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About Zach_Bravo

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  1. Zach_Bravo

    Your First Time Playing DayZ

    I was repeatedly murdered in the first day, spent two hours crawling around with broken legs; was followed by a newly spawned bandit for thirty minutes before he found a gun and killed me....good times, good times.
  2. Zach_Bravo

    Traders and Traitors List

    +2DaveAzoicer; I say plus two because I have traded with him twice in 48 hours now and he is a professional, very polite. Drives a good bargain but lets you walk away with your money's worth, definitely will use him as my main trader. PS. Yeah, I'm the one David traded with, and I'm waiting to trade with him right now for our second trade, but I'm going to go ahead and leave that plus 2 up there.
  3. Zach_Bravo

    Sand Bags

    Looking for Sandbags, will take reasonable offers; any other implacement/field fortifications as well.
  4. Zach_Bravo

    Paid Spy; You pay me in tin can (BACK UP)

    good job all around...*facepalm*
  5. Zach_Bravo


    NO. Also.... NO.
  6. Zach_Bravo

    Harcore Survival Group

    15 and under? Sounds creepy.
  7. Zach_Bravo

    DMR loot!

    A winner is you.
  8. Zach_Bravo

    Wish I was recording (US1652)

    sounds funny; this is why I always check "Hide Unofficial" on DayZCommander.
  9. Zach_Bravo

    Posture based on survival success.

    Sounds like a good idea to me, but I still like the Bandit/Hero skins.
  10. Zach_Bravo

    When is it Okay to KoS?

    When I first started playing, I KoS'd the few times I saw people because I was on a server full of jerks who also KoS'd on sight. Now I play on a good server and I only KoS when it's a bandit. Otherwise I let people go their own way. Also, having been in the brush for days now, it's not like I see people anyway....