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I was just curious as to what the overall or personal opinion on Frankie is here.

Not trying to start a flame war just want to find out what people think.

I remain neutral on the subject.

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This is going to get 'yarded/deleted some time, by the way.

Hmm changing my mind. I guess this wouldn't count as it's just opinions.

His DayZ videos are pretty entertaining to watch. He's also a very good DayZ player from the looks of it.

Edited by Death Dealer

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I like how he's able to handle a situation well, which makes me keep thinking that if he were a bandit, he would be the greatest one to ever play DayZ.

But of course, there's that whole hackusation storm, which I really try not to get involved in. If his videos are entertaining, it's not really hurting anybody.

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He makes youtube videos for entertainment purposes.

I don't understand all the hate?

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He makes youtube videos for entertainment purposes.

I don't understand all the hate?

Basically, some people have pointed out several points that could prove that he is hacking in order to make his videos more entertaining. It's a huge flame war, and like all flame wars, it's completely pointless.

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Well his videos are entertaining, but there is one issue I have with him.

Why the fuck does he call everyone a BAMBI!

Edited by burritoman259

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His name is Robert Paulson.

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This is going to get 'yarded/deleted some time, by the way.

Hmm changing my mind. I guess this wouldn't count as it's just opinions.

His DayZ videos are pretty entertaining to watch. He's also a very good DayZ player from the looks of it.

I had figured as much, I know about the whole hacking thing but I feel as if there is something i'm missing.

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Well his videos are entertaining, but there is one issue I have with him.

Why the fuck does he call everyone a BAMBI!

Now that you mention that, I realized a bit of an attitude problem he has.

To him, anybody on the coast is a noob that has no idea what he's doing. It could be one of the best DayZ players and yet he still ignores that possibility and demoralizes anybody that is unarmed.

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It could be one of the best DayZ players and yet he still ignores that possibility and demoralizes anybody that is unarmed.

True. He does act egotistical at times.

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Yeah, but at least he's no Rhinocrunch

Yeah, we can all be happy that there is only one RhinoCrunch. He is perhaps the biggest douche I've ever seen on the internet.

Edited by FlamingDefibs
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Okay, Rhinocrunch doesn't need anymore attention and a Frankie discussion only leads to hackusations.


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