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It's frustrating that Rocket pays more attention to reddit than anything else

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like this forum, the DayZDevTwitter oder the Devblog.

Maybe it is because I find reddit to be really bad (in terms of layout and functionality) but it really bugs me.

Anyone else got this feeling?

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Reddit is Rockets hometown. The one thing I hate the most about Reddit, was from the dev blog where they had the mods from Reddit testing SA.

"So what do you think about the game, how can we improve?"


Edited by Beck
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It's literally the format that does my eyes in. It's not a competition or ego thing. I've got to know the Reddit mods well over the last couple of months and they're all great guys, in their defence with the devblog thing, it was jumped on them without any notice and really Rocket shouldn't have gone about it that way or released it after watching it back, he did appologise to them personally afterwards because they got a lot of stick for that.

I think people just get confused with where to look for info and that's the main issue.

Edited by Fraggle
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from what i know he only uses it because its a good way of seeing what threads are popular, i personally arnt a fan but it seems to be a good way of him to listen to his community.

seems people like razor on the over hand seem to be a little more happy with being on this forum, that probably because razor works on the mod though tbh and reddit seems to be all about SA.

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it just would be nice if he could give his feeback to some of our suggestions here from time to time too.... on the other hand i don't have a problem to post things from reddit here. just that everyone knows. here it is just that cozy, gemütliche atmosphere, like christmas eve with family, eggnog and whisky that i prefer.

Edited by joe_mcentire
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Is it possible that these forums are populated by those of us who play the mod in all it's various guises and rocket has, in a very real sense kinda moved on from that? I'm sure when these forums are buzzing with thoughts, suggestions, praise and criticisms in relation to his new baby he'll be a lot more active.

Edited by (MUC) Feral
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Reddit has the potential to broadcast to everyone. Mod Forums is limited to well, Mod Forums.

I say: Open the DayZGame forums!
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Reddit has the potential to broadcast to everyone. Mod Forums is limited to well, Mod Forums.

Everyone can read what's written here, or on the twitter page, or the devblog. And you can find information you're looking for way easier on these three than you can on reddit

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reddit has more sockpuppet accounts than a WarZ fan forum and it's easily abused by people with an agenda. Several companies have been caught trying to manipulate public opinion of their products by spamming threads, up and down votes from alts, and intentionally starting flamewars to drown honest public debate and opinion.

If that's where he wants to hang out, ok. I stalk his reddit account occasionally for news so it doesn't bother me one bit where he wants to post.

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I think Fraggle nailed the answer, he was a redditor before making this game in the first place and it is just his preferred medium.

Plus this place is filled with shifty people like Steak and Potatoes and when coming here he always feels like he needs to be packing heat for protection.

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