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Why remove the 50?

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Listen. Even getting away from 50s they will just replace it with another name. Honestly they under powered cause one shot to vehicle engine and it should blow. Barrette 50 cal was made to take out tanks with availability of pierce and explosive bullets. .

They won't hurt a tank. But any light vehicle they will take out the engine block with one shot. A human, they will pretty much kill you wherever they hit.

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Sniper rifles need to work as sniper rifles.

The effective rate of fire is way too high on the DMR, ever heard a lolbandit sniping with one?





1-2-E 1 .o.XxXeLiTe1337sNiP3rXxXo.: "lol n00b u just go snipe'd lika pro!!!111oneone"

Also NVGs have to work correctly, which means No you can't focus through a DMR scope, while wearing a giant dildo shaped light enchancement system on your face.

Anti-material rifles either have to go completely from the game or they have to affect your mobility and accuracy like a motherfucker, ever seen a lolbandit dodging and weaving in a CBQ dance with a AS50/M107? That's just silly bro.

I agree with pretty much everything here. Even though I find it simply hilarious to see a friend of mine using a DMR like it's a fully automatic assault rifle, it really shouldn't be possible...to say the very least. He also scores many many kills this way against other players. In addition, I laughed myself into a weird shocked disbelief when he told me he rarely ever scopes in unless his target is at least 450-500m away, just hip firing.

While I do believe that the AS50/M107, more the AS50 in my eyes, but both nonetheless, are extremely overpowered for several reasons. Weight, distance for viewing, and other things mentioned already are valid points. However I do not feel that completely removing them from the game is the right way to go. I personally believe that options like greatly decreasing the spawn rate would be better than outright removing that class of weapon from the game. Let me explain why I feel this way....but these are just my views and are not meant to spark an argument.

I personally feel that the presence of an AS50/M107, for me, made me more often than not choose to not use a helicopter when I didn't need to. Those two guns are helicopter killers and pilots fear them. I like to believe I am a somewhat good pilot, not the best by any means, but competent enough to dodge a good amount of fire if I spot where it's coming from. With an .50, you really only needed one or two shots to take our the engine or the rotor. Without the fear/presence of a .50, helicopters will be much more difficult to take down. Also, on this topic, I have experienced many people spamming DMR shots to take down a helicopter when they did not possess a .50. With no .50s around, this will, I believe, become a commonplace tactic against helicopters. This can be viewed from the lack of realism view or sniper rifles not working properly view, in addition to other views so I won't go beyond just stating my belief that this will become the case. In addition, everyone knows it is a perfectly sound tactic to snipe out the pilot. Personally, I feel if it takes more than one shot, it won't happen because a competent helicopter pilot will immediately be able to dodge subsequent shots from the bolt action guns like the m24 and m40. The DMR spam would probably be the exception to this case, but again, take that belief as you will.

Again, while I feel the .50s are overpowered in their own respects, completely removing the class of weapon shouldn't be done. Tweaking the spawn rate, or replacing them with more balanced guns that the community seems to favor/suggest (Lapua, Zastava to name some mentioned in this thread) are much more sound routes to take. I'll leave off with my one helicopter reason to avoid further expanding this wall of text.

Edited by strider77

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Walking into Cherno or Elektro, for a start.

Going near that helicopter crash

Being anywhere on the coast.

being anywhere near Stary Sobor.

Traversing the open fields anywhere in the northern parts of the map.

Basically, you can get fired at from 500 metres away just by walking/running/crawling into town.

Cherno/Elektro is a moot point and stupid to bring up because it's the coast.

Every other place you can scope out with bins (they're really common) and check the sniping positions, you can use cover such as houses or buildings and concealment such as the perfectly accessible line of bushes that run from the south of stary all the way into the town to shield yourself from prying eyes.

You can mitigate it, you can control the risk. That's what I mean when i say play better/smarter.


You can use a DMR quite quickly, proper trigger control and stance mean you can dump rounds out of a semi-auto very very quickly.

That being said it won't be accurate at long range unless prone with a deployed bipod.

Edited by Kebab Remover

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also a ak should also be extremely hard to find in my view.

An AK being extremely hard to find in a post-Soviet country.


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How is this relevant?

Aaah you did a ninja edit, you originally posted the stats of the DMR and the stats of the AS50 which are totally non-relavent.

Edited by Kebab Remover

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Seeing as most servers had a maximum view distance that was under 1,100 meters I wouldn't say they were too crazy...

If one was ever added back it would ave to be with two caveats:

1. Native weapon to the region (Zastava M93 comes to mind, was actually used somewhat frequently by Serbs)



2. Weight system introduced, meaning it is slow to aim (lags behind mouse and shaky when standing), causes your character to run much slower, and requires you to eat and drink more (this would be for all weapons, not just 50s).

Uuuuuh no ammunition crafting, at least not sniper ammunition... you realize the precision involved in very long range shooting? Powder weights measured to a seventy-thousandth of a pound... bullets CNC machined from solid brass... not happening in zombieland.

Reloading maybe? Just saying...ive seen some pretty accurate rounds come out of a reloading press.

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Just join a private hive where there are .50's to be had. I'm currently playing on a great private Hive run by the BSB Network and I've got two of them!

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Barrette 50 cal was made to take out tanks with availability of pierce and explosive bullets.

I...I don't even.....what?

What kind of a world do you live in where a .50cal is designed to take out a tank?

Light armor and cover, yes. But a tank, not that I've ever heard of.

EDIT: Also, there is a difference between putting a bullet into a tank and taking one out.

Edited by Pandema
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Reloading maybe? Just saying...ive seen some pretty accurate rounds come out of a reloading press.

Yes... and are they seriously going to add reloading equipment, cases, bullets, electronic powder scales? I don't think it's realistic to have people "crafting" match-grade .50-caliber ammunition from some silly improvised "in Soviet Russia" setup...

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Listen guys, lets be thankful. At least we don't have to deal with things outside of infantry combat(bar the huey). Otherwise, then we'd have a real reason to complain.

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An AK being extremely hard to find in a post-Soviet country.


Well assuming its a few months after the virus began there should'nt be much meat on the bone

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tired of reading all this nonsense about realism

there is not a single topic about realism when it comes down to carry 6 engine parts and being able to run like bolt

but dodging bullets with an AS50 at close range and shooting it from hip seems to be a REAL problem ....

its not the fact you got killed by it (what makes you angry - searing desperatly for something to mark it "OP") no its the realism whats going through your head

running a flashlight 24/7 with just one battery, chopping off 300 logs of wood from a single tree which stands in the forest you know..., taking a shot form 1,1km distance with little eff..- WAIT what did you just say!? thats fucking non realistic stuff which needs to be banned out of the game!

ohh god its sooo cheap...

and no this game is not a sniper duell simulation with the as50 and you wont change anything in that matter if you remove it simply because a dmr or nearly any other sniper is as good as the as50 - like 80-90% of my deaths by an as50 could have been done with another sniper - in fact i f. uped my position

but those 10-20% - when you sit in a car or hovering over a village in a heli - those really nervous moments when you spot a player wielding a gun that matches the size of those guns which name you shouldnt say - those sounds of impendable doom - will all be gone ... disappearing in the nothingness of gaming hell - castet away cause their terror was unbearable for those who wandered across the plains of dayz.

The first step to disenchant the threatening and terrifying atmosphere of dayz will be moment when they come for our guns and i can see that the AS50 wont be the only gun banned under the restriction of "OP".

No in due time people of Chernarus will arm themselves with waterpistols - boiled of course .....

poor dayz


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Floxer your spot on with what you said people only rage about realism when they're at the receiving end of a .50 cal. If you get so worked up about getting killed by a sniper that you have to vent it on the forums then maybe DayZ isn't for you?

Getting rid of the .50 is a dumbass idea from the start and just goes to show what nubs...much like Zombies...can do when you get a big enough horde of them worked up.

Ruin the game for the rest of us.

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tired of reading all this nonsense about realism

there is not a single topic about realism when it comes down to carry 6 engine parts and being able to run like bolt

but dodging bullets with an AS50 at close range and shooting it from hip seems to be a REAL problem ....

its not the fact you got killed by it (what makes you angry - searing desperatly for something to mark it "OP") no its the realism whats going through your head

running a flashlight 24/7 with just one battery, chopping off 300 logs of wood from a single tree which stands in the forest you know..., taking a shot form 1,1km distance with little eff..- WAIT what did you just say!? thats fucking non realistic stuff which needs to be banned out of the game!

ohh god its sooo cheap...

Load of rot. Sounding like a whiny AS50 camper.

You assume the presence of other stange glitches or quirks means we can't fix others. 6 engines in a bag means we can't fix AS50? Unture. Carrying 6 engines in your bag should be stopped and so should unbalanced guns. Both issues should be fixed.

AS50 is distinct because it enables killing far above the level of most other weapons, which is in of itself fine (weapons that outlcass other weapons is a given) but it does so in an entirely dissprotionate meaning unbalanced manner.

The AS50 is 27LB or 12kg firing off hand, 85 degree downwards off a building, as fast as you can click, no recoil, 1000 meters +, insta gib stupidity. Weapons take skill to master. The AS50 does not balance the imense power of the rifle: from knockdown power, reaching out range, quailty of the optic, generous zeoring with what should be recoil, noise, mobility, difficulty of use.

The AS50 is easier to master than a makarov.

Edited by Trizzo
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You assume the presence of other stange glitches or quirks means we can't fix others. 6 engines in a bag means we can't fix AS50? Unture. Carrying 6 engines in your bag should be stopped and so should unbalanced guns. Both issues should be fixed.

Indeed, I'm sick of this approach to the game. X, Y and Z aren't perfect so don't take away the imperfections that I like.

On a side note - They're 'engine parts' not an entire engine and flashlights etc. will require batteries in the standalone. :)

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Hey thanks for accompanying me zev

atleast some daredevils are with me ;)

your understanding of "fixing" something trizzo is somewhat disturbing to me

you feel satisfied with the solution to rule out the gun completly

but the truth is the as50 and its brother in law m107 are fine as they are - there is nothing unbalanced in them

my concern about realism, when i was talking about these guns, is that there is no wind in this game which makes it not as real as it would be in reality and of course the weight problem. weight itself is not implemented in dayz which makes it hard to begin with just the as50 or m107....

both the as50 and the m107 have recoil and you have to center your target again before you can take your next shot - and firing it in close quarter from hip is possible even in real life

shooting a target from over 1000m+ takes either great skill or a target which is not moving

mastering makarov is easy - aim for zombie head(stay in a building so they dont move that fast) and fire - mission accomplished makarov mastered

finding heli crash site 1 hour

finding as50 on crash site 3-5hours

finding prey 1 hour

killing 2 survivors running in the fields 500 yards away by predicting their movement - priceless

but skill itself is arguable - some are natural born talents and some struggle - it is not a factor to render something unbalanced - cause your definition of unbalanced is majority of player nothing more...

if you get me wind in this game im in it to support you, cause any kind of realism is cool and adds to the atmosphere but in my eyes the whole talk about as50 m107 right now is not about fixing the real issuses, it is way more about selfish players getting rid of something they dont like


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It isn't a question of skill or whether the weapons are overpowered. The fact of the matter is that anti-material rifles have no place in Charnarus and being able to run around with them and fire (accurately) from the hip is ridiculous. They aren't in keeping with the tone of the game.

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both the as50 and the m107 have recoil and you have to center your target again before you can take your next shot - and firing it in close quarter from hip is possible even in real life

shooting a target from over 1000m+ takes either great skill or a target which is not moving

The recoil is so low in practice its not even there.

Hip firing datt beast will knock you on your ass and thats no joke.(if realism)

Also ican confirm it does NOT take exra skill to hit someone at a 1000+.meters my longest range kill is 1376 m almost at the end of zero range but still not at maximum effective 1 shot kill range, wich lies somewhere around 2k.

You can count can you not?

Ive shot and killed alot of people with the as50 its overpowered. So take it from a killer instead of a victim that things gotta go.

Dont even get me started about the target lock you can make with the m107.

if you get me wind in this game im in it to support you, cause any kind of realism is cool and adds to the atmosphere but in my eyes the whole talk about as50 m107 right now is not about fixing the real issuses, it is way more about selfish players getting rid of something they dont like

Is a good weapon, Its not my selffishness that fuels my posturing here. Its the ease with wich i kill people over a mile away with NO SKILL involved.

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but the truth is the as50 and its brother in law m107 are fine as they are - there is nothing unbalanced in them

Nothing unbalanced, except for this:

[...] an AS50 shot does more damage than a 23x152mm armor-piercing high-explosive round fired from a ZSU-23-4.


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Running for days without taking a dump is also not realistic but that doesn't add nor removes anything from the experience of playing the game, and its the same with every other example in your post. Yes, you can chop 300 logs of one tree but who cares one log is the most you will need in any given moment?

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I dont't think they should be removed they should be extremely hard to find. also a ak should also be extremely hard to find in my view.

Emm not really, AKs were mass built in Russia, so they should be common since Chernarus is a soviet country.

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Also who wouldnt want an ak when civilisation breaks down?

You realise you almost never ever have to clean it proper, just spit on it a few times it will work.

An as50 for example is compared to an AK what a rocketscientist is to someone beating two rocks together.

You NEED to properly maintain those weapon for them to be effective and not jam on you(m82barret) was relly prone to that when fouling was not removed in time.

So i figure the longer said apocalypse is going on the more AK`s and other low maintenance rugged weapons you will encounter.

Since those are the only ones that are servicable.

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