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How to stop kill on sight mentality.

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I love dayz and i enjoy how the developers are open to suggestions. so here are a my new suggestions on how to improve the humanity sytem (so people are less likely to kill each other. plus a few other ideas.

1: how to improve humanity.

I think simply making people rely more on each other for blood transfusions isnt encouraging people to work together but in fact just making the game way harder then it has to be.

A) Make your character less susceptible to fear and panic attacks in groups. so if you go it alone, your character stresses out and needs an inhaler, but if you are in a group you are calmer and dont need one (so as a bandit its one more thing you have to worry about)

B) Allow callouts to register in game. So if I see a pack of zombies, i call out the area and an arrow appears above the area for my teammates (i understand this flies in the face of no UI, but in real life you can give advice to people via communication, and not everybody has a headset etc - so it makes it more accessable)

C) You could get people to work together by implenting a conscience system. So the more people you kill you develop Post tramatic stress or similar problems. This could be visual ques such has head twitches and erratic rambling. that would annoy your 1st person view (like extreme headbob), and also attract zombies making it MUCH harder to be a bandit.

2) other things i would like in the standalone:

A) hold doors shut against a zombie. only works for 30 seconds to bandage etc.

B) a map editor (i know its near impossible to make maps on arma engine, but if they can convert fps to mmo they can create a halfway descent map editor. Dean Hall said he wants to open up the game to user created content, this is the way to ease the load off the developers and let the fans pick up some wieght.

C)scoreboard (its been said before, rank kills, survive time, trades without kills {also would stop the KOS mentality} etc)

D) I recently saw World war Z, it was okay, but one thing i liked (SPOILERS) was the vaccine to appear invis to zombies. would be a cool rare item. works for 30 secs or something.

Thanks for your time :)

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and take out all the guns.

violence is for idiots.

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and take out all the guns.

violence is for idiots.

I think that's a little harsh, mate... but yeah. The sarcasm is better than a reply I could have come up with.

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the holding doors shut is an ok idea. the rest is shit, just my honest opinion.

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1 A. So now we are penalizing people who go it alone instead of people who try to make friends? I can't see how that is any better.

B. yeano there will probably never ever be anything like this, with good reason. If you are a mute in the apocalypse you don't get to use magic to tell your friends stuff. Same if you don't have a headset (or at least mic) in this day and age you should expect to be at a disadvantage. No UI means no UI, microphone is almost a prerequisite to playing games like DayZ where communication is vital.

C. Again, penalizing certain playstyles (in this case banditry). Might as well say it straight, in the end you want a game where there are very few easy to kill bandits and everyone works together against the zombies. If not then don't make suggestions that push the game in that direction.

2 A. This is a good idea, 30 seconds is a bit long though and the door should be broken down afterwards, say until next restart or until it is actually fixed.

B I guess this is okay? It would have to be separate character though like private hives now.

C I think having a zombie kills & longest life leaderboard would be cool. Just an extra on the side, no harm.

D I don't really agree with the method but I think there should be a way to either feign death or have a very slow method of travel that helps you blend in.

My playstyle is play it safe by hiding from people and picking off armed loners that are in the way. So I would be penalized for being alone but I would also be going nuts from the apparent guilt that comes from doing what I need to survive? No thanks

Edited by Chris529

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Solo players should not be given "penalties", "limitations" sound more neutral. If they choose to play alone they should need longer to accomplish things compared to a group, they hav less firepower, they are always outnumbered etc... Banditry as we know it is nothing else than wanton murder, banditry needs to be roleplayed ( bandit and a willing victim ), of course if the victim resists it's completly apporopriate to use deadly force. But not like always a shot from far away then walk away because it's too far to get to the body. If somebody suddenly pops up in front of me that would also be ok if it ends up in a firefight because both were shocked to see a player that close. Reinforcing doors would be great if they can stop them from moving through blocked openings.

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It doesn't need to be stopped. There just needs to be more to do and the zombies need to respond and attack in a way that cricle straff does not stone cold defeat them.

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Personally I think a lot of Bandits are born through boredom.

I'm playing on an Epoch server and due to the trade / grind for gold for better weapons, gear etc a lot of the time would-be bandits are off making gold, yes I realise they can just kill you and take your hard earned moneys but it works both ways and the risk vs reward of killing someone for potential junk when you could have earned a few 10z bars in half hours farming mean I would expect to see less KOS (at least until bases, camps etc are established)

Just my 2 cents and think it bollocks if you will, but IMO just having more tasks and direction would help a lot.

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There is no way to avoid KOS mentality , since there is no reason not to KOS .

If there ever is a good reason not to KOS , then maybe it will diminish somewhat , but until then , you will most likely be shot any time some one sees you and wants something you may have .

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There is no way to avoid KOS mentality , since there is no reason not to KOS .

If there ever is a good reason not to KOS , then maybe it will diminish somewhat , but until then , you will most likely be shot any time some one sees you and wants something you may have .

Completely wrong. There is never a reason to chaos until you make one. In this case boredom and in case of DayZ people who are not willing to play the game in a normal way because they play the game with the same mentality like in every other shooter. "kill on sight, no interaction". We met so many good people due to interaction and also killed a lot who's only interaction was the one with their triggerfinger and lmb. You can do something even without goals, not just kos. If you can't accomplish anything further than that you are narrowminded and have no imagination. Even if there was a lot to do the same people would kos claming there is nothing else to do. same with Sahrani Life: Players could easily distract themselves with something else but all they did was to clash with with cops.

Edited by Enforcer
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Even if there was a lot to do the same people would kos claming there is nothing else to do. same with Sahrani Life: Players could easily distract themselves with something else but all they did was to clash with with cops.

Maybe because they happen to like PvP?

Not everyone is into roleplaying or teamwork. People find their fun in different places.

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Guys get a long with it. Even Dean has said that it will be insanely hard to go solo and survive in the meanwhile. So not considering the idea of OP, going solo will already be a very hard game-style anyway..

I much liked the idea of banditary to be a harder game-style than a normal style. A person who only kills people around just to survive would not really last long. In reality those people would be the ones who would die first considering the risk they take is just stupidly high to be killed and the chance to be known as a "murderer" is highly likely, which would lead their death though anyway. Those people should imo indeed attract zombie easier and faster as well as they would experience mental issues.

A scoreboard telling the surviving-time and bandit kills would be ok, but no kill/death rate or such.

Other than that;

-Get a headset.

-No magical communication ways nor UI.

-No map editor (go play arma series)

-No magical med or such to be invis to the zeds.. If you want to be invis to them, then just wash ur body with their intestinals and u would be ok for a small matter of time anyway.. (such a feature would be cool imo)

Edited by SoulHunter

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1 - As said before, this would penalize people that play solo, bandit or not, players whithin a group would be OP.

2-I don't think this kind of UI is necessary, A while a go i did , but now after some interviews and thinking i realized there's no need for any desnecessary UI.

3- Again, a lot of people would be penalized .

4) Agreed in someway;

5) That would be nice, would give people a chance to create their own stuff.

6) This could be both good and bad, i mean, i'm afraid this could somehow increase the competitive edge of the game, etc) I'm not really sure, i'll have a thought on it.


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I understand where you are coming from and I think part of the problem is the dissonance that the game has from the real world.

In the real world (with a Zed problem) then you would consider working with people more readily because that person is another guy to watch you back. You are also less likely to try gun someone down for fear of death.

To realistically make people stop so much (not all) killing on sight, we would really need to address the dissonance of the game from the real world. (ie, more fear of death)

We should have more tools to disable and disarm players such as knocking them unconscious if we sneak behind them and zippy cuffs to place on people.

I like the idea of blocking doors off, I don't think it needs to have a limit to how long you can do it but holding it for an extended duration should run your stamina down and increase hunger/thirst. (More Zeds should hasten this).

There is no reason that players should be able to open the door you are holding shut, they couldn't in the real world so why could they here? Having the ability to kick at the door(draining them of some strength) and/or shoot through the door would be good though.

To influence players that shooting isn't always the best course we should hopefully see some changes to abilities we have but also punish players for killing others.

I'd say one of the best ways to punish players for killing other players is to give them some form of conscious. The effects of a conscious could be as simple as elevated heart rate and adrenaline rushes during firing meaning constantly killing players makes your character feel more broken with every kill.That would be a reasonable and realistic effect.

I'd personally love to see flashes of partially transparent previous kills appear on the sides of the screen when aiming toward players to signify vivid memories that your character is suffering from at that moment, this idea is more of a concept though even if it was implemented and tested it would probably be removed for some reason or another.

Edited by Xeiom

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I like how were going against bandits,

Also, there are different types of people in the world those that can stand the smell of of a rotting dismembered body and those that cant and end up puking just because of the stench, your idea about traumatic stress or needing an inhaler would not be realistic at all. Bandits im sure would be people that can handle killing someone at point blank and feel no remorse or consience that being a reason why they are bandits/murderers

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1 - As said before, this would penalize people that play solo, bandit or not, players whithin a group would be OP.

It's only natural to be stronger and have less burden in a group...the numbers already tell the difference...if you fight solo you die solo. If you take a group head on you are stupid and dead. There have to be limits for solo players, we are not Rambo.

Maybe because they happen to like PvP?

Not everyone is into roleplaying or teamwork. People find their fun in different places.

Well...it's like buying a F1 racing game, joining multiplayer and trying to play it like a crash derby? Edited by Enforcer
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No. These ideas are very silly (needing a group to reduce fear and you need an inhaler? lol!) and the idea that you can hold doors shut for 30 seconds to keep zombies out is kind of out-of-reach of simplicity. The zombies would need new path finding, new animations, new scripting, etc.

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To reduce kos in dayz, a new cod is needed. Ghosts will be out soon enough and they can fap away with that.

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Even if they added a feature that, once you fired a gun or swung a hatchet at another player you'd be insta-banned for life and a virus sent to your PC that caused the motherboard to melt and all your facebook contacts be sent messages from your account calling them all manner of unkind things, there would still be Killing on Sight, there is no cure for this illness.

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In a zombie apocalypse, surviving by yourself would be hard as hell. So this should be represented in DayZ. Surprising enough, in real life, you're not as bad ass as you think. Any sane person would become panicked or scared when night set in and they are raiding a town alone. If you had friends to help you along the way, you'd know someone has your back (like an over watch) and you're a little bit more safer.

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I think everything that happens to you should tie in to some kind of "comfort" value. Comfort would govern things like, the rate at which you recuperate blood and stamina. A higher Comfort value would cause your characters hunger and thirst to increase more slowly than it generally would. Things like sleeping, eating, drinking, being near a fire, or being indoors, would add to your comfort value, which would sort of naturally degrade at a certain rate. And obviously things like being injured, shot, running for a long time, fighting zombies, being sick, over-eating, under-eating, ect. would decrease your comfort value. This value should not be "known" in any way to players, other than the effects and maybe subtle sound cues or something. (Say you sit down next to a fire and your character kind of *sighs,* just like you probably do when you sit down after a long day in reality) Players would just have to learn different ways to take good care of their character. Say you haven't had a soda in a long time, and you drink one. That would add to your comfort value. Naturally, if you drink like 3 or 4 sodas in a row, that will decrease your character's comfort level beyond the comfort you gained from the first soda. Interacting with other survivors (for example, in the trade menu) and just being around another survivor for an extended period of time >30mins should increase your comfort level significantly, with that (or those) particular player(s).

I think adding fundamental limitations like this to the actual character is really important to changing the PvP dynamic that we all currently sort of float down stream with. If you are forced to take good care of your health and comfort, then trading and teamwork will become much more significant. Of course, you'll always have PvP, but managing your own character's comfort level and avoiding a truly dangerous world is the best way to get people to group together.

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In a zombie apocalypse, surviving by yourself would be hard as hell. So this should be represented in DayZ. Surprising enough, in real life, you're not as bad ass as you think. Any sane person would become panicked or scared when night set in and they are raiding a town alone. If you had friends to help you along the way, you'd know someone has your back (like an over watch) and you're a little bit more safer.

What most players ( also PVPers, DMers ) won't admit. You'd be scared as hell if you had to do things alone and couldn't rely on anyone even if it's just the presence of another person to feel comfortable. That's also a reason why sniper teams are always a pair...

A comfort value would be great, if you feel safe you recuperate faster, won't even apply to groups only. You can also feel safe alone if you are in your hideout f.e. or stay away from contacts for a while to "get the adrenaline down". Since most PVPers or actually want on murderers work alone it wouldn't be such a bad limitation since they don't live long enough in most cases. Edited by Enforcer

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and take out all the guns.

violence is for idiots.

i only need MACHETE xD

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I believe the most part that promotes the PvP is the fact that people are after what's mostly sought for.. Especially high end items and the thrill.

I'd recommend that killing zombies should be more rewarding to players like something that you can add to a journal for your own personal record and have some type of stamp on it for recognition. Players always try to find the easiest possible solution to gain for their own advantage.

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