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DayZ 1.7.7.Dev Bug List

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Get me some log files of the server and players

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Stop looking for antibiotics find another way.

I'm game. And I admit I just now read the release notes. My bad.

So the only bug I've seen is the blood bagging interruption.

Happened when both players were absolutely motionless.

This looks very interesting. I just hope it doesn't turn me into a murderer.

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Spawning in debug able to run around and kill other loggin in.

Just happened to me...

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Where looking into it. As much info logs anything would help

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i know its extreme minor bug and not realy worth to be fixed but i just want to report it:

location: NWAF Control-tower upper level


Edited by quattro_ger

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Grass is still also spawning around the Mi 8 heli crash sites.

Pretty sure that's an option in server settings.

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No Idea if it has anything to do with the people spawning in Debug plains, but 2 of my friends that've ended up there along with other random people I asked were all heros.

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What I have seen:

Love my hatchet.... Sorry, had to be said. I just wish that I did not have to pass up a MP-5SD, M-16A2, and 2xAKMs to use it (I had no pack large enough to store). We really need three weapon slots (Rifle, Pistol, and Melee).

Things I like a lot:

--No more broken legs for no good reason

--No more Zed hits through walls

--Combine Mags, although I wish they would stack as well.. I mean really, a single Makarov mag takes the same space as a 5L Fuelcan but a pistol takes up more space than a 5L Fuelcan?

--Slow regen of health from food

--On Knockdown.. if it's a serious issue for you... Survival, you're doing it wrong ;)

I swear, Patient 0 must have been a Bloodhound because once a Zed has you in his sights, it's damned hard to shake him, even running through a forest at night. I actually ran for a while through a heavily forested area (for 2-3 minutes), then turned around and turned on the flashlight. There was the Zed about 100-150 meters back weaving between the trees running in my direction.

I don't see Infection, in and of itself, as a major issue but I am having trouble finding antibiotics. Luckily I found two cows in the same field... otherwise I would have been dead.

On the issue of loot & Zed spawns, there seems to be some serious delays. I strolled off a mountain and into town at night, total silence. I went over to the hospital, totally empty. I went to the supermarket, totally empty. I walked around for 5 minutes or so before I heard something that was music to my ears... the sound of a moaning Zed. It meant that spawns were happening. The Supermarket had food and I found one antibiotic (but no Morphine) in the Hospital which was a Godsend since I was down to only 3 of my original 12 Beefsteaks. Yes, I tossed a lot of gear away to carry all that beef. ;)

Other than the Bloodhound Zeds and the delays with spawning, I am liking 1.7.7 a lot.

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Found a 1.7.7. server (DE103) where I had an old character and started playing for an hour or so:

1) decayed/super Z require several hits with the hatchet to be killed - as expected

2) normal Z now need 2 hatchet hits to be killed - weird

3) killed Z sometimes glitch and disappear through walls/floors

4) had a long trip on a Zodiac and the temperature icon went blue. Looks like a bug because I was _in_ the water but _on_ a boat

5) the "turbo attack effect" of the Z seems worse than


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Regarding the Loot Spawning Issue, played 2 hours, 1 hour each on two different servers both Vanilla. They both had the same deal, Loot took an incredibly long time to spawn and when it did, the amount of loot that did spawn sometimes you couldn't pick it up, it would give you the option but no action would be taken, even relogging didn't solve the problem.

This was most common with Backpacks inside supermarkets, you could search them, and place items inside but you couldn't pick 'em up, even relogging didn't help.

Also in regards to Zeds, the number of zeds that spawn seem to be off. For example, spawned near Solnichniy, the small coastal village directly east of Three Valleys and south of the town itself. Went prone but still somehow managed to aggro one zed and ended up having 20 zeds come out of a single building and chase me relentlessly, the knockdown can be especially annoying as it certainly feels like I'm getting knocked down 50 to 75% of the time.

Additionally Zombies now get stuck in Doorways, especially in apartment blocks and small houses and sometimes you can find a whole group just sitting inside a house and don't move or can't move rather.

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Zombies spawn inside buildings and stay in there now, it's really annoying.

Also where are vehicles? I haven't seen one on a public server in months.

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- Zombies hit you from 5-10ft away

- Zombies knock you down like every 2nd hit

- nearly no antibiotics spawning

- FPS-Drops

Did you guys even test the patch?

It seems really "unfinished".

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4) had a long trip on a Zodiac and the temperature icon went blue. Looks like a bug because I was _in_ the water but _on_ a boat

I remember this was the case beforehand - even in the big boat. I guess it's supposed to simulate the bracing sea air.

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- Zombies hit you from 5-10ft away

- Zombies knock you down like every 2nd hit

- nearly no antibiotics spawning

- FPS-Drops

Did you guys even test the patch?

It seems really "unfinished".

This is about how I feel about this patch. The zombie agro and spawn is derped. Loot and zombies take forever to spawn and when agroed they randomly deagro! I had 6 standing ontop of me, then they suddenly deagroed. I moved away 20 feet and stood there. Then suddenly one by one they saw me over the course of 2 minutes. When on the ground I was being pushed, which really meant I was just sliding around on the ground. Nothing seems right. Oh yeah, zombies still hit through walls. I am all down for zombies infecting at a higher rate and running faster and so far that is working well. I would rather the zombie spawn being tripled than the current state. I wonder why this is never heavily discussed?

I am all for "realism" in a zombie video game, I am all for hardcore game mechanics, I am all for survival mechanics, however giving buggy zombies the a greater ability to glitch through walls is no good. I have been told by others to deal with it and change my tactics. It amazes me to hear this from people.

Edit: Also, zombie animations no longer match the damage they are dealing. I am running past zombies where after I have pasted them I see my screen blink and the zombie behind me doing the animation. This all happens after i pass them.

Edited by mintypie007

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Lets continue the list!

  • Zombies hit you from 5-10ft away
  • Zombies knock you down like every 2nd hit
  • Zombies still glitch through objects
  • Zombies still hit you through walls
  • Zombies infect you far to often
  • Many Zombies are just bugged, standing around like frozen
  • nearly no antibiotics spawning
  • all loot-spawns are messed up (nearly not usable loot)
  • FPS-Drops
  • Pitching Tents is buggy
  • Making fireplaces is "laggy" / delayed
  • Tents dupe stuff again
  • Vehicles dupe stuff again
  • Giving Bloodbags gets your kicked
  • Crashsites often got no loot
  • Crashsite-Loot is spread like 50m around it
  • Crashsite zombies often spawn more then 50m away from it

And these are only 6 hours playing.

This is not a step forward, its 10 steps back!

Edited by JuggernautNukes
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Debug spawning - seems to be an issues with incorrect files (server.pbo & mission).

Can you please elaborate on this? How could so many hosts happen to have the wrong server & mission files? I personally got mine via Pwnoz0rs github.

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Wow, super powerful zombies ruined the game. I give up!

Edited by DopeR
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The amount of hyperbole in here is going to cause some kind of trigonometric meltdown any moment.

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IF YOU put a weapon into a backpack it deletes all the clips if there is no space in the pack for the magazines

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medical loot doesnt spawn only tin cans do this is a serious problem

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We have just identified an issue with the mission generation site we are working with the owners now to get it corrected.

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medical loot doesnt spawn only tin cans do this is a serious problem

This is not a bug.

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