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Dreygar (DayZ)

Standalone thoughts?

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tbh why ?

it maybe a old build but people can get a feel of what it maybe about. some things did worry me in the video and some made me laugh so hard at how bad they were.

some people dont like videos early shown cause one it isnt how the game has progressed or the game is just crap. im hoping its because it has moved on and solved the many stupid things that were in that video.

but.... a few things that i know would not be removed is the arma 3 type movements and animations which quite franklly are worse than arma 2 and whoever animated that stuff needs to have a word with themselves.

for eg i dl arma 3 played it sat there stunned how console type in movements and how feel about it. i dont want to login to a brand new standalone and get that arma 3 feel. cause it instantly hits home that its bad really does. some people may like arma 3 i dont. i guess well see soon as there is no way in hell they arnt going to release the public version of this starting in june.

it will be this month and we will see in 7 days if that video leaked was true and if dayz standalone does indeed suck ass or is good. role on e3. june 11th.

As I said, the build was old, and looks nothing like it will.

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what strikes me the most is, that everyone from the beginning more or less knew what to expect, also with Dean all along telling us. Problem is that the gap between expectations and reality in the meanwhile is far apart. ppl suggest and suggest and dream a little bit. maybe it was an error not to bring infos with more regularity. in these time-gaps ppl started to assume and dream and so thats how this massive gap has been created for some. (at least for these early alpha stages)

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Yeah! Let's start previewing Pre Alpha Builds...


Edited by DaJeroen

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As I said, the build was old, and looks nothing like it will.

I disagree. Bohemia games all look the same with just different elements and that is their proven track record. If you think Take on helicopters is leaps and bounds over Arma II then... well, I guess you've been fooled. It's nearly the same exact game with a few different elements. Day Z will be no different.

Though having the same feel as Arma II isn't bad like I said, as long as the game is optimized and completely eradicates the major problems of Arma II/Dayz Mod. It also needs a ton of content as they've already confirmed having ripped most of the content from the game. (Weapons, Vehicles, etc.) It's only going to take a few hours to get a feel of the standalone once we have it, so there definitely needs to be a large amount of content from launch or else it'll be the same ole... Lets find guns and go shoot people, which can be fun but just hoping for more from the game.

The problem forum mods and Bohemia has with this leaked footage is it gives Day Z a really bad rap, because it simply looks awful, and we get to see the truth behind all these months of development. All the footage i've seen has included all the latest things from the Dev blogs, so honestly the builds can only be a couple weeks old at worst. Considering the closed alpha was launched, I am pretty sure someone from that group leaked the data files and that is what we are seeing.

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The best way for this to go is a mild manner NPC interaction, give the player something to do in the chance he gets bored, In retro spec, the game design needs to have some type of forward momentum, having a Lite NPC interaction will give players who want to or do not want to, to have a chance to interact with them. example of a NPC interaction: You walk up and find him, out of chance usually, and he gives you a hard mission such as hes unable to leave so you need to go get it for him, in return of your services he will give you something of value, it's very important for people not to cross the Lite NPC interactions with a heavy NPC interaction, this is a survival game, an apocalyptic one at that, so the npc would have to be rare, the idea of a leveling system would completely crush the game where it stands, so it's extremely important to not cross that line. The Freedom Aspect of Arma 2 is what makes the mod so great, but, dayz mod is not arma 2, in arma 2, no matter what type of style your playing. capture flag, domination, wasteland. all have a sense of direction, now dayz on the another hand, you get dropped on the beach. That's its, you make your own adventure the way you see fit, which is one of the most important aspects of dayz, which separates it from games like left 4 dead and crappy knock offs like warz and state of decay. but the sense of doing something, because lets be honest, humans are assholes, which gives the bandit so much power, but what of the Hero? can he actually do something heroic? that's why a Lite Module NPC interaction should defiantly be considered if not tested in beta. i mean common, a world filled with Zombies and players, there needs to be a middle man to bridge that gap, and that Middle Man would be the NPC's.

Please keep in mind, i said a Lite Version NPC Modeul, thats means something similar to the gunstore and general store in waste land but much more interactive.

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I don't disagree with all of your points but in line with what quartermaine was saying, threads like this and posts from people in this thread make me think most are not ready for alpha access to a game. If you're going to be that critical about some random leaked footage of an alpha I think you're best to just wait for the full realease.

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Hello there

I think Dreygar has a good few points.

Now obviously, I'm under an NDA and the footage is out of date so there's areas I cannot comment on.

But, there surely must be (IMHO) similarities in the engines at the end of the day. At least I'm assuming there will be at the initial release. This is due to the DAYZ engine being a "retooled" version of the RV engine. There's bound to be bits that look/feel similar.

This is what I *think* will disappoint/upset many folk at the initial release. Not everyone, but many.

Take Iron Front Liberation. This was also a retooling of the RV engine (albeit to a much lesser extent than DAYZ) and although it was a sterling bit of work it was panned in many quarters (poor comms and marketing didnt help it either). Lots of folk dismissed it out of hand as a simple Arma mod but missed out on its great but yet more subtle qualities. Mine handling/laying/damage systems etc

Now, huge swathes of the original Arma 2 engine have been scooped out for DAYZ and replaced by other bits and bobs, many of which may not be instantly visible to the average joe. Again, I think this is where the initial issues will lie.

What I think will be key, is an investment in *time* with the game and it's progression. I think you'll see the game come on in leaps and bounds once the alpha is out, much like with the A3 alpha.

I think Dean mentions in his latest vid about managing folks expectations, and some wailing is inevitable.

What we have is a solid foundation to build upon not a complete 5 star hotel.

As to Dean and Matt going to expo's, why not? He has a laptop/phone/skype/twitter etc, there's no reason for work to halt. It didn't while he was away up a mountain.

I understand why one might think he needs to be tied to his desk, but in today's environment it simply isn't needed.

My point being, is that although Dreygar makes some good salient points I think if he (and all others) is realistic about what the alpha will entail he (they) will be more than happy.

But expecting a Cryengine style makeover simply wont happen in the short term.



Edited by orlok
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Don't base anything off of an old build recorded on a computer so shitty it runs like a slideshow at lowest settings; without fraps. Until we've seen solid finished footage, we shouldn't base anything off of leaked/devblog footage regardless of how ignorant you may be. And many thanks to Steak. I've had the video playing for about an hour...suicide seems like an acceptable option at this point.

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I have two major expectaions for the SA:

1. making the world seem grittier than what I've seen on certain unobtainable footage. Things like darker lighting, dark clouds on the sky, eery, ambiental music playing now and then... It really could use some S.T.A.L.K.E.R. vibe in my opinion.


2. the ability or the option of finding (wearing) military gear such as gas masks. I do realize that the environment itself poses much less of a threat than in the aforementioned game, but still one can't be too careful as to not become a zombie, right? Also I think that in a post-apocalyptic environment it'd make a lot of sense to dress for protection and combat

But yeah. Hope to see the game world a bit grimmer

edit: and not to offend or annoy people: I have read your posts and am aware that the supposed leaked footage is old (although there seems to have been another leak recently), thusly you should regard my post more as a personal opinion and hopes and not as a direct reflection on seen footage

Edited by Tilen

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The leaked footage was apparently really old,i think people need to just take a deep breathe and wait and see what dean hall and his team have in store for us, Yes it might be a polish version or maybe something totally unexpected, these speculations of what will and might be, are just he said she said BS. Both side have promising response's and valid arguments in a sense. so the best thing for everyone to do, is kick back and watch, when the game gets released it may take another year for the game to get up to the expectation that the dev team wanted it at. Things like these takes time, money lots of hard work and skill. Dayz was just a fun project dean and his team threw together, playing around in a sense... now look at him, he looks extremely focused and determined, if he made dayzmod with the *playing around sense* imagine what he will make when hes dedicated and focused.

Now lets all be good, patient and wait for a game to be released then we can go into discussions on how badass it is or how much of an epic fail it is. Cheers

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You know it would be great to see some actual gameplay before discussing this topic

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After the mounting excitement, which resulted in a major disappointment in December 2012, I decided I needed to manage my expectations better.

1. I know what BI is capable of delivering, pros and cons.

2. I know what Rocket is capable of delivering, pros and cons.

3. Rocket been pretty clear and transparent both about his vision and mistakes.

4. DayZ ArmA 2 sales has probably funded the standalone's development, so they are in no rush.

5. BI's CEO is both invested and invigorated by DayZ's success and have given Rocket full control.

I think people's opinions about the standalone is influenced by how they perceived the mod. If you disliked ArmA 2 and the mod, whatever you call the standalone engine build, you probably wont like the standalone either. With both ArmA and DayZ mod, in order to embrace it's beauty, you had to be somewhat forgiving. If you focus on flaws, you will find them, even in the standalone. If you think the standalone will be a completely new game, you're setting yourself up for a disappointment, just like ArmA 3, while sexier, it's still a BI game.

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