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Things that kills realism

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make survivor's life more valuable by putting a 7 days cooldown to respawning, but obviously remove long range snipers from the game, or the huehue's will kill everybody for the lulz.

then people will think a thousand times before entering a city or engaging another player.

and yes, it would be really annoying to die and need to wait 7 days to play again, but a price is needed to put value on something.

Edited by lipemr

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ultimate perma-death:

you die, you get banned

you pay again, you play

you pray to god

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ultimate perma-death:

you die, you get banned

you pay again, you play

you pray to god

that sounds more like a scam, a respawn cooldown sounds more honest :P

(i know you're trolling)

Edited by lipemr

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that sounds more like a scam, a respawn cooldown sounds more honest :P

(i know you're trolling)


edit: wasn't trollin' you..just being a bit cynical ;)

Edited by joe_mcentire

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Here are somethings that really kills it for me:

-.50 cals

I know this is being fixed but really? Is it really possible for a civilian to use an extremely powerful weapon with extreme efficiency just to hunt unarmed people on the beach?._.

A Basic Hunting rifle/most weapons can do that

-Flyable helicopters

Same issues as a 50. cal, is everybody in Chernarus a pilot now?

SA is hopefully implementing Take on Helis, thus making the ability to fly a heli a lot harder

-Unlimited stamina

Pretty much speaks for itself, in the mod, we can sprint like Usain Bolt for hours without tiring.

Probably going into the SA if Arma 3 is anything to go by

-Humanity system

Hurr durr, I killed someone, a towel and a baclava will automatically be put over my head so I will be an automatic target for anyone with a brain._.

The humanity system will always have flaws

-Blood bags

In the mod, I can find un-refrigerated blood bags, use it without facing risks of infections and boom, back to normal, I'm automatically healthy.

A game mechanic that is arguably necessary in some form

-Third person

Oh someone is shooting at me? Better use my astral projection power shit so I can see behind my physical body and be able to find my hunter easily without risks of being shot._.

Already been discussed at length in other threads

-Lack of animals

I guessed most of them are abducted by aliens since most of them doesn't even leave a corpse behind.

A flaw in the mod, will probably be addressed in the SA

-Lack of vehicles(not necessarily working ones)

This just means one thing, many people escaped the apocalypse with their vehicles, if that's the case, then why are there so many freaking infected people everywhere? I can imagine, the panic caused by the outbreak would create traffic jams everywhere especially in the cities.

A flaw in the mod/map design, will probably be addressed in the SA

-Cities are too safe

I know if shit hits the fan, the city will be the number 1 thing/hazard to stay away from, due to you know, its large population which the majority of is most likely infected? But the opposite seems to happen in DayZ. When spawned, most people automatically sprints towards the city to kill each other when in fact, the complete opposite would've happened in real life.

A flaw in the mod, will probably be addressed in the SA. But you point here makes no sense. The amount of necessary resources in a city would naturally make it a battle ground for humans, arguably decreasing the zombie population/thus making it unsafer (Mindless zombies vs a Human that can plan traps for you).

-No knock-back effects when shot

It doesn't automatically means, you die instantly when shot unless hit on a vital part like the head. But its just annoying to see survivors being shot yet only blood spurts seems to indicate that. Any guns with higher ammunition than a 9mm should be able to make you fall, first shot even if you're in the strongest body armor due to the impact.

A flaw in the mod, will probably be addressed in the SA, Looks like ragdoll could happen in the SA.

-Lack of gore

Yup blood spurts, come on! real wounds/bulletshot are more brutal than that, especially high caliber guns. Not necessarily GodOfWar level of brutality. Something like VBS2 2.02 would be great(Been suggested on another thread and I'm really fond of it).

Yet again, a flaw in the mod, will probably be implemented in the SA

/Rant over/

I guess this is very demanding for some, but really, unrealistic things just don't fit into a game where you use the stars to navigate and has frequently been regarded as a "Zombie apocalypse simulator" or an anti-game.

And the most obvious realism breaker:

"Ill take things that break realism for $200"

"They don't actually exist"

"What are Zombies"

Edited by Quartermaine

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And the most obvious realism breaker:

"Ill take things that break realism for $200"

"They don't actually exist"


Sorry, but this is a really bad argument. The objective of DayZ is to simulate as best as possible how a zombie apocalypse would transpire in real life without the things that would make it unenjoyable (broken leg? sorry you're totally screwed for the next 6-8 weeks of real time).

Edited by Xeonisius

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Sorry, but this is a really bad argument...

It isn't an arguement, it's a joke.

The counter argument was what you didnt quote and that I highlighted in red

Edited by Quartermaine

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Yes, it's my personal opinion that the game wouldn't be any less fun to play without 3rd person. A lot of people would be pissed off for a while and then get used to it. Again, I'm not backing that up with evidence, it's just my opinion.

I play on 3rd person servers because no one plays on 1st. When I play on 3rd, it forces me to abuse the shit out of it so I don't get killed. I've heard the same thing from other people. So they can't co-exist in reality.

I think you misunderstood... or I'm having trouble understanding you. I said nothing about a perk system. It's not terribly important to me that aircraft are simulated accurately, I just think it would be cool.

If this game was designed to be entertaining to the greatest number of people possible, it'd be CoD.

By this, do you imply that your only source of fun within DayZ is via the 3rd person function?

If 3rd person were to be disabled, would the game automatically become *unplayable*?

A few things.. I was never tauting the use of one over the other (I like 3rd person.. though I use both depending on the circumstance). Simply pointing out that you can still offer BOTH gameplay styles. I just don't understand the idea of demanding 1st person only.. when few to no server like to use 1st person only.. then being upset that you have to 'abuse' a game mechanic. No one is abusing anything if the mechanic is available to everyone. If there are so many hardcore 1st person only out there.. get together and make a server. Everybody happy!

If the SA has first person only, it won't be gamebreaking. We will adjust to it and life will go on. As I stated before, it's a game. I was only pointing out that you can have it both ways.

Lastly, I realize it's easy (and a bit cliche) to rip on CoD and CoD kiddies. This game is not CoD.. it will never be CoD, regardless of what comes out in the end.

I'll just be glad for SA to get here.. regardless of what mechanics of changes may be put in. Ultimately is doesn't matter.. cause after launch, there will be numerous patches, changes, tweaks and updates - trying to find that proper balance of this and that.

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No one is abusing anything if the mechanic is available to everyone.

This is totally correct of course.

My issue is that it makes firefight dynamics less realistic. Everything else about the firefights is more realistic than any other game I've played. But this one thing sticks out.


If there are so many hardcore 1st person only out there.. get together and make a server. Everybody happy!

This just doesn't happen. People who prefer 1stP are in the minority, so you rarely end up with a full server. So even the 1stP people head over to the other, larger servers for more interaction. So no, you can't have it both ways. I literally cannot find a single local server right now with 1stP only.

I don't believe this will ever change, the backlash would be too great. I'm just voicing my opinion on why I prefer it.

Edited by RooBurger
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This is totally correct of course.

My issue is that it makes firefight dynamics less realistic. Everything else about the firefights is more realistic than any other game I've played. But this one thing sticks out.


This just doesn't happen. People who prefer 1stP are in the minority, so you rarely end up with a full server. So even the 1stP people head over to the other, larger servers for more interaction. So no, you can't have it both ways. I literally cannot find a single local server right now with 1stP only.

I don't believe this will ever change, the backlash would be too great. I'm just voicing my opinion on why I prefer it.

Ahh. Now I understand what you are saying by 'you can't have it both ways'. You mean with 3rd person as an option, with the benefits it provides, no one will play in 1st person. I can see how that might be a conundrum.

The pictures are worth a thousand words as well. Hm. I must admit.. I have no further arguments to put forward on the matter. Well played sir.

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And the most obvious realism breaker:

"Ill take things that break realism for $200"

"They don't actually exist"

"What are Zombies"

If you read the blogs and other info sources you wouldn't write this. Why rocket named it DayZ? It's more appealing than DayI which would be I for Infected...joke or not. Some idiot will pick this up and you know what will happen...

Edited by Enforcer

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Ahh. Now I understand what you are saying by 'you can't have it both ways'. You mean with 3rd person as an option, with the benefits it provides, no one will play in 1st person. I can see how that might be a conundrum.

The pictures are worth a thousand words as well. Hm. I must admit.. I have no further arguments to put forward on the matter. Well played sir.

Glad I made the image then. I'll use it whenever this discussion comes up. I've tried a few times to explain why you're boned if your prefer 1stP, but the point never seems to get across. Whether it should be changed in the game is another matter, but at least you understand my point of view.

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Side Chat.

Seriously, if you want to know who that is at the tents in Stary, get close enough for them to hear you and ask them.

And obviously the apocalypse will have groups of heavily armed survivors arguing about who f***ed who's mom and who's a faggot for hours and hours and hours. It's important, when there is a possibilty of starving to death or getting ripped apart by the infected, to establish who is and isn't a f****g noob before you do anything else.

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Not sure if trolling or serious.. If serious, you obviously haven't heard of this concept called "Video Game".

Matman is fatman... :]

The only thing I disagree with is the skins - its either that or the face (mask) identity system that was suggested on this forum. You have to balance realism with gameplay in some circumstances, because people playing a video game will never act the same as they would IRL. And that we all know, every thing we do in this life HAS consequences - whereas video games have to have some kind of system that penalizes people for being murderers... In some shape or form. Hence, bandit & hero skins.

Now I know that the skins do not always dictate how people are going to interact with another player in DayZ. I have been killed by hero bandits before, yes - but atleast the mod as some kind of identification system since there are no other forms of communication - unless the server has sidechat, which that doesn't help sometimes either. But I do believe that there should be penalties to the fags who just wanna shoot people with no remorse - there should be reprocautions to your actions.

And also about third person... Who cares? Its a game bro, I don't think everyone on here wants it to be ONLY 1st person... Or atleast I don't :()

Edited by Lidskjalf

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Want a serious response?

Give the player a choice of skillsets when he spawns.

Such as: Pilot, heavy gunner, sniper, medic etc.

Each allows the player to do a certain action (Pilot can fly, heavy gunner can use LMG's, sniper can use sniper rifles etc).

Also, add a more common varient of the blood bag, the "Blood transfusion". It allows you to swap blood inbetween your buddies. Keep the normal blood bag, but make it rare.

The rest is said in the first few replies.

-An Aquatic Land Walrus

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Want a serious response?

Give the player a choice of skillsets when he spawns.

Such as: Pilot, heavy gunner, sniper, medic etc.

Each allows the player to do a certain action (Pilot can fly, heavy gunner can use LMG's, sniper can use sniper rifles etc).

Also, add a more common varient of the blood bag, the "Blood transfusion". It allows you to swap blood inbetween your buddies. Keep the normal blood bag, but make it rare.

The rest is said in the first few replies.

-An Aquatic Land Walrus

I want to be an ex cyborg space marine...he doesn't care about food that much, bleeing? No prob. And if he doesn't know a skill he just has to download it from youp*rn.

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