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Posture based on survival success.

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I've seen the weapon posturing in the DayZ alpha clips and it's nice to see a civilian use a gun in such a way. But I think It can be improved while adding depth to gameplay.

A few Suggestions/ Ideas. Mix and match if you will.

(I think After dying, all experience gained based on these idea's should be reset... keep the pain of death alive)

After playing for a certain amount of hours (or survived a certain amount of days), you could > Gain Military Posture and stances.

After Holding a Rifle/Shotgun/SMG for a certain amount of hours (or survived a certain amount of days), you could > Gain Military Run and stance with held weapon.

The stances could gradually become more confident in posture. Say... Stage 1, 2, 3 and 4. Which would translate to, Fresh spawn, Survivor, Veteran Survivor and then Military Grade.

It would basically show how loose a player is and how fresh they look which would show long they have been alive.

For example: A player running with a tight posture, keeping the gun close to his body would indicate that it's a player who's been alive for a considerable amount of time. Mixed with the idea of adding blood to a players clothes/face, you can build a rough image a person.

"He's running with a loose posture and he's covered in blood.. he hasn't been alive for long and he's already killing people... I'd better kill him"


"He's running with a tight posture and he's not covered in blood... He's been alive for a long time and he's barely killed anybody... I'd better kill him"

(You get the idea if you interchange both types of player, depending on who's watching the other.)

Noticing that it's a player who's been alive for a longer amount of time, could have an interesting effect on the KOS reflex or convince others they'd make a better ally (or trade partner) than a dead body.

Considering the bandit/hero/humanity system has been scrapped (Hopefully) and players generally have random skins, it'll be harder to distinguish the difference between fresh player and veteran, and perhaps harder to build character and fondness towards your player character.

So after watching your guy sweep through a town with his swift movements and military prowess, you could get used to it.. This would add much more pain and suffering to your death.

I get that people might want to keep their civilian posture so why not make an option you can toggle in the main menu somewhere.

I understand how the general idea is: You're a civilian, you should run, walk and talk like one.

But after spending weeks with a gun and dodging zombies, It's obvious how this would effect your posture and handling of any weapon.

[apologies if this is an old idea]

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I do like this kind of idea and i think Rocket did mention something similar was being considered since clothing is going to be available for everyone rather then getting skins because of your actions.

Things like subtle changes in stance, rather than a bandit/hero skin could be a better solution.

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I do like this kind of idea and i think Rocket did mention something similar was being considered since clothing is going to be available for everyone rather then getting skins because of your actions.

Things like subtle changes in stance, rather than a bandit/hero skin could be a better solution.

This idea has an official FRAGGLE copyright on it! ;)

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Blood for killing players is a really stupid idea, or rather attributing blood at all is silly.

1. If there's going to be a disease system, you would die IMMEDIATELY of a painful blood borne disease.

2. There's no distinction between whether the player shot a bandit or a survivor in self defense or not. It has all the flaws the current humanity system does

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Blood for killing players is a really stupid idea, or rather attributing blood at all is silly.

1. If there's going to be a disease system, you would die IMMEDIATELY of a painful blood borne disease.

2. There's no distinction between whether the player shot a bandit or a survivor in self defense or not. It has all the flaws the current humanity system does

It's something rocket talked about. If you loot a dead body, you could get blood on you, your hands clothes, whatever.

Whether or not you killed that player is irrelevant. If a player has blood on them.. there's any chance that they killed a person and if you want to survive by avoiding bandits or want to hunt murderous players then you can't afford to take that chance and confront that player with friendly chat or afford to loot bodies incase people think you're a murderous player. If you don't want blood on you.. stay away from dead bodies.

There's no pre-determined set of rules or standards, which is the impression I get from DayZ SA. The only rules or standards that exist are exactly what rules you create and what signals you interpret from the game. Like players covered in blood for example, could mean anything but there's a sinister atmosphere surrounding this image, isn't there?

This idea has an official FRAGGLE copyright on it! ;)

Consider it additional content. I might have touched on a subject he missed.

edit: Link please? I'd might as-well post any additional idea's there.

Edited by DaveZ

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It's something rocket talked about. If you loot a dead body, you could get blood on you, your hands clothes, whatever.

Whether or not you killed that player is irrelevant. If a player has blood on them.. If you don't want blood on you.. stay away from dead bodies.

Makes sense.

Still, it's wasted RMAT/polygons

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Makes sense.

Still, it's wasted RMAT/polygons

Ya, definitely idea's for late development after the system performance has been optimised.

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Don't bend your arms to the side, lean forward, there's your rifle stance.

Turn your shoulders 40 degrees, bend your dominant hand, keep your left hand straight down, push forward with your right hand, pull back with your left hand, put both of your thumbs on top of each other, that's your handgun (Weaver) stance.

Now the question is, if I know this from the start, why does my character act like he hasn't shot a gun before? And how would he learn anything like this on his own over time?

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So every PK, PvP, KoS player who dies every 5 minutes should be shooting like this...


...and this...


Ignore the misspelling on the second pic...it's supposed to be sights and not sites.

And this mod should be available for them.


Edited by Enforcer

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Now the question is, if I know this from the start, why does my character act like he hasn't shot a gun before? And how would he learn anything like this on his own over time?

Doesn't have to be perfection. Anything as simple as keeping the gun close to your body at all times shows that your becoming used to exploring with a gun.

Sounds crazy but think of it as a dog on a leash in the same way that your gun takes point and leads the way.

Walk a dog for the 1st time, its awkward, unpredictable, the dog goes one way and you're knocked off balance because your muscles aren't accustomed to being pulled in that direction.

1 week later and you're un-phased by the dogs unpredictable movements.

3 weeks later and you're sick of being tugged around still so you decide to take the dog for a walk, instead of the other way round.

That's how I imagine it can feel for somebody who's never held a gun before. Every movement is awkward, you're muscles have not had to deal with this object on a daily basis. Eventually you hate it then fight back and say.. "ok, this is how it's going to happen".

Perhaps it could be gradual. Seems like something anybody would learn over time.

The more shots you fire... The more you lean forward.

The longer that you're running with a gun... The closer you hold it to your body and tuck your arms in > hold it like you mean it.

Gotta think creatively too :P

This isn't just a casual firing range experience. Where your only objective is to have fun, hit a target and pay money to be taught by a tutor.

When pushed to the brink of death and faced with a harsh survival challenge, the brain learns faster, more creatively and everything becomes critical. You could go from a floppy civilian with a boom-stick to a hardened marksman in a matter of weeks and no amount of paid for training in a casual life could do that.

Essentially, what's keeping you alive is that gun, after realising that you're going to hold onto it like a life-line, a lady, a magic wand and a ravenous dog.

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Wouldn't players also get bloody from hunting animals?

If so, there should be a way to bathe. as only an idiot decides to walk around for days with something/one else's blood all over their face; right near eyes, nose, mouth etc..

Stances seem interesting, I sort of feel it should have more to do with stamina and strength than knowledge, it isn't THAT hard to hold a gun, be it a pistol, or rifle properly, it is hard to do it for hours on end while running around with an extra 40 pounds on your back though.

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Wouldn't players also get bloody from hunting animals?

If so, there should be a way to bathe. as only an idiot decides to walk around for days with something/one else's blood all over their face; right near eyes, nose, mouth etc..

Stances seem interesting, I sort of feel it should have more to do with stamina and strength than knowledge, it isn't THAT hard to hold a gun, be it a pistol, or rifle properly, it is hard to do it for hours on end while running around with an extra 40 pounds on your back though.

~ I think It'd be great to be able to clean yourself with either a water bottle or a rare pack of cleaning towels/scrubs which cleans EVERYTHING. Or take a dip in clean water.. (You're right, killing and gutting a rabbit then being killed by a player who hates bandit or something... or used to have pet rabbits, would suck.)

~ If you shoot somebody, blood gets everywhere, especially inside pockets where items are held now, so at least your hands would be caked in blood. Then putting those items in your pockets would get blood on your clothes. EDIT: Perhaps taking items from the backpack would leave you free from stains. A player might see great loot in the clothes... but taking it would make for interesting choices.

~ I think to combat the KOS reflex anyhow... running with your weapon lowered, should conserve stamina + food + water reserves. Running with it raised all the time should bear obvious stamina drainage. (tbh, I've never been killed simply cause I was off-guard and my weapon is lowered, I keep it lowered more often cause it looks cool)

~ I agree that bullets should be a more realistic factor considering weight values.

Edited by DaveZ

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+1 on the posture improving for time survived - Great idea

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