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Dead Simulation

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First wee need remove fly sound from the recent dead bodies, sound can delay by 5 minuts , and after we can add a button to simulate you fall dead in floor, this can give you a extra way to survive from a sniper went he shot you really close or in the battle confusion. And give the need of finish him corpses in floor to ensure they are dead. This is a common way to survive in wars, and can improve game dynamics.

Thanks for you fee back

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If death messages were removed completely this could be kind of interesting.

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First wee need remove fly sound from the recent dead bodies, sound can delay by 5 minuts , and after we can add a button to simulate you fall dead in floor, this can give you a extra way to survive from a sniper went he shot you really close or in the battle confusion. And give the need of finish him corpses in floor to ensure they are dead. This is a common way to survive in wars, and can improve game dynamics.

Thanks for you fee back

first part of suggestion: in already.

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And give the need of finish him corpses in floor to ensure they are dead. This is a common way to survive in wars, and can improve game dynamics.

As someone who has played Unreal Tournament 3 and watched a ton of different people play DayZ, this isn't going to make you survive unless the killer really doesn't care whether you died or not.

People will shoot a couple(1-10) extra rounds into corpses to make sure they're dead.

But. It'd be fun anyway. You could fake to be a corpse someone else has killed and BAM. Shotgun in the face.

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I really like it you could use this to hide from people

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I am not ashamed but i used to play the operation arrowhead demo and there's this 1 game mode "RoamingPM" or something?that you could press U and you would collapse in the death animation....i used it alot.

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Sounds cool but trust me it wouldn't do much. Everyone would just start double tapping like crazy. Maybe you could fool some noobs but that is about it.

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if it has stance adjustment like arma 3 (which im hoping it will) if you prone and you stance adjust down it looks like your kinda dead. but i think being able to feign death would be too easy to exploit. a sniper takes a shot you FD and ur safe. whats to stop people from doing it everytime they get shot at.

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Actually lying on the ground is a good simulation of this, at a distance. But no death message.

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If death messages were removed completely this could be kind of interesting.


And what would stop someone from shooting at you just to be sure...the zeds might not be that "intelligent" meaning they might not have been scripted to ignore players playing dead or in fact they will smell that you are still alive.

In OFP lying down, placing your weapon next to you and playing dead did work because you could "bury" your head into the ground, i even got quite a few kills thanks to that. In ArmA the character stil has his head upright even if you look down when lying. So that won't work unless they do somethign about it.

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if it has stance adjustment like arma 3 (which im hoping it will) if you prone and you stance adjust down it looks like your kinda dead. but i think being able to feign death would be too easy to exploit. a sniper takes a shot you FD and ur safe. whats to stop people from doing it everytime they get shot at.

Nothing, but that's the point.

Do you really want to waste your limited ammo on someone who may or may not be dead?

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This would be a great feature!

Sniper shoots at you, play dead, he assumes you're dead, walks over to loot body, then BAM. Stab him in the kneecaps, handcuff him, then bring him to your basement. The rest is all up to your imagination.

Ok, maybe not that complex but it would still be a neat feature.

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People saying "But they'll shoot you twice" Thats the point. Making sure they are dead. Im sure this is for the players that just go around killing for fun. Ones that kill and dont bother checking the body. Snipers who only perch at a high point and go off on people. This will not work for people hunting players, players that loot bodies.

I like this idea. Will not break the game. Double tap is awesome.

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I hope death messages will be removed for the sake of inmersion, that would help a lot without adding new false death animations.

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As long as there will only be first person/the player cannot see anything while doing it.

I call bullshit if you guys thought about faking a death and looking 360 degrees around you whether you're save or not.

If this gets implemented you either 1. Can't see anything because your face is in the dirt 2. Can't see because you'll probably close your eyes if you try to fake death?

People should only use this as a last resort, and should be in fear of getting shot/backstabbed/dieing when doing so, meaning you can't see anything/barely anything.

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Add in the mechanic that you only get the kill if you inspect the body as well.

This would affect the players who kill just for the murder count. Tbh i don't see the point of killing someone if you aren't going to search their body at some point.

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