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Need help trying to get 64 bit Dayz

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Hello there

Whilst swathes of redundant code is being removed they are also adding a lot to the game.

*my* guesstimation is that the game will run similarly on same spec kit. Where we save a few FPS in one area we may loose in another.

If you cannot run the DAYZ mod at an acceptable level now I doubt you will when it's released.

This is *my* gut instinct/speculation and I could be horribly wrong. You might see a small increase over the mod, but I doubt you will see a humungous leap in FPS.



Holy information leaks, infos regarding DayZ Standalone! Must spread the word! Everyone, to the Reddit Mobile! :P

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I try not to think about it... I'm loathe to spend money on upgrading computers.

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Whatever the case, I'm sure they're making a conscious effort to ensure that current players won't have to buy a new rig JUST for DayZ.

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Topics merged,,,because.

64 bit DayZ does not exsist.

We do not know at this time how SA will run on any system.

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Isn't there like an article or an interview Rocket did a while ago about it. I remember something along the lines of how the zombies skeletons are done in the mod vs standalone makes it run way smoother and better because they currently have like hundreds of "bones".

Also the main thing (if they are still doing it) where they are switching everything over to a more MMO like architecture where everything is server side will improve it a lot too.

Yeh, it's true that they've made many changes (like ones you mention above) that will help a lot with performance but having said that the game will also be more demanding in other areas so all in all my gut feeling is that performance will be more consistent across different set-ups but if you can't run the mod well don't expect to be running the SA well. On balance I think all of the changes will level out so that if you're currently running the mod well enough you will also be able to run the SA well with it looking better because of the improved engine.

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