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No more 50 cals!

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Oh god, the butthurt rage once this patch drops is going to be delicious. I've wanted the one-hit-kill wonder-wands gone forever, and they're finally getting kicked right the f- out the door.

Thank you Razor. I want to marry you.

But what with the superweapons being gone and banned, what're you all gonna do for firepower now?

Personally, I'm pretty fine the CZ550. The lack of zeroing on the DMR is kinda a turn-off to me. Probably because of the variable zoom levels making it impossible to know where your bullet will fall without extensive practise. Chest shots with the CZ550 is where it's at. Unless I can get my grubby mitts on an M24.

But still. Removing a weapon that arguably more than half of all players use to get an unfair advantage at every range. There is no better definition of a 'game changer'. The assault rifles are viable again! \o/

Only problem I see is that vehicle don't have a one-shot-stop. I mean, you can aim for the tires on a normal vehicle, but what the fuck do we do about helicopters? Helicopters were already ridiculously overpowered, considering the fact that they traverse the map so quickly, and can fire on you accurately from over a kilometre away. Two guys in a helicopter will be pretty much invincible now.

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Mk48/M240 can still do a fair amount of damage to a huey

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Mk48/M240 can still do a fair amount of damage to a huey

Can they accurately hit at over 1000 metres though? Hueys don't generally get all that close.

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I like the .50 cals being removed. I'm not sure I like the MOTIVATION behind the removal though. If it was for "authenticity and realism", good, if it was for "balancing and nerfing", bad!

Can they accurately hit at over 1000 metres though? Hueys don't generally get all that close.

Remove Hueys.

What are Hueys doing in a former Soviet Republic anyways? Come on devs, show some balls, kill the Hueys. Keep the Mi-8s though.

Anyways a CZ550 or a DMR do next to no damage at long range (1000+ meters). You may as well be swatting players with a feather duster. I want at least a .300 Win Mag, preferably a .338 Lapua so I can actually kill people at long range.

I don't even care if they're single-shot target rifles that have to be reloaded each time! I just want something so I can "take the shot".

QQ, R4Z0R, QQ.

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I'd go for removing the Huey, as beautiful as it is and for all the memories I've made in it, they've added like 5 other helicopters to the mod, so i don't think taking away just the Huey will be a big problem, but if you take helicopters out of the game altogether, that would be a problem. They just need to balance helicopters more. The downside to helis used to be exposing yourself to refuel for 20 min but now with auto-refuel servers and such they're pretty much a god vehicle besides the noise.

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I like the .50 cals being removed. I'm not sure I like the MOTIVATION behind the removal though. If it was for "authenticity and realism", good, if it was for "balancing and nerfing", bad!

Remove Hueys.

What are Hueys doing in a former Soviet Republic anyways? Come on devs, show some balls, kill the Hueys. Keep the Mi-8s though.

Anyways a CZ550 or a DMR do next to no damage at long range (1000+ meters). You may as well be swatting players with a feather duster. I want at least a .300 Win Mag, preferably a .338 Lapua so I can actually kill people at long range.

I don't even care if they're single-shot target rifles that have to be reloaded each time! I just want something so I can "take the shot".

QQ, R4Z0R, QQ.

A poll showed that 50% or more of all players that responded had the AS50 with them at the time. The other 50% wanted one.

There are massive issues with the AS50, like the fact that you can use it as a semi-automatic rifle at close range, with a one-hit-kill functionality. There were simply no flaws to the weapon. From five metres, to five thousand, it was the best weapon for every situation. And that's simply terrible game design on top of being horribly unrealistic. I would like to see a super-rare anti materiel rifle replace them though, for taking down vehicles.

As for helicopters, yeah. Fuck helicopters. They should be transport only without weapons. If they're used as a weapon's platform, they should have to have the gunner sitting in the side door. Like, give two gunners M240's and have them in the side door, instead of the current mounted weapons which are a littler bit stupid to add to a flight vehicle.

DayZ is supposed to be hard, so I'm against any sort of 'easy mode' button. Which is what helicopter guns and AS50's certainly are.

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You aim for the main rotor or engine housing. A DMR, or even the L85 SUSAT would work just fine. Before I figured out that you could adjust vehicle damage values in the database, I used to ride or fly around my server shooting various vehicles to damage them. I do not remember the exact number of various caliber rounds to seriously mess up the engine or main rotor on a huey, but it does not take many hits. Random hits can also damage the instruments - not so important on the Huey, but it is annoying as heck to fly a helicopter like that, if it has a HUD.

A good pilot who flies very low and very fast is another story. Most beginner DayZ pilots however like to fly low and slow or high and floating, which makes them easy targets.

As for .50 rifles, I will not miss them.

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no .50 cals is a great thing, sniping will take some actual skill now...I knew there was a reason my years of using an m24 would come in handy ;) .... BY THE way you have a link to this patch news?

Edited by BlackDalia

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no .50 cals is a great thing, sniping will take some actual skill now...I knew there was a reason my years of using an m24 would come in handy ;) .... BY THE way you have a link to this patch news?

It's in the announcement page, right at the top 'rolling changelog'.

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Its great that they removed the .50s, but I think, as Gews said, there should be some alternative: the Lapua, with the few changes Gews suggested in his thread.

Agreed also about helis. Remove Huey, keep Mi8 and maybe add some other Russian ones? If any?

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If a heli is close enough and going slow enough to actually be a threat then its its not so hard to take them down with a DMR or MK 48 or similar.

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Instead of .50 why not just add rocket launchers

They work fine in wasteland, just add them to dayz and problem solved

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Love how they're removed. Why would dayz need them anyway? It isn't a deathmatch - a zombie survival. I also heared rumour that military weapons with any attatchments are being removed.. I didn't see it in the patchnotes but I kindof like the idea.

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I also heared rumour that military weapons with any attatchments are being removed.. I didn't see it in the patchnotes but I kindof like the idea.

They will be removed from most loot tables and get replaced with attachments and other objects.

M4A1 > some other objects > Blueprint = M4A1_Aim

I'm still not happy with the blueprint system but we need an object to do the action on without getting too messy.

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Which is what helicopter guns and AS50's certainly are.

Oh Really?? And I suppose Mk48's,M240's,M4_camo_SD's arent???

way to go being selective about what weapons you want removed. Oh yeah get rid of the high powered snipers but leave all the other high powered weapons.

Nice real nice!

I look forward to the waves of whining about overpowered helos now you aint got anything decent to take them out at range.

grabs loadsa bags of popcorn :thumbsup:

Edited by trichome
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How things would be better, in my opinion, without choppers. Let's face it, 50's and choppers are all OP.

The tents could be used again, especially now they can't be hidden in objects.

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but see here is the thing.

Sniper rifles are not made up imaginary things your parents tell you like Santa Claus and Jesus.

they exist like cancer and Aids.

and they do kill people in shot.

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but see here is the thing.

Sniper rifles are not made up imaginary things your parents tell you like Santa Claus and Jesus.

they exist like cancer and Aids.

and they do kill people in shot.

Heres the other thing.

Snipers require more than just point and shoot with mildots etc.

This game requires no more than that.

Effectively in this game you should miss 95% of the time when using a sniper.

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Heres the other thing.

Snipers require more than just point and shoot with mildots etc.

This game requires no more than that.

Effectively in this game you should miss 95% of the time when using a sniper.

you can say this about every single aspect of gaming.

Sniper rifles are real things.

First time i picked up SKS i was pretty successful hitting targets 200-250 yards away, with absolutely no training.

Just a drunk uncle taking me out to go shooting here and there.

Sniping and getting picked off from the unknown is a huge part of dayz.

gotta learn to scan the area and stay low.

You probably run into cherno or ele like a chicken with its head cut off and wonder why you look like swiss cheese.

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Heres the other thing.

Snipers require more than just point and shoot with mildots etc.

This game requires no more than that.

Effectively in this game you should miss 95% of the time when using a sniper.

and you must be talking about Call of Duty.

I think sniping in ARMA/Dayz is awesome and they should keep it where its at.

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You missed my point.

The variables simply aren't accounted for in DayZ.

Hopefully this will be implemented:


I agree, aiming in ArmA is essentially just a matter of pointing a mouse... I can repeatedly hit a target 800 meters away with rapid semi-automatic fire. It's a lot harder in real life.

However I don't agree with removing long-range snipers... .50s, yes, but I think we need a replacement that's better than a 7.62x51.

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