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Animals spawn around the players pick any random field go test.

I happened to find a conclusion that they mostly spawn near the coasts which are kinda close to the lighthouses. I could always find 2-3 animals around sorta places even though I could not find almost any in the forests. (Yes, I generally got infected in the middle of the map due to me generally rocking away from big cities but in the forests instead.)

Edited by SoulHunter

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Could you show me show videos/pictures something of each one of these bugs plz?


Zeds aggroing at a long distance - Sight is limited to 100 meters down from Deans Original 300 meters. Sound is not limited.

Hitting through walls. - No matter how much testing we do we can not recreate this issue unless the zed is glitched into the wall.

Zeds hitting from 5-6 meter distance - Zed are limited in range so you can not get dmg when a zed is above the hitting range. .7 had a range bug .7.1 fixed it.

​Zed Speeds are in fact returned to default in .6 we changed them to be slower in .7 we reset that change to Dean's original number.

Zeds reacting to calls from other zeds has always been ingame it just didn't work same as sound from weapons.

1. Happened last night, zed aggroed as I was far away, don´t know why, i´m trying to reproduce it.

2. Firestations tend to provocate that

3. Somehow a Zed standing about 5-7 meters away from me in a building managed to hit me, no other zeds aroung noone in the walls or floor buged.

4. The biggest problem is that one of my friends has a really bad pc, so he runs significantly slower than the zeds.. We found out that this occures by other members of my team as well, especially the ones with bad grafic cards. We´re about the upgrade the pc´s and trying to find out if this was the problem.

5. Zeds talking is one of our major problems, because in a close combat area like a small town with only 1-2 lootable buildings, we are trying at our hardest to net get the attention of every zed around so if one of us gets spotted by a zed we need to deal with the whole city..

Edited by ToastiMan

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 I'm not saying you are wrong--I actually hold the same point of view as far as the horde mechanic and the potential threat (or non threat?) the zeds should pose towards humans.  I just don't think that given the state of the engine that it's a reasonable thing to command of anyone.  B)


Well then, in this case I must boil and fester in agreement. Very well. >:(

Edited by codestargod
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Could you show me show videos/pictures something of each one of these bugs plz?


Zeds aggroing at a long distance - Sight is limited to 100 meters down from Deans Original 300 meters. Sound is not limited.

Hitting through walls. - No matter how much testing we do we can not recreate this issue unless the zed is glitched into the wall.

Zeds hitting from 5-6 meter distance - Zed are limited in range so you can not get dmg when a zed is above the hitting range. .7 had a range bug .7.1 fixed it.

​Zed Speeds are in fact returned to default in .6 we changed them to be slower in .7 we reset that change to Dean's original number.

Zeds reacting to calls from other zeds has always been ingame it just didn't work same as sound from weapons.


Like I said, unfortunately, my FPS drops to 5 while recording, so I don't have the videos to show. I'd better tell you the coordinates.
1. Chernogorsk - a zombie (063 131) managed to see me somehow when I was crouch-running near the supermarket, between two low value wooden houses (red at 065 130 and another big one at 064 130) 
2. Fire station in Electro (104 127) - a zombie managed to go into a wall on the first (ground) floor and to "go up" to the third floor, just like by elevator.
Deer Stand near Dubrovka (099 057) - a zombie on the deer stand noticed me, ran through it, fell down on the ground and died.
Brown Barn in Chernogorsk (070 122) - I entered the barn, and then a zombie walked in through the northern wall.
Apartment Building in Chernogorsk (063 126) - a zombie entered the room on the top floor, then suddenly ran through a wall and fell down on the ground.
Industrial Building in Chernogorsk (068 126) - zombies ignore blue walls and doors and run through them.
Industrial Buildings in Chernogorsk (067 127 and 066 127) - zombies ignore the doors and walls and just walk through them.
Military Base (Green Mountain) (037 093) - zombies ignore all of the fences and gates, they walk through these objects.
Nowadays they tend to ignore the walls and doors in many buildings: residential, industrial, barns and fire stations. Don't get me wrong, but they didn't go through the walls and doors that often in I think that the new zombies' pathfinding is the reason.
3. Wooden House in Electro (093 133) - I was sitting behind the table, the zombie walked in the house and was standing near the entrance. He suddenly stopped and started hitting me (successfully). I'm not sure what causes this problem, maybe the house itself is the reason.
Edited by IceBeam

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1, Its the same LOS check we use for zeds to stop chasing a player if there was an issue everyone would see it something else is at work


2, Walking tho objects is an arma 2 limit if i remember correct its part of the model issues we have. Zed spawning on deer stands is a issue with the new spawning system we have recently removed due to other issues. Most of the hitting tho wall issues seem to be related they all ignore the angle of attack and line of sight as well as the hard limit of distance again something else is at play. Now don't get me wrong if the zed is glitched into the wall they can see you no matter what however they must still be within the hard limit at all times. As i've said many times the zed does not dmg you. You attack your self when the zed is within range and running the attack animation.


Fence's, doors and gates the zeds will always ignore even in a2 they can travel tho them.


I need images of it happening as i keep saying we can not recreate hitting tho walls. Go stand in a bus stop the zeds will not hit you and they cant glitch into the walls.


The more info we get the more we can find out whats happening and try to fix. We all play the game and don't see these long hit issues or hitting tho walls but then most of us are 30+ fps at all times.


PS we do have a bug report thread.

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Why not wipe the public hive every update, tents and all? (I know tents are saved on servers, but wasn't there a full wipe last summer? or am I mistaken) Then we can evaluate changes from a level playing field.

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Why not wipe the public hive every update, tents and all? (I know tents are saved on servers, but wasn't there a full wipe last summer? or am I mistaken) Then we can evaluate changes from a level playing field.


I would say, this would give everyone the same changes of surviving, but just imagine the shitstorm afterwards..

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When you find a gun with let say 2 mags on the ground, and when you pickup that gun with 2 mags, you actually picked up a gun with no mags loaded, and you have to load the gun, then when you load the gun, in your main inventory instead 2 mags you have only 1, because other is actually loaded in the gun


Same situation with swapping guns from main inventory to backpack, if you putting loaded gun into backpack, you are putting a gun with only one mag, others mags stay in main.


Then lets say if you found M4 and you wish to replace it with your M16 you can also unload your mag from M16, and load it into M4.

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From the changelog;


1) [FIXED] - Infection divide by zero error.
2) [FIXED] - Infection will now be properly removed at tents after logout
3) [uPDATED] - Infection base chance.

What do these mean to the layman?

And once the next patch goes live, will we find Antibiotics in the Med Boxes?


Medbox1 Contains.
magazine = "ItemBandage";
count = 5;
magazine = "ItemEpinephrine";
count = 2;
magazine = "ItemMorphine";
count = 5;
magazine = "ItemBloodbag";
count = 2;
magazine = "ItemPainkiller";
count = 2;
magazine = "ItemAntibiotic";
count = 3;         

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1/ Means the issue with zeds causing infection (based on reports) 100% of the time should now be fixed.

2/ During sleeping at tents you have a chance to remove infection it did not save after restart in .7.1 this is now fixed.

3/ Updated the infection base chance by .10 from 1.25 to 1.35.


4/ Medbox1 is a new medical box that spawns at infected camps and hospitals and crash sites. it does contain antibiotic's.

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Well suddenly I feel like I love you razor (nohomo)..


Changelog sounds very good, and after I managed to get to nwaf and back to cherno yesterday without getting infected/hit by a zed, it sounds even better!

But be careful next time:


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Are wild spawning Zeds coming back in the next patch? 


I personally felt like it gave the mod a fresh breath of life and its one of the reasons why I started playing so much again.

Edited by WolfManCat

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Are wild spawning Zeds coming back in the next patch? 


I personally felt like it gave the mod a fresh breath of life and its one of the reasons why I started playing so much again.


We are working on it.


When might we expect a release?

No idea we do not control release's.

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Just an update.


We had contact from Dean today in regards to the mods development. We have now decide to cut out any middle men, all contact about the mod's changes will now go direct to Dean this should give us a clear communication line.


As for the current state we are currently finishing changes to the current build, once done i'll send the changelog direct to Dean for approval.

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We have now decide to cut out any middle men

Is middle man new nickname for Matt :P

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Just an update.


We had contact from Dean today in regards to the mods development. We have now decide to cut out any middle men, all contact about the mod's changes will now go direct to Dean this should give us a clear communication line.


As for the current state we are currently finishing changes to the current build, once done i'll send the changelog direct to Dean for approval.

Great news !

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I do agree with you, I just think in this case we're limited by Arma.  Notice how many people struggle with framerates, lag, and server performance as it is?  To have zeds spawn, scan (LOS as well as sound), patrol a certain area, aggro, form hordes, then interact in what I will call "horde mode" is asking a lot.  Actually, I think it's asking too much.  Not of the developers, but of the servers.  I've had to resort to restarting my server every three hours negate an existing memory hole in Arma that bleeds performance, and that is with the system as-is on a vanilla server.


 I'm not saying you are wrong--I actually hold the same point of view as far as the horde mechanic and the potential threat (or non threat?) the zeds should pose towards humans.  I just don't think that given the state of the engine that it's a reasonable thing to command of anyone.  B)



Just my $.02



Thanks for running a great server, Jimmy. You're the last busy official server in my ping, cuz your server is great!

That's interesting about the 3 hour restarts. I like it from a game play perspective as well. A player needs to heighten his level of awareness of time, but you adapt and it keeps the server running really smooth almost always.


Maybe you might recall a short lived update (about 3-6 months ago) wherein there was no limitation or 'tapering off' of zombie spawn rates. Single players could generate massive hordes. I remember once in Berenzino, running down the road between the two stores with no less than 60-80 zombies chasing me, yes it was a little laggy but also so amazing. For once, I was amazed. I kept gaining ground on the horde, then stopping, turning and just marveling at the horde (and shooting at them, of course). Maybe Razer and his cohorts will be successful with their performance optimizations so that we can experience truly epic zombie hordes that aren't buggy.


And speaking of bugs,why hasn't anyone "re-skinned" the zombies into different enemy classes with their own ai mechanics. We recognize the game isn't limited to one map, why should it be limited by setting. Instead of zombie infestation, how about giant bug infestation? DayB-bugs, DayD-dinosaurs, DayX-extraterrestrials, DayP-mega fauna of late Paleocene era(sabertooths, mammoths, short faced bear, enteledonts, etc.), DayM-Asteroid/meteor impact, DayU-ultimate combination scenario where all play out . . . humans contract a 'zombie' virus while science experiment causes giant bugs to take over while in another science experiment gone wrong dinosaurs are resurrected and thrive while alien invade while mammoths and mastodons come back (cuz of cold from global warming . .DayG) while a massive meteor impact event takes place. And you spawn next to Elektro with some flares . . .

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We had contact from Dean today in regards to the mods development. We have now decide to cut out any middle men, all contact about the mod's changes will now go direct to Dean this should give us a clear communication line.


Sounds good, let's see if it will also work as intended. Keep it up r4z0r.

Also, one question/suggestion. I know this is not the proper place to post but since you've been active here recently here we go. As fas as I know all function keys (F1-F12) are hardcoded into arma2 and therefore one can't use them for anything without triggering that annoying squad command menu ingame. So I wonder, is there any chance that you devs can do something about it? A small patch let's say disabling this function. Being able to use said keys for custom controls or external apps (ts, fraps, media players, etc) would be great.

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Sounds good, let's see if it will also work as intended. Keep it up r4z0r.

Also, one question/suggestion. I know this is not the proper place to post but since you've been active here recently here we go. As fas as I know all function keys (F1-F12) are hardcoded into arma2 and therefore one can't use them for anything without triggering that annoying squad command menu ingame. So I wonder, is there any chance that you devs can do something about it? A small patch let's say disabling this function. Being able to use said keys for custom controls or external apps (ts, fraps, media players, etc) would be great.

I know pretty much next to nothing about modding but if the F-keys are hard coded into Arma2 I'd imagine there's nothing the devs can do about it because they're just modding Arma 2.  It would need an actual fix or patch from BIS themselves to resolve.


Having said that I may be completely wrong and I'm literally just guessing based on no knowledge whatsoever.  Razor should be able to give you a proper answer though.

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I'm also not a programmer but even if it's not possible through an external (eg not tampering with the original arma2 exe) way, it's still considered modding, just with a bit of reverse engineering . And even if this way comes to a dead end, we could just make a formal poll on this forum, get the results and forward it to BIS. I'm pretty sure it's not such a big deal for them, releasing the same patch we already use, with a couple of nops where the exe gets the function keys' registers. It's more like if they want to do it or not.

Edited by h3l1x

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Biggest disappointment ever. Spent 8 Hours yesterday fixing a Military Offroad at Green Mountain, went 8 times to cherno and back, finally got everyone despite the engine which had 20% left, drove away, parked it in a forest, logged in an hour ago and car was gone. Went back to green mountain to find it at it´s spawn again -.-' ... Even saved it before logged out.. Server restarts ever 4-6 hours.. Why should I risk going into cherno to look for loot for the car, when everything is just destroyed by the arma engine.. Well, before this bug is fixed, I have no reason to play dayz again..

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Biggest disappointment ever. Spent 8 Hours yesterday fixing a Military Offroad at Green Mountain, went 8 times to cherno and back, finally got everyone despite the engine which had 20% left, drove away, parked it in a forest, logged in an hour ago and car was gone. Went back to green mountain to find it at it´s spawn again -.-' ... Even saved it before logged out.. Server restarts ever 4-6 hours.. Why should I risk going into cherno to look for loot for the car, when everything is just destroyed by the arma engine.. Well, before this bug is fixed, I have no reason to play dayz again..


Maybe it was the server. I stole a car last week from a guy who shot me unarmed :)  and managed to keep it for three days, on a server that restarts every three hours. Don't know if somebody found it, or it was my abscence on the server for nearly a week that I lost it.  Out of curiousity, does anybody know why we have to save vehicles again, post 1.7.7? I had a private hive server just before 1.7.7 and I didn't have to save vehicles and they were still there, even after me not playing for one month with an automatic 12 hour restart.

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