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Why remove the 50?

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It's not like you get hit in the hand, you lose the hand, that's it. If you somehow survive being hit, you would likely die soon after.

Which is why I said massive bleeding like they had their leg or arm amputated or hanging on by strands (which is definitely possible if a .50 BMG hits and shatters bone). People wouldn't just click "apply bandage" and be okay, they probably wouldn't be able to do so, but if would feel more realistic than the current "death ray" effect. It would also force people to aim better if they want to kill someone outright... leg shots just don't kill in a timely fashion...

Edited by Gews
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All I'm going to say on this is a .50bmg semi-auto rifle would be the worst possible weapon to use in a zombie apocalypse.

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If its the same as a DMR then what's the problem? Just use that instead

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My personal opinion from playing the mod, is that it happens to limit the actual human encounters we have with eachother, becuase so often there are people waiting in hot zones just for the sake of a sniper kill. It is an easy, yet patient (boring, IMO) technique.

Now I understand that there are ways to tactically maneuver around situations like this (under fire from afar), but those techniques might be to much for someone new to the system, if you can grasp what I'm getting at.

I think that either one of two things sould happen in the stand alone game; sniper ammo is very rare or snipers are limited to a certain range of guns, likewise with certain ranged optics.

Edited by Strongtent

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Or we add the shooting system from ACE mod.

If they can make a kill at 1200m shooting through 3 wind layers they deserve the kill.

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Bollocks. They are. Only the wankers shoot with AK's in the movies. Rambo wouldn't be seen dead shooting from the hip with a PKM. If he did he'd run out of dialogue and start walking into walls.

Most of us that play are in the Western hemisphere. We want our guns to be trick and not based on some crap that was lifted from der Nazis just after WW2; also we're really not that hot about the wood effect veneer that you and your Eastern Euro Progressives favour on your rifle butts. We want our Americana; we want plastic rifle butts, leather effect recliners and thumping music.

You don't do any of that in Eastern Europe.

Sorry to beak it to you. The AK-47 is the most iconic firearm in the word. Over 50 million of these have been produced. It's even on Mozanbiqes flag.

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