Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted May 22, 2013 Come on Fraggle we need more gas for the flames and your last post was nothing short of a bucket of water on the campfire. Should have added a word like entitled or lied to the post just to spice it up. I will try to repair the damage you have done to the flames of gaming passion.I am pissed that whiny little entitled gamers were lied to by the cowardly Rocket who is laughing his way up Mount Everest as he fuels himself on the tears of DayZ fanboys. He should have never been allowed to go on that once in a lifetime climb up Everest when he had personally promised to hand every fan a game last Christmas and then followed it up by giving a guarantee the game would be released in April. I am also pretty sure that Sergey Titov is just Rocket in a fat suit.Lol, well the balance is now restored. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Felixthefriendlycat 92 Posted May 22, 2013 I have to say that a couple of weeks ago I agreed with the OP's opinion however what I realized was that giving us all of the info now will not benefit the release of the SA. The release of the alpha should hold many surprises that will lead to more media coverage at the release date itself. That way the alpha will have more sales and the devs will have a higher budget to spend working on getting it to beta and then completion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Death_Dealer 3155 Posted May 22, 2013 The dev blogs just take time away from their developing of the SA.I don't think we need weekly updates, but one every now and then would be nice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sobieski12 835 Posted May 22, 2013 (edited) E3 is just around the corner.* I'd wait for that, if your so desperate for a in-game video.I personally really like that the developers would actually spend the time, to travel and to make a realistic map for us to play on. Edited May 22, 2013 by Sobieski12 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie Jesus 723 Posted May 22, 2013 The dev blogs just take time away from their developing of the SA.I don't think we need weekly updates, but one every now and then would be nice.I know right, we need daily updates and all developers should be issued Google Glasses and stream everything they do. We need to blur the lines between fan of a game and full blown stalker, due to the distance between myself and the Czech Republic I will need technology to assist me in my stalking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bloodtrozorx 145 Posted May 22, 2013 I HAVE NO STRONG FEELINGS ONE WAY OR THE OTHER! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saethkept 134 Posted May 22, 2013 @The OP The stand alone is out there, it's on it its way. A slow but steady train steaming toward us, rattling closer in the night. We the unsuspecting villagers, awaiting for months its arrival at the station, have no idea what devilry gnashes its teeth within those approaching compartments. I like that. It's cool. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BongMcPuffin 8 Posted May 22, 2013 (edited) Its kind of funny when you think about it...No other media type has this kind of pre-hype the way video games do. What I mean is, no one raves about a movie and demands screen-shots, set pictures, editing room footage, input and criticism and all the other stuff before the movie is released. No one demands to hear musicians making a song before its produced and put on a CD, like snippets of them in the studio recording the music, or footage of them writing the music down on paper.Video games are weird, in that to gain any attention at all in the industry you basically have to breast-feed your audience from start to finish, listen to all their little cries for attention and all their harebrained ideas, otherwise they all start to whine. It makes it very difficult for games to have any personal artistic value because the game is essentially made by the community and their opinions, and the artist's personal decision-making instincts are no longer crafting the game.Even Stand-up Comedy remains a personal artistic endevour, though there is censorship and limits on what they can say on TV... it's not the audience writing all the jokes and the comedian telling them, the comedian retains artistic control of his set from start to finish.If you want open-source gaming and for the entire community to have an equal say in the development process to everyone else, try using a Linux-based model of approaching development and start developing your games on that, so everyone can contribute changes to the game and have an equal say... then the official developer can pick and choose the best community-dev'd additions to the main trunk of the game seemlessly, or if you want to make it a purely democratic effort, have everyone vote on which changes get incorporated into the official trunk.Create a central pool of videos and screenshots that are added on a regular basis that show the dev process from start to finish, so everyone can see whats going on at all times. Provide plenty of official testing servers that the official devs monitor and control, so the community based additions have multiple sandboxes to play in so they can tweak and adjust their changes to the game before submitting them for review to the main trunk. Once submitted for review, the changes go into an official Beta server where the community at large can test the changes and then vote on which ones are good, which are bad, which need tweaking and where, and then once all the changes are voted on and the adjustments made, put it back on the Beta server for further review and further tweaking.Once the final vote is completed on which elements are good enough to go into the Main trunk, it gets put in. Then all the end-user has to do is type in a simple command (or click a button) like "DayZ -UpdateMain" and they will automatically grab the newest snapshot of the game . You could even hook it up to a daemon and have the game auto-update every week (essentially auto-patching the game for everyone). It would make opting into the beta easier too, all you'd have to do to grab the latest beta is type a command in like "DayZ -UpdateBeta" and then put a "-beta" flag in the games shortcut to launch into the beta server.My theory is that if you made the code 100% open-source and produced a game this way, the community will be more satisfied because they are all perfectly equal in their ability to contribute to the game. My second theory is that if the code is 100% transparent and available for all, it may be easier for the community to come up with some ingenious anti-cheat/anti-hack measures.If you want to produce a game and have complete artistic control of it, don't say any friggin thing about the game until its DONE... that way no one can chime in and give their two-cents on the game and ruin your personal vision of the game... the worst thing you can do though is show us a half-finished painting and go "This is going to be soooo beautiful when it's done... wanna watch me paint it? Oh yeah, I know you're going to critique me as I go along, and I'm going to ignore you completely, and we will both be frustrated with the final out-come for various reasons... but wanna watch anyways, no matter how agonizingly long it will take for me to finish this painting?".You'd have peoples attention and admiration way longer if you produced something 100% finished and amazing on your own and you managed to hide it from everyone and you polished your little turd into a bright shiny little diamond... where as if you had shown people your shiny little diamond half way through polishing, they'd see it for the turd it was, and not the diamond it was going to be... and no one likes turds... everyone likes diamonds. Also, there are a million ways to polish a turd into a diamond, if you let everyone touch your half-polished turd everyone ends up getting a little poop on them and it stinks and then everyone is unhappy.Polish that turd into a huge shiny diamond in secrecy until it fucking gleams and dazzles everyone..... or, just take a huge shit in the sandbox on the playground and let all the neighbor kids play with the basic workings for a game and then let the community massage your huge pile of crap into a million little tiny diamonds, no matter how stinky and unsanitary it may get, just stand back and watch it happen... then pick and choose the best of the communities diamonds and assemble your big shiny diamond from all the little diamonds.Arma2 has so many good little mods for it that you can basically assemble an entirely different game just from the communities mods... which is a great start. But then there are some big mods where the devs exclude these other little mods even though many people in the community see the value in incorporating that mod into the game, or at least some modified version of it. Arma2 and subsequently DayZ (which I basically count as its own game, and less of a mod) really are just about the closest I've seen to where an open-source model would be a great idea, since the community has produced so many great mods, and there is so much potential in expanding upon these mods, and mixing and matching these mods like a giant lego-set where you can easily produce your own game from community-made mods.Also, if Arma2 were open-source I'm relatively sure the community would've released a patch by now that would've eliminated some of the more pressing bugs in the engine, and possibly optimized it a bit so it plays at a higher average FPS for more people... where as in the current proprietary-state of the game, these bugs are still present and who knows if they are being worked on at all.I don't get how all other forms of software can be made open-source and thrive and work great, but for some reason video games are still generally a proprietary business.Yes I was high as giraffe pussy when I wrote this Edited May 22, 2013 by BongMcPuffin 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Claw 26 Posted May 23, 2013 Not aimed at anyone in particilar.I dont understand why ppl think they entitled to updates? Yes it makes sense to feed ur potential customers updates but its not something hold them for. Game will come out when its ready. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RJTurneR 112 Posted May 23, 2013 It's all about Quality, not Quantity.Release some screenshots of the architecture...? Because thats the main goal at the moment, the map/game is just having small tweaks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skunkynugs 3 Posted May 23, 2013 Hmmm mixed feelings.Would love to see some juicy SA info. They should shoot 1-2 hours of footage and cut it up into little 5 minute bits then drip feed it to us like crack addicts.But then again it's not like I REALLY need it...... :blush: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
digital0 22 Posted May 23, 2013 There's just a simple solid truth people need to accept: The game is not ready yet.Everyone always wants to participate with every step and direction and at some point forgets that it's not their game. It's rocket's game and that of his team. For them it's mostly about hard grunt work now.Some of you need to change your perspective a bit. This is now a commercial product. We all know DayZ so it's only understandable that Rocket doesn't want to show you updates that don't have something in it that is cool and exciting. Base work is maybe interesting for a coder but there's not much to look at until you put all the pieces together in the end. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmashT 10907 Posted May 23, 2013 Release some screenshots of the architecture...? Because thats the main goal at the moment, the map/game is just having small tweaks.What do you mean? Screenshots of the code? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted May 23, 2013 Hello thereI stand in a no mans land between the two camps in regard to info.Firstly though, forget Dean's trip, it was an unfortunate timing, but was out of everyone's hands and has nothing to do with the issue.I *would* like a weekly/bi weekly one paragraph on what's been going on in the "office" (on and offline) even if it's not exciting or particularly interesting. A twitter equivalent if you will. it's 10 mins of someone's time and whilst a pain to do, would keep some of the masses happy.Saying that, if dean had a 24/7 live camera stapled to his forehead there would still be folk who would complain there's not enough info.Personally, if I were the project lead read had read all the negative, entitled and rude comments, I would have said "sod the public" and just released info if/when I wanted to if they were being so damn rude.ATM I'm happy when the devlogs do turn up and if the dateline slips, meh, there's other things to do.RgdsLoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boshed 29 Posted May 23, 2013 What do you mean? Screenshots of the code?I think he was just being sarcastic to make a point Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fluxley 2228 Posted May 23, 2013 There, that should keep them happy for a while. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BongMcPuffin 8 Posted May 23, 2013 Fuck...I always knew The Matrix was hosted in China... no wonder my ping to reality is so high =( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shadow Man 142 Posted May 23, 2013 I don't need any more info from the devs. It has always been certain that I will get the SA.What I'm more interested in is how people will play it when it finally arrives. If its the same old deathmatch then I'll be off to play something else. I'll pop in every now and then to see how things are and if it becomes the game I wanted then I'll play it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BearGravy 53 Posted May 23, 2013 I agree with what OP says. I would like to see more screenshots and videos. Not only would it probably generate more players, but also remind us every now and again that this game is still a thing that is happening. There have been some points where I forget the game complete or think that the devs have abandoned the project. Just a little screen picture of the game would do good by me. It doesn't have to be anything in general, just something to show that the game is still going to become a game and not a mod anymore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites