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DayZ Mod Hotfix

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yo razor. I remember your live stream with se7en a while back and i think you indicated you were waiting on the go ahead from rocket for a new patch. Are you still waiting on a go ahead?

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I'm not 100% sure who gives the go ahead but yes we are still waiting.

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razor you da man. I love your cool headed, straight forward answers. also i  just read the previous page of comments and noticed you just answered a similar question. thanks for not making me feel like noob. :beans:

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so it seems no news about Matt and his maybe don work/undone work...too bad i really wait for because of the camo nets :) sick of camps getting airspotted all the time

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First of all nice to see the rolling changelog updated. Now I see some things that trouble me. And these are, the new spawn point at berezino and the spawn selection feature.


Berezino being in the north and far away from spawnpoints, used to be some sort of ghost town, of a distant haven with a super market, a hospital, offices, low player encounter, usually just lone wolves roaming the north. Now with these two new features I can already visualize clans spawning all together at berezino (and not only this place, every major city with supplies) taking down said lone wolves and north roamers. What I'm saying is that this new system may seem as it promotes coop (you can spawn next to your friends without losing half an hour running across the map to find them)  but it also makes it much easier for groups of people to dominate every single big town (aka the map) against the lone players. I think this is a wrong approach to promote coop, there should be places that are hard and take time to get to, rewarding you with a feeling of safety and low player encounters. What's next? NWAF spanws?


We already have the hot zone at the south, turning the northeast into a similar hot zone doesn't seem to me as a nice idea. Especially when being able to select where you will spawn. This feature may save us some time, but also makes it much more safe and easy to let's say get back to that guy that killed you and take revenge, or loot your corpse. The only positive thing I see about the Berezino spawnpoint is the fact that all people who have bases at the north will start feeling less confident about their bases'/camps'/tents' positions, thus bringing some balance back between newspawns and hoarders.


But still, having squads of five or more people, using teamspeak (almost everyone uses it), spawn at a single spawn on demand seems to me like a game breaker. Takes away all the "shit i'm alone, I need to do something" feeling and just turns the game to a casual fps. Log on, do some shooting with your buddies, log off. Also expect massive "teleporting" incidents. Example, I'm at Kamenka, and suddenly one of my buddies on teamspeak tells me there was a firefight at Berezino with multiple casualties. I commit suicide (just have some zeds eat me) and then select to spawn at Berezino. Wham, I spawn there, 4 corpses to loot and gear up. Then log off, log on again, spawn back at Kamenka and go on my way to NWAF. Second example, I'm in a firefight with another guy in X (spawn enabled) town. Said guy is on his teamspeak, informs his buddies he needs help and in a couple of minutes instead of 1 vs 1 I'm in a 5 vs 1 situation and got hostiles spawning around me. Teleporting (through spawn choosing) from one end of the map to the other is a feature that should never be added to a game of this nature. Achievements of any kind should take time and trying. Going from point A to point B should take us time and require caution/food/drinks along the way.


I'm not bashing on the idea, just stating my (BIG) fears. Could use some more info on that, how it's supposed to work, also what limitations we're talking about. Is it a server option? (most servers will allow it since that'll get them more players and that's the only thing that matters to most server admins).

Edited by h3l1x
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Basic Spawn limits.


Each spawn location has a group of spawn points ranging upto 1500 meters.

Each group has a neighbor spawn group. (Does not include random)

Each spawn group has a timer to allow new spawns. (Does not include Random) (Settable by admins)

If you die in a spawn group you will no longer be able to spawn in or within the neighbor group for x amount of time. (Global Limit).
Limit spawns by the amount of players in the spawn group.

Random will always be open.


This is very basic run over. If you see an issue shout and thanks for the feedback.

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The next few updates sound like they're really going to make the mod something special again.

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If the spawn selection would be "north, south, west, east" it would then be great.. but giving out the opportunity to choose which city/town to re-spawn.. I do not like the sound of this idea a lot.. It would imo most likely turn the game into a PvP-fest so far.

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Edited by Hetstaine

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I am not a fan of the select your spawn deal , but i suppose it is something that can get a trial run in the mod, see how it works and then finetune it or knock it on the head :) 

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 If you couldn't find enough animals to survive for more than 45 minutes up by Stary then you weren't trying.  And if you don't have a hatchet, knife, and matches I question your real concern for survival.


Bullshit. Fuck you and anybody else who says I wasn't trying. Got infected entering Novy, and got blood beat to low. Tried to look around for food, antis, then made my way to Stary, creeping around prone looking for antis. Started passing out crawling through tents. Suprise, Blood went to empty. After a couple of bouts of fainting, suprise. Died. It was a maximum of 45 minutes. What were you on the same server at the same time counting goats and cows around Stary?

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Bullshit. Fuck you and anybody else who says I wasn't trying. Got infected entering Novy, and got blood beat to low. Tried to look around for food, antis, then made my way to Stary, creeping around prone looking for antis. Started passing out crawling through tents. Suprise, Blood went to empty. After a couple of bouts of fainting, suprise. Died. It was a maximum of 45 minutes. What were you on the same server at the same time counting goats and cows around Stary?


They spawn around the player.

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Bullshit. Fuck you and anybody else who says I wasn't trying. Got infected entering Novy, and got blood beat to low. Tried to look around for food, antis, then made my way to Stary, creeping around prone looking for antis. Started passing out crawling through tents. Suprise, Blood went to empty. After a couple of bouts of fainting, suprise. Died. It was a maximum of 45 minutes. What were you on the same server at the same time counting goats and cows around Stary?

Its Dayz , your going to die somtime!!! Get over it or perhaps play another game if this one makes you rage to much mate!!

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I must also say that im rather sceptic about that spawnselection thing, limitations or not it turns the game into wrong direction. rick grimes and his lot had to find themselves too he couldnt just choose where to wake up....it takes a lot of flair plus it enables better squad organisation which definitly, no matter how restrictions are put out, will push the game towards PVP. I´d really apriciate to keep spawn rules as they are, since there is no good reason to change it.


just my opinion, thx for reading and maybe recognizing

Edited by Evil E

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These quotes do not belong to me, but I agree with the authors:


I'm really tired of people trying to excuse all zombie bugs by saying "it's zombie survival game, it should be hard!". Zombies are NOT fine. They are bugged as hell (ArmA's limits, I know) and shouldn't be buffed. Zig-zaging, ultra eyesight, attacking without animation, running (and hitting) through objects/fences/walls, taking out from vehicle being 2m away… Yeah, real SURVIVAL! Hell, I CAN live with this. Prepare, gather enough fire- and manpower and just kill all the bastards in the area, then loot. But, guess what? SURVIVAL - you can’t clear the area! Oh, maybe for 2 min… They are spawning, and spawning and THIS is most annoying. Blah, blah, blah survival !
Never ever put annoying stuff in just to make things more difficult.


I love hardcore games. I just don't like if game is hard just because of AI cheats. Then it's just annoying, not hard.


At the end of the day the zombies need fixing... that is all. If they are too buggy to be implemented properly they should be a bit less intense until the problem is sorted.


Edit: for some reason only the first sentence is quoted. Like I said, everything written in this post does not belong to me, but I totally agree with the authors.

Edited by IceBeam
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I must also say that im rather sceptic about that spawnselection thing, limitations or not it turns the game into wrong direction. rick grimes and his lot had to find themselves too he couldnt just choose where to wake up....it takes a lot of flair plus it enables better squad organisation which definitly, no matter hoe restrictions are put out, will push the game towards PVP. I´d really apriciate to keep spawn rules as they are, since there is no good reason to change it.


just my opinion, thx for reading and maybe recognizing


I'm not sure how you can push the game more towards pvp then it already is.


The players are the ones who choose to spawn if you choose the high pvp areas then your creating the pvp. Random spawns give less control over the way you play as it can force you into to pvp or force you into lonewolf.


Both sides can give 500 reason for and against random vs choose.

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Bullshit. Fuck you and anybody else who says I wasn't trying. Got infected entering Novy, and got blood beat to low. Tried to look around for food, antis, then made my way to Stary, creeping around prone looking for antis. Started passing out crawling through tents. Suprise, Blood went to empty. After a couple of bouts of fainting, suprise. Died. It was a maximum of 45 minutes. What were you on the same server at the same time counting goats and cows around Stary?


if you get hit low blood and get infected, well thats a special situation. True your timeframe will be much smaller than if ur just infected. But at this state its ur own fault. If i am not at 12k blood i wont roam dangerous zones but see my blood refilled before, so if i enter lets say novy with 12k blood and get infected i have enough time to cure myself. Im sorry but if u where on full blood before, you must have been too pressing and less carefull because 1-2 zeds, wallbugging or not, cant hit you on low blood within a second so you must have been to eager, not carefull enough, pulling alot of zeds to get hit low blood and infected....and if it really where only a few zeds it was maybe a bug and happens 1 of a thousand times. again this game is not suppoed to be a squad deathmatch where you get ur equip and then reach a state where u can easily kill others sit in ur chopper and have highlife until there is no tomorrow, its about TRYING to HOLD your state of equipment/health its a neverending struggle. If the part of searching for supplies is annoying you its the wrong game to play. Play games where u respawn with full gear an enter battle with ur mates like BF3 then....


also the people who say they instantly commit suicide if they get infected...go play another game you wont get around infection through long and therefor never get far in this game limiting ureself by suicide every time u get discomforted. PLAY ANOTHER GAME thx

Edited by Evil E

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I'm not sure how you can push the game more towards pvp then it already is.


The players are the ones who choose to spawn if you choose the high pvp areas then your creating the pvp. Random spawns give less control over the way you play as it can force you into to pvp or force you into lonewolf.


Both sides can give 500 reason for and against random vs choose.


I see your point but it will invite players to the game who would rather play other games if they wouldnt have spawnselcetion. Spawnselection is a step towards unpatient people, people who like to sit at the coast and shoot others for a while and if they get killed or bored just leave never having a purpose to really play the game but just shooting others for the fun as if playing some random multiplayer shooter....i met those enough on servers where u get betteer starting gear. Just look for yourself how it correllates. The less a server highlites the survial aspect the more funkillers and overall players you have on the server (starteq, extraloot, extra buildings). those servers where u start with just a little beans coke, maybe a hatchet are much more at the heart of the game and if someone shoots you at least he does it for supplies and not just for the sake of it and some fun before leaving and playing a round of cod or bf or whatever...i think those kinda players shouldnt be aquired for a game like dayz and spawnselection definitly will attract such players

Edited by Evil E

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if you get hit low blood and get infected, well thats a special situation. True your timeframe will be much smaller than if ur just infected. But at this state its ur own fault. If i am not at 12k blood i wont roam dangerous zones but see my blood refilled before, so if i enter lets say novy with 12k blood and get infected i have enough time to cure myself. Im sorry but if u where on full blood before, you must have been too pressing and less carefull because 1-2 zeds, wallbugging or not, cant hit you on low blood within a second so you must have been to eager, not carefull enough, pulling alot of zeds to get hit low blood and infected....and if it really where only a few zeds it was maybe a bug and happens 1 of a thousand times. again this game is not suppoed to be a squad deathmatch where you get ur equip and then reach a state where u can easily kill others sit in ur chopper and have highlife until there is no tomorrow, its about TRYING to HOLD your state of equipment/health its a neverending struggle. If the part of searching for supplies is annoying you its the wrong game to play. Play games where u respawn with full gear an enter battle with ur mates like BF3 then....


also the people who say they instantly commit suicide if they get infected...go play another game you wont get around infection through long and therefor never get far in this game limiting ureself by suicide every time u get discomforted. PLAY ANOTHER GAME thx


Getting infected by a zombie who ignored a wall and entered the building like a ghost. Getting killed by a decaying body who managed to penetrate a vehicle door with bare hands (while being 6-8 metres away from that door). Being chased by the whole city just because one of the zombies has seen me from 200+ metres away and "asked" his infected "friends" to help him. Yeah, a special situation.


There is no need to insult people who want to change things for the better instead of behaving like kids and shouting "Adapt or GTFO!"

Edited by IceBeam
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Getting infected by a zombie who ignored a wall and entered the building like a ghost. Getting killed by a decaying body who managed to penetrate a door with bare hands (while being 6-8 metres away from that door). Being chased by the whole city just because one of the zombies has seen me from 200+ metres away and "asked" his infected "friends" to help him. Yeah, a special situation.


There is no need to insult people who want to change things for the better instead of behaving like kids and shouting "Adapt or GTFO!"


i never insultet anyone, prove it to me with a quote...


and referring to your story, you must be playing another game because i never saw situations like u describe here. plus if u played it a little you pretty much know where a zed can bugg and where he cant. if 1 zed spots you from 200meters (maxrange u spawn zeds) u must have given a shot or sth because he wont see you from 200 meters plus it wont alarm the whole town but max 1-2 more around him

and if u then manover in small buildings whith 2 doors u just put urself in a bad situation, so either search for a big barn/hall and go inside and slowly kill the zeds one by one since they cant move fast inside and if there is no such building well RUN. run into the forest use trees to shake the zeds of just dont let them hit you and dont tell me thats not possible i do it all the time.

Edited by Evil E

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i never insultet anyone, prove it to me with a quote...


and referring to your story, you must be playing another game because i never saw situations like u describe here. plus if u played it a little you pretty much know where a zed can bugg and where he cant. if 1 zed spots you from 200meters (maxrange u spawn zeds) u must have given a shot or sth because he wont see you from 200 meters plus it wont alarm the whole town but max 1-2 more around him

and if u then manover in small buildings whith 2 doors u just put urself in a bad situation, so either search for a big barn/hall and go inside and slowly kill the zeds one by one since they cant move fast inside and if there is no such building well RUN. run into the forest use trees to shake the zeds of just dont let them hit you and dont tell me thats not possible i do it all the time.


The fact that you never saw situations like that doesn't mean it is not ture. By the way, how do you know which way and when I play? You weren't on the same server at the same time when it happened. I've already said everything numerous of times, so have many other players, it's just useless to argue with stubborn and arrogant people.

Edited by IceBeam
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The fact that you never saw situations like that doesn't mean it is not ture. By the way, how do you know which way and when I play? You weren't on the same server at the same time when it happened. I've already said everything numerous of times, so have many other players, it's just useless to argue with stubborn and arrogant people.


im neither stubborn nor arrogant but i manage to play the game without having those situations and its a fact a zed cant spot you before ur 120 meters or more close to him and its a fact it wont alarm the whole town so plz be honest that you are exaggerating big time here. Sure sometimes i get killed too because of bugged zeds or sth else but thats extremely rare and not all the time like people try to point out. how come many people live very long times if the game doesnt give u a chance like you try to point out? how come i wasnt killed a very long time now because i know where i can go and which building is dangerous because it has multiple entries is small or buggable by zeds. it doesnt take long to figure that out since there arnt that much building types in the game. If i ignore my knowledge about buildings aggrorange and buggs, sure i will also get killed/infected/hit low as some others but i just behave a way where i can avoid it and my friends do too and many others i know. Fact is most people arent patient enough and dont see running away for maybe half an hour to shake of the zeds as an option because it costs alot of time, u gotta get back where u where before, maybe u saw a nice loot u want but your situation dooms you to leave it and run and maybe chaneging ur plans towards totally different situation....i believe u got in fucked up situations like u say and that buggs did theire part, but you can avoid it belvie me. the game doesnt invent new bugs every day its absolutely overseeable

Edited by Evil E

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PS: there is no need to shitstorm the devs because of buggy zeds, the dev team already knows this fact (not hard to oversee it..) and is eagerly working on solutions. I agree that infection + bugged zeds combined is crap and makes the game much harder for now but they ARE working on it read the daily tweats. And for now you just have to deal with it until the zedbugging is taken care of and that is totally possible as i see it.

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