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About Xeiom

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. Yeah I suppose this might not align with Rockets vision of the game. I don't think this would affect how spontaneous things are, if anything it might make the game a tiny bit more unpredictable. I mainly suggest it because I feel that while hunger, thirst, and physical health are all accounted for in the game. Mental health is a very real aspect of survival and seems reasonably under represented. I agree that it's unlikely to work well, this sort of thing really requires a top notch implementation and I dare say for a game like DayZ more time investment to add correctly than worthwhile investing. Other features would likely take less time and add more to the game as a result. I'm not so sure, Rocket seems very fond of representing survival and mental health is not represented directly. I wouldn't be surprised if something similar to this was added. Brainstorming is a very powerful tool for creative media, sometimes bringing up and idea is useful not because the idea itself is going to be used but rather someone elses contribution brings forth a really great idea.
  2. I think people that are forced to kill in self defence or as an accident are actually more likely to receive vivid recollections than those going out to kill for sport. People with very low kill rates might not experience this at all or only once every few hours. The idea is to be an annoyance but to also be unpredictable. Something that frequent killers will suffer more than the occasional kill. It's true that not every human would necessarily get the flashes which could be accounted for with some background math, however not every human has the exact same shoe size and so far that's not an issue in the game!
  3. That leaves very little in the way of narrative. Any reasons you feel this is more detrimental than positive?
  4. Hey Guys, I'll try keep it short to not bore. I came up with this idea and I'd like to know what the community thinks. I was just thinking of ways to help discourage kill on sight mentality without putting in unrealistic measures. The idea is 2 parts. The idea is that when you shoot a player dead, the game takes a quick screenshot. The screenshot is then attached to your character. (new characters mean all screenshots get deleted) The second part is that your character will now get small flashes of the screenshot (blended, not fully screen obscuring) The more people you kill the more screenshots you acquire and thus the more frequently they appear. Even a veteran bandit shouldn't be receiving them too frequently(once every 25-35mins?) and it should maybe select just 2 or 3 at a time to flash. Causing no more than 1.5 seconds of disruption and not impairing controls. This sort of leaves it up to the player if they are actually being bothered by all their kills and helps build up a character in the negative ways the apocalypse might affect your mental status.
  5. I really like this Idea. Rather than 100 vehicles per server, I'd be more hopeful that It works along the lines of 4 cars per small town and maybe 6 per city, even spawning out in the open where you'd expect a vehicle would be abandoned. I think the main problem we have currently is the unlimited fuel at fuel depos. We should have a limited amount of fuel in each and they should only refill under the same circumstances loot gets refreshed.
  6. Xeiom

    Why no Zombie children again?

    Seems they do plan to sell this I very much doubt we'll see Zombie children from the official Devs. They have implied there will be modability and I'm sure some people will be happy to add elements like this to tailor the game experience toward what some groups would really enjoy, or like to see.,
  7. Hopefully they will release a console version of the game so that many people can enjoy it without expensive computers and using a control scheme they are more familiar with using. I don't think that even the console port of DayZ will include some of the "aim-assist" mechanics present in most FPS games on current consoles though. The lack of those mechanics would mean that you're always going to be capable of achieving higher accuracy on a mouse when games don't have capped turn speeds. I used to play exclusively on consoles myself so I understand your frustration but if you just try to use it for a game or two it'll literally become second nature to you and before you know It you will be aiming better with the mouse than was ever even possible with the controller.
  8. I love the idea of being able to have handcuffs/zippy cuffs and blindfolds. That capability to move other players who are restrained in this manner would also be great. I'd say that if a blindfold was implemented then having it as one that could be removed via shuffling the players head for a few minutes would be good so that abandoned players could end up seeing and travelling somewhere even if their hands are cuffed so they could try find someone to remove the cuffs or die to zombies to start again. Other players who see that player shuffling their head could re-secure it and tell the player to stop. I think the blinding via acid is probably complexity for the sake of complexity at this stage and would have very limited uses considering the presence of assault weaponry.
  9. Xeiom

    How to stop kill on sight mentality.

    I understand where you are coming from and I think part of the problem is the dissonance that the game has from the real world. In the real world (with a Zed problem) then you would consider working with people more readily because that person is another guy to watch you back. You are also less likely to try gun someone down for fear of death. To realistically make people stop so much (not all) killing on sight, we would really need to address the dissonance of the game from the real world. (ie, more fear of death) We should have more tools to disable and disarm players such as knocking them unconscious if we sneak behind them and zippy cuffs to place on people. I like the idea of blocking doors off, I don't think it needs to have a limit to how long you can do it but holding it for an extended duration should run your stamina down and increase hunger/thirst. (More Zeds should hasten this). There is no reason that players should be able to open the door you are holding shut, they couldn't in the real world so why could they here? Having the ability to kick at the door(draining them of some strength) and/or shoot through the door would be good though. To influence players that shooting isn't always the best course we should hopefully see some changes to abilities we have but also punish players for killing others. I'd say one of the best ways to punish players for killing other players is to give them some form of conscious. The effects of a conscious could be as simple as elevated heart rate and adrenaline rushes during firing meaning constantly killing players makes your character feel more broken with every kill.That would be a reasonable and realistic effect. I'd personally love to see flashes of partially transparent previous kills appear on the sides of the screen when aiming toward players to signify vivid memories that your character is suffering from at that moment, this idea is more of a concept though even if it was implemented and tested it would probably be removed for some reason or another.
  10. I don't think this idea pushes in the direction of ridding the UI of unnecessary information or information we shouldn't have. I don't think we should get this information at all, while it is sort of nice to have I think for the public vanilla settings this should be disabled completely. People are still going to be able to find out where they are via landmarks and online maps quickly enough but knowing instantly removed some uncertainty and disorientation that players should possess when the first spawn.
  11. Xeiom

    Camoflage clothing suggestion!

    Why have you linked us pictures of trees? :rolleyes:
  12. Xeiom

    Rise From The Dead!

    I thought of this too, then I was informed that the zombies from Day Z are not the risen dead but are infected living people(like 28 days later)
  13. Xeiom

    Taking people hostage

    Day Z is already a very cruel game, this could be massively abused by organised players and be even more cruel. I Love it.
  14. Many of the points in this list are equivalent to suggestions made in my post(in my signature). Though this is a much more flushed out list of things with a lot more consideration I assume from many people. I don't agree fully on all points but they raise issues that are worth consideration. I sure hope Rocket gets some time to strife through It.
  15. Xeiom

    Looting other person backpack

    I agree, seems we don't have kinetic feedback a small message would be appropriate.