted to make your base a certain size, youd need 2 people at least to do the job? That just seems like logic to me, and i dont get the cookie cutter feeling, but that might just be cos im biased a little towards my own idea. I dont think it is forcing players to take a path though either, its just a better option to take that path. Players can lone wolf with a small stash all they want.

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whole point of dayz magic is you never feel safe 100% :huh:


is not possible for change KoS because is nature of player to find action and make adrenalin, dayz is 100% best for this shit and SA will be more crazy for this :D


I am wait for this game more than any before this and I will play same style for sure. find gun and some stuff for survive - find player make pvP ASAP B)

thats true. but you feel safe 100% of the time you are logged out...


bases are eventually going to be implemented somewhere down the track, just whats the point if they are as vulnerable as tents? itll be another huge waste of time, a broken mechanic thats utilized most for farming to exploit loot mechanics.


this way, bases are at least attempting to bring players together, by offering balanced incentives, if they choose to do so ofc.

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thats true. but you feel safe 100% of the time you are logged out...


bases are eventually going to be implemented somewhere down the track, just whats the point if they are as vulnerable as tents? itll be another huge waste of time, a broken mechanic thats utilized most for farming to exploit loot mechanics.


this way, bases are at least attempting to bring players together, by offering balanced incentives, if they choose to do so ofc.


if you are log out your character is no more exist in this dayz universe, of course is safe :P


if I find one base I am take axe and break door without think , ;)  is normal, if you no there for make secure some stuff is unlucky for you, I am take what I want. B)

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if you are log out your character is no more exist in this dayz universe, of course is safe :P


if I find one base I am take axe and break door without think , ;)  is normal, if you no there for make secure some stuff is unlucky for you, I am take what I want. B)

see this is a bit of a grey area for me and for most players - where do our players go when we are logged out, and why can they be completely safe from being looted, while other things we collect must stay vulnerable?


im suggesting bases that are un enterable for the time being, so they still work like tents, except for disappearing when the owner logs out. They serve as placeholders until the enterable underground dayz bases are implemented. so as long as im online, you can steal all my crap, if u can find it! and as long as you're online, if i can find your tent, its as good as mine :D

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Nothing in DayZ should ever be safe while you're offline IMO. I wouldn't be against better ways of hiding things though.

someone just bought this up and it made me think about something for a bit. Do you believe players in-game characters should be safe when logged out? why or why not? why is this different to gear, like say if u log out in a car, why wasnt that car ever saved to your character and not the map? id say it came down to engine design limitations, and id even go so far as to say if vehicles were able to be logged out with their character, it would of been implemented from the beginning. Like cars need keys to run. Why can you only lock cars in like 1 unnoficial mod? or tents. Im sure they only persist after death due to design limitations. The true dayz gamer feels dirty going to an old tent to rearm, cos it defies the logic of your survivor being a brand new character. Id say tents were only even persistent after death due to further design limitations, eg multiple people having stored items in a shared tent.

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There is an easy way to fix this, tweak the game so it won't let you come out on top. Make guns jam and break beyond repairs, food spoil, make loot  reduce to nothing the more popular a spot gets.


Just keeping your head out of the water should take all your focus when you play. Survival should be a constant struggle, not something you can ever "solve" in a durable way. Make every piece of comfort that make your survival easier introduce a new thing to manage and scavenge.


You got a car to move your shit around? Now you have to worry about finding gas, not busting your tires, not snapping your transmission, grime clogging your fuel pump (because you're storing gas in jerricans that where used to transport god know what before), zombies following you from a mile away. You also don't want to smash into anything because it's going to throw you through the windshield and kill you 9 times out of 10.


But that's how i see the "car privilege" :)


But really it all boil down to the game adapting to the players and adjusting it's difficulty based on the players. The goal being to push them back down everytime they try to rise up.

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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There is an easy way to fix this, tweak the game so it won't let you come out on top. Make guns jam and break beyond repairs, food spoil, make loot  reduce to nothing the more popular a spot gets.


Just keeping your head out of the water should take all your focus when you play. Survival should be a constant struggle, not something you can ever "solve" in a durable way. Make every piece of comfort that make your survival easier introduce a new thing to manage and scavenge.


You got a car to move your shit around? Now you have to worry about finding gas, not busting your tires, not snapping your transmission, grime clogging your fuel pump (because you're storing gas in jerricans that where used to transport god know what before), zombies following you from a mile away. You also don't want to smash into anything because it's going to throw you through the windshield and kill you 9 times out of 10.


But that's how i see the "car privilege" :)


But really it all boil down to the game adapting to the players and adjusting it's difficulty based on the players. The goal being to push them back down everytime they try to rise up.

cool, cheers for your posts man, from what im hearing, the general consensus is that the game should be harder to force people to work together. This sounds good, but could also entice just as many people into killing to get items because looting it is even more trouble to go to than ever. And with the current player base of dayzmod being so hostile, they will still likely be just as agressive in SA. You know what this will else this will also cause? the exact same gripes a slew of people had with the lack of antibiotics in a recent patch, but on a MUCH MUCH larger scale. survivors, heroes and bandits, groups and loners, all will perish far far too quickly by a constant pvp battleground and a lack of tools to circumvent the causes of death.


im starting to think players are completely ignorant to the fact bases are planned features. When they are finally implemented, what will be the point if the same problems arise as in the mod? same goes for vehicles in storage, if they can eventually be stored. whats the point of going to the trouble of using the base build feature if its just as easy to spot / break into / destroy as in the mod? and something i cant get an answer too, is why players can rationalise their characters being taken out of the game world when they are logged out, but not any storage devices / vehicles they own or anything.

i love finding a broken down old UAZ at zelenogorsk, and remembering its spot. me and my comrades make it our new mission to loot industrial sites for repairs. it gives the game an 'end game' feel, or at least a sense of purpose for a while. basically anything but adding weapons just gives us more stuff to do, which prolongs the time until the 14year olds get bored and start shooting everything they see. i am all for added vehicle maintenence requirements, air pumps for tires, extra tires, transmission and break fluids, oil change etc. but this alone wont change the current dayz player base into a community that promotes teamplay, even amongst bandits. i played dayz for the first few months as a lone survivor, and if i still were, i would have no problem with running into groups of bandits or heroes who had established a safe base and community for themselves. people would probably slowly rebuild and make settlements... edit: people also dont stop existing all around the same time for 12 hours. yes theres sleep, and some people would try and rationalise this downtime by saying its like being asleep. but when you sleep, you can wake up. when you disappear from logging out, you are actually at work slaving away to survive irl, and dont get a chance to defend your base or items.

Edited by tomfacekillahhh

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was this direceted at my post?


cos i completely agree buddy, trying to change the playstyle of people is the wrong step for a game like dayz. But the numbers i threw up werent statistics, nor were they changing to change anybodies playstyle. This is about the psychological effect of having the ability to store items safely, and a system that does so WITHOUT forcing anyone to change playstyles, but instead promotes their own play style. I guess the title wasnt well enough thought out. This post is more aimed towards promoting teamplay and coordination, than ending killing on sight. Its just either way, a side effect of a good base building mechanic will be that it will encourage this type of social play. And like it or not, steps ARE being taken already in standalone development to try and get players to play together more instead of just KOSing. Now this is just my opinion, but i think most people would agree here, strength in numbers, majority rules, that whole thing applies here in a few regards. In a game with base construction, how is a loner going to be able to construct an underground bunker singlehandedly? Shouldn't more players in a group have the ability to lift heavier beams, and be able to make bigger storage spaces?

Yes, my post was directed at OP.

I'm not saying there should be no changes that change mentality. Every change will change mentality to some degree. What I'm saying is that there shouldn't be any changes JUST to change mentality. If you feel that items needs to have their value increased by making it harder to keep them for example, then I would agree. But taking the same update and saying "We need to do this so then people won't KoS so much" just makes me roll my eyes and repeat what I said above about no change should be geared at controlling players.

The reason I say this now is because of your title. Your suggestions may very well be useful ones, but if I had to read about how KoS mentality should be dissuaded or frowned upon, then I'm just gonna skip past it. Because I simply cannot agree with it.


EDIT: Even though you edited it, the fact still stands that you are actively trying to change it. Though it is more commendable that you feel that there should be no crippling 'nerfs' to the mentality.

Edited by Rage VG

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