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Dayz for Xbox One?

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Personally i think putting it on a console would be a huge waste of time/money, I've played arma 2 arma 3 and dayz with a Xbox controller on my PC, the only good it would do is if i was in the prone position with either a sniper rifle and or a machine gun, but if someone walked up from behind me, the idea of turning around is utterly pointless. the only good that controller does is makes it easier to shoot people. but movement and everything else just goes right out the window.

One thing i would like to straighten out, PC games are meant for PC, Consoles can not play games that are meant for PC, usually, they are just way to big, But a PC can make every game a console can as long as it's allowed by the maker, and they usually tend to play a lot better.

PC has and will always be the heavy weight when it comes to gaming, consoles will never stand up to a pc, because if they did, they would cost a shit load of money that most people wouldn't even buy. console games are stuck with the same ole crap, PC has the area needed to expand, console does not. and if the console did you'd certainly noticed the difference in the price tag. Xbox/PS is for the younger community or people that like playing in boxed environments with no free path play, always a path set and always a path that has to be followed, i mean that Walking Dead video game is a perfect example of an Xbox environment is like.

From everyone on this forum either they agree with what i say or not, but we all know deep down inside they do. Just make the fing switch to PC. and leave your troubles behind you and start a whole new set of problems. plus if you did switch and you found out that you have a knack for pc's you can start a fing career with that, what kinda career can u start with an Xbox or PS?

Making it for consoles would be a waste of time/money? Yeah, I'm sure PC elitists said that about Minecraft too :lol:

And about you playing with a controller on the PC: It's because you're on PC. Of course you'll be at a disadvantage. But there won't be any disadvantages when EVERYONE is playing with a controller, right? Right.

And for your next 3 paragraphs, consoles are meant for entertainment gaming, not hardcore gaming. Or else they'd be PC's. However, with next-gen consoles being similar to PC's, and specs that are enough to run a dumbed down DayZ, what's the downside? No one has been able to come up with a legitimate downside for bringing it to consoles other than "Community hurr durr" or "Consoles suck consolololo".

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Dude please kindly remove yourself from this topic. As said already PC elitists are the problem here. I will excuse your insult as you are clearly incapable to read. In my previous post I was highlighting PC elitists as the douche bags. If you are also trying to say that I am a liar that people here call themselves 'Mature' then tell us that consoles don't deserve Dayz then yet again please remove yourself. I don't want to hear PC elitists opinions as they are immature and think that PC is the best thing yet. I have said already that I play Dayz on PC and i play it a lot. But I want others to enjoy the game is it that hard for people to understand. Please guys just stop and think for a minute, think about other people rather than yourself.

I just want everyone to enjoy the game on console and PC. If you don't want it on console then don't buy it. Simple.

wow, point prover here

anyway, im just saying, that i have my opinions, you have yours. i say thatt console dayz is a bad idea because the console would keel over and die. now, if they where to dumb it down like they did with MC, and have a SEPERATE dev team for the console version, it might just work. i will not play it, it will be a glitchy broken mess. now, if you want to spare VALUABLE dev time over a console port, then you are kinda (no offense) missing the point. the PC was the first gaming thing, and the PC will be the last thing people play games on. now, calm down everyone, be nice, and RESPECT the opinions of others. we are not the warz forums. THIS IS DAYZ

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Making it for consoles would be a waste of time/money? Yeah, I'm sure PC elitists said that about Minecraft too :lol:

And about you playing with a controller on the PC: It's because you're on PC. Of course you'll be at a disadvantage. But there won't be any disadvantages when EVERYONE is playing with a controller, right? Right.

And for your next 3 paragraphs, consoles are meant for entertainment gaming, not hardcore gaming. Or else they'd be PC's. However, with next-gen consoles being similar to PC's, and specs that are enough to run a dumbed down DayZ, what's the downside? No one has been able to come up with a legitimate downside for bringing it to consoles other than "Community hurr durr" or "Consoles suck consolololo".

why on earth would they make consoles even remotely similar to a PC's? that would be ridiculous. Yes i own a High performance PC and no i dont have an xbox 360 or ps3, but i wouldn't go on my computer to go onto a gamming community site that is meant for PC asking if the game will ever be available for console. i mean common, if they some how manage to make it for console, it would be a wreck, mine craft can be dumbed down a bit and still has it's own charm, but dayz.. it'll be a mess from start to end. you obliviously never played dayz, because if you did you'd know how impossible it is. yea they can make it for console, but it will be utter shit, mark my fing words, the dayz standalone that comes out for Console will be the biggest piece of shit ever sent to console from PC... in fact it'll be so fing shitty, the PC community might even feel the backlash of the effect. If over a million people buy it for consoles and every single one of them is pissed off. who is going to pay the price? The PC community will, because everyone who bought it for console is pissed off and want's a refund. If they loose money, that means less updates, which means a loss in productions for patches and development. All because they decided to fucking please everyone, but in the turn of events, they just pissed off everyone that bought it for console.

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it will be a glitchy broken mess.

Didn't know you could see into the future. Tell me, are the Giants going to win the Super Bowl this year?


"why on earth would they make consoles even remotely similar to a PC's? that would be ridiculous"

Lol, are you serious? Maybe, oh, I don't know...to make consoles easier to develop on and make console-PC ports suck less? Lol, I literally can't believe you asked that question.

"but i wouldn't go on my computer to go onto a gamming community site that is meant for PC asking if the game will ever be available for console."

You might not, but other people would. It's a valid question, and a possibility, as said by Rocket and common sense. It would bring nothing but fame and money to the devs.

"it would be a wreck"

How? Can you see into the future too?

"mine craft can be dumbed down a bit and still has it's own charm, but dayz.. it'll be a mess from start to end."

Again, you have absolutely no back-up to this. How does Minecraft work, but DayZ can't? I would love to know, with actual stuff that make sense. Doubt you'll provide it though.

"you obliviously never played dayz, because if you did you'd know how impossible it is"

Nice spelling there. Oh, and I have played DayZ. Since January, actually. I play on BMRF. Name is Masterfocker, if you want to look me up. My stats are on my profile. I'm just smart and not an elitist. I also understand business. It's not impossible by any stretch of the imagination. You just need to actually think. That would help.

"yea they can make it for console, but it will be utter shit, mark my fing words, the dayz standalone that comes out for Console will be the biggest piece of shit ever sent to console from PC"

Ugh, again with your "I know what'll happen, but provide absolutely nothing to back-up my statements". Seriously, if you respond to me, you better have something that actually makes sense. Or I will just take everything you say as if a brick wall said it, since it can come up with actual facts. I bet it can answer why it hurts when you run into it. As of right now, you can't.

I'm not even going to bother with the gibberish that is the rest of your post. Not worth my time.

Edited by Masterfocker

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dude really, go back to your nazi zombies and shut the fuck up, your gibberish.your post are gibberish, you make no reasonable statements or anything for that matter, you just argue with anything anyone says, it'll never end with you. it'll keep going and going till your talking to yourself. just get the fuck over it, PC smashes the shit out of consoles. if you argue that then your a dumb ass.

you act as if anyone on this planet gives a fucking shit what you say and or think? The quote below, lol who the fuck do you think you are?

your a bitch, thats exactly what you are, a stupid, patheic, whiny ass bitch.

"Ugh, again with your "I know what'll happen, but provide absolutely nothing to back-up my statements". Seriously, if you respond to me, you better have something that actually makes sense. Or I will just take everything you say as if a brick wall said it, since it can come up with actual facts. I bet it can answer why it hurts when you run into it. As of right now, you can't."

Now do everyone a favor and just shut the fuck up. No one here. Gives a shit about your console. No one here gives a god damn shit about your lame ass opinions, thus even surprising me even further that your dumbass can even form an opinion, Last but not least. If you were a bright young lad (which your NOT) you'd be posting these topics in the dev/team forums for Standalone and not the fucking dayz mod from arma 2, you fucking idiot. thus coming to our conclusion that you are A STUPID FUCKING GOD DAMN TROLL!

Now please shut the fuck up.

but i will say this, xbox 360 with kinect is the best god damn thing for family entertainment by far, don't think anything will beat that in at least 6 years

Edited by =DiG= Zgraphz

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dude really, go back to your nazi zombies and shut the fuck up, your gibberish.your post are gibberish, you make no reasonable statements or anything for that matter, you just argue with anything anyone says, it'll never end with you. it'll keep going and going till your talking to yourself. just get the fuck over it, PC smashes the shit out of consoles. if you argue that then your a dumb ass.

you act as if anyone on this planet gives a fucking shit what you say and or think? The quote below, lol who the fuck do you think you are?

your a bitch, thats exactly what you are, a stupid, patheic, whiny ass bitch.

"Ugh, again with your "I know what'll happen, but provide absolutely nothing to back-up my statements". Seriously, if you respond to me, you better have something that actually makes sense. Or I will just take everything you say as if a brick wall said it, since it can come up with actual facts. I bet it can answer why it hurts when you run into it. As of right now, you can't."

Now do everyone a favor and just shut the fuck up. No one here. Gives a shit about your console. No one here gives a god damn shit about your lame ass opinions, thus even surprising me even further that your dumbass can even form an opinion, Last but not least. If you were a bright young lad (which your NOT) you'd be posting these topics in the dev/team forums for Standalone and not the fucking dayz mod from arma 2, you fucking idiot. thus coming to our conclusion that you are A STUPID FUCKING GOD DAMN TROLL!

Now please shut the fuck up.

but i will say this, xbox 360 with kinect is the best god damn thing for family entertainment by far, don't think anything will beat that in at least 6 years

Pffffffffft hahahahaha. You literally made me lol. In real life. It's hard to do that, but you were able to pull it off. And way to make yourself look bad. You only harmed yourself with that post :thumbsup:

Edited by Masterfocker

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dude really, go back to your nazi zombies and shut the fuck up, your gibberish.your post are gibberish, you make no reasonable statements or anything for that matter, you just argue with anything anyone says, it'll never end with you. it'll keep going and going till your talking to yourself. just get the fuck over it, PC smashes the shit out of consoles. if you argue that then your a dumb ass.

you act as if anyone on this planet gives a fucking shit what you say and or think? The quote below, lol who the fuck do you think you are?

your a bitch, thats exactly what you are, a stupid, patheic, whiny ass bitch.

"Ugh, again with your "I know what'll happen, but provide absolutely nothing to back-up my statements". Seriously, if you respond to me, you better have something that actually makes sense. Or I will just take everything you say as if a brick wall said it, since it can come up with actual facts. I bet it can answer why it hurts when you run into it. As of right now, you can't."

Now do everyone a favor and just shut the fuck up. No one here. Gives a shit about your console. No one here gives a god damn shit about your lame ass opinions, thus even surprising me even further that your dumbass can even form an opinion, Last but not least. If you were a bright young lad (which your NOT) you'd be posting these topics in the dev/team forums for Standalone and not the fucking dayz mod from arma 2, you fucking idiot. thus coming to our conclusion that you are A STUPID FUCKING GOD DAMN TROLL!

Now please shut the fuck up.

but i will say this, xbox 360 with kinect is the best god damn thing for family entertainment by far, don't think anything will beat that in at least 6 years

Yes for I am a troll. Your spelling alone is trolling us all and making us retarded just reading it. You are obviously yet again one of these PC master race fags. We all play PC here but stop fucking the thing seriously. No one here apart from fellow PC master race people actually cares for your words. Is it too much for you to comprehend that this topic is for people who want to actually contribute to said topic. Just remove yourself swiftly from this topic as you have no place here.

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Rocket said a while ago that Microsoft has this problem with "indie games" so they really have to make an effort to put it into the XBOX platform, but I don't know, maybe they can change their minds about it.

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Hello there

Calm it down, please.

You all have your opinions, right or wrong. This does not give you the right to become abusive to each other.

Chill out or I'll lock.



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A lot of people like to use BF3 as an example. No. BF3 is like that on PC because of EA, not consoles. BF2 = before EA. BF3 = after EA.

Dude BF3 is like that on consoles because in if was the same, you would get 10 fps, now you get 30 fps and sometimes it drops when there's a lot of action on the screen, I'm not sure if that's what you mean but that usually what people mean

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Dude BF3 is like that on consoles because in if was the same, you would get 10 fps, now you get 30 fps and sometimes it drops when there's a lot of action on the screen, I'm not sure if that's what you mean but that usually what people mean

No, I mean when people say BF3 is like CoD (Because it kinda is) is because of consoles. I was referring to that. Easily misunderstandable (Yeah, I just made that word up). I should've been more clear.

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This thread is funny.

I'll just add that I'm fine with the prospect of dayz on consoles. The casual players will chose that route IMO.

Also, don't hold your breathe for cross platform servers. Microsoft themselves have tested this and came to the conclusion that game pads can't compete with a KB & mouse for speed and accuracy. THEY'RE words, not mine.

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Like most people, I believe that great games should be widely available. I think, if DayZ standalone is a success, that it will definitely show up on consoles. I wouldn't hold my breath because it will be years not months before that happens.

I love my PC games but I love all gaming. I wouldn't give up my PS3 games nor would I give up my original version of Field Runners on my iPhone.

Anyway, I hope it happens for you, but it will be at least two or three years down the road. DayZ will probably be in alph and beta for at least that long.

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This thread is funny.

I'll just add that I'm fine with the prospect of dayz on consoles. The casual players will chose that route IMO.

Also, don't hold your breathe for cross platform servers. Microsoft themselves have tested this and came to the conclusion that game pads can't compete with a KB & mouse for speed and accuracy. THEY'RE words, not mine.

I don't think anyone expects cross-platform, especially since the game will most likely be dumbed down for consoles.

deathnote12311: Thanks for providing no reasoning behind your post. Now, contribute or get out.

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