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Oil Filter Silencer

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Not really a suggestion as there have been plenty of those. This is just a video I stumbled upon where this group uses oil filters as silencers. Sure they use an attachment that is manufactured. But I'm pretty sure I could metal lathe something similar as a ghetto rig.

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Sounds like it would be cool, but would they have these in russia?

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That is really really interesting, coming from australia i dont see much stuff about guns or am really interested by guns but this looks really cool. It would be nice to see it in SA.


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I actually am planning to get my machinist Friends to whip me up one for my Glock 17c just for shits and grins when I get it maybe I'll make a video and post it here

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Note most of these firearms are .22 caliber.

Skip to 2:50 to see how it sounds when used on a gun firing a larger caliber... sounds pretty loud to me when compared to a "proper" suppressor but it's hard to tell from videos.

Being able to craft these would be better than the scrapped idea of crafting Aimpoints, etc, but I'm not sure what rifles / pistols they'd be able to be used on or how they'd affect sight pictures, also the default "silenced" sound is way too quiet at the moment, even for "real" suppressors.

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I'm fairly certain the audio was heavily edited. Nice post nonetheless.

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Like to see them use a used oil filter while aiming down the barrel

Edited by AussieBobby

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The Ruger 10/22 rifle they fire sounds pretty much like it would normally.

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Hello there

This video pops up every now and then.

Its a fun idea, but a little flawed.

Firstly one needs a weapon with a threaded barrel and then their custom adapter, so finding or machining one is not likely in the Dayziverse.

I'd stick to a .22 and a coke bottle stuffed with rags.



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I'd stick to a .22 and a coke bottle stuffed with rags.

pretty sure I saw that on a movie once. Also a pistol wrapped in a pillow was also effective.

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Expect when you don't have subsonic rounds, it echoes pretty far and the guy getting shot at will hear the "cracks"

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Y'know, sometimes I feel bad for you guys out there. Some of you can't have guns at all(majority of the known world), some are so restricted it doesn't really count(UK, Australia, Germany). I'm on our school shooting team(don't joke about that shit, its competition shooting with .22's), and we compete state wide. Of course, it is slowly dying from a lack of funds by the school and the growing infection of leftists in our community.

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pretty sure I saw that on a movie once. Also a pistol wrapped in a pillow was also effective.

pillows dont do anything

its just another film thing

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pillows dont do anything

its just another film thing

WUT? What have I been laying my head on all these years? >:(

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Take a wooden baseball bat, cut off the barrel of the bat, keep the last foot or so. Drill a hole down the center of it. With the barrel of the bat drill holes perpendicular to the center firing hole. Wrap the bat in fiberglass insulation and gaffers tape.

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Y'know, sometimes I feel bad for you guys out there. Some of you can't have guns at all(majority of the known world), some are so restricted it doesn't really count(UK, Australia, Germany). I'm on our school shooting team(don't joke about that shit, its competition shooting with .22's), and we compete state wide. Of course, it is slowly dying from a lack of funds by the school and the growing infection of leftists in our community.

Australia has it pretty good me thinks! Better than a lot of places in europe and the access the public land hunting is second to none in terms of acres.

Problem is, as somebody pointed out, threaded barrels and the adapator needs threading, you're looking at mill/lathe.

Edited by Trizzo

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