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How Will You Play Standalone Without the Mod's Exploits?

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I just think a whole lot of the player base relies on these two things far too much. I foresee much butthurt.

Will it make players friendlier though?

Perhaps. The first time I played DayZ+ (uber zombie buff mod for anyone that hasn't played it) we ran into 5 or 6 friendlies on one quick loot run around Elektro. In stock DayZ that would have been 5 or 6 guys trying to shoot us, lol.

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I'm bored at school so... Yeah!

Well when I actually get a chance to play DayZ, I hope the standalone will be out, I know a lot about DayZ because I practically rape youtube about it.

I plan to join with two of my friends and we will be set out to help newbies and take out the experienced, yes the chance are I'm going to get shot in the head, but ey... We all have plans eh?

P.S Also the FPS will be much more stable, so many more people will be able to play!

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Bored at work wishing as was playing bp or wasteland. I think it will be fine, you get used to whats around you, hopefully no pine tree glitch but it should help , as in can be seen less. I hope for hordes simular to lfd.

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i will cry if i can't Firestation ladder glitch anyone ;(

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I know, strange but i think i will miss some of the mod's glitches. Not for any reason but sentimentality. Getting Mike Tyson'd through a wall, breaking legs from a door....classic DayZ.

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The indoors one wont affect me, since I sneak past the zombies. It's useful in the mod too, since players will definitely see you from 1000m without binoculars if you're leading a zombie train. Just go to Elektro or Cherno hills, they're making it too easy for the snipers.

Edited by Sutinen

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Standalone will be amazing without the exploits!! Can't wait to hear people winge! :P

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I will play as normal paranoid, living alone in the woods with my axe.

Then all of a sudden Inception drops out of the sky with a chopper.

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*Walk into a town*


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My tactics will probably change a bit.

#1 I kill zombies with axes and bury their bodies so no change there.

#2 however, as is now I use the zombies to determine if players are where I am headed. It merely allows me to see how cautious I need to be/ if I can expect a firefight. I never avoid an area just because someone is there.

With #2s change I can see myself being more startled upon seeing another person.

But I am praying they make the zombies/ survival more of a threat beyond just a damage increase. Then I can see people working together a bit more.

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Two of the biggest exploits in the DayZ mod will hopefully be fixed in Standalone.

1) Zombies will be able to follow you by running indoors.

Why would this be an exploit? Why would breaking LOS for x-amount of time to break agro be considered an exploit? If we want realism, then lets start with the fact that a) zombies are not realistic in the first place, and b: if a were true than by their very nature of being a zombie, would not have the brain function to be tactically sound, and deduce where a player may have gone. Thus losing a zombie should become a possibility once LOS has been broken for x-amount of time.

2) You will no longer be able to tell if someone is nearby by the mere fact that zombies have spawned.

This isn't an exploit when the mechanics of the current game are dictated by zombies spawning near players. If I run over a mountain and look at a town below me at 700m, why would I be exploiting if I see zombies and then make a decision to not go into that town? That is no fault of my own that zombies were spawned by someone in the town. In this current mod, zombies spawning around players in a town, and other players using that as a first line of information, is not an exploit. It is mechanics that have dictated tactical game play.

Add to this there will be a lot more zombies, how do you think this will change your play style, if at all?

I will still shoot on sight if I want to, I will still not be friendly towards anyone not in my group if I don't want to. I will still play the game how I want to play the game and not how other people think other people should play the game.

Passive aggressive shots at bandits are not cool man.

Edited by Tek

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There will always be bandits. But with what I am reading from SA tidbits. Not a lot to go off of though. Is that the enphisis will be placed on survival. And in my experience, where the zombies are a real threat. Players team up more often. I think this kind of mechanic makes it to hard for the CoD players to get thier PvP on. Weapons will be hard to find, zombies will be smarter and more lethal. Instead of taking minutes to gear up, it'll take hours to gear up. Of couse unless you take another player out. But for that to happen, you need to be able to have a weapon of your own. It will cuase other forms of banditry, but many of the CoD style players, I don't think will stay around.

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Why would this be an exploit? Why would breaking LOS for x-amount of time to break agro be considered an exploit? If we want realism, then lets start with the fact that a) zombies are not realistic in the first place, and b: if a were true than by their very nature of being a zombie, would not have the brain function to be tactically sound, and deduce where a player may have gone. Thus losing a zombie should become a possibility once LOS has been broken for x-amount of time.

This isn't an exploit when the mechanics of the current game are dictated by zombies spawning near players. If I run over a mountain and look at a town below me at 700m, why would I be exploiting if I see zombies and then make a decision to not go into that town? That is no fault of my own that zombies were spawned by someone in the town. In this current mod, zombies spawning around players in a town, and other players using that as a first line of information, is not an exploit. It is mechanics that have dictated tactical game play.

I will still shoot on sight if I want to, I will still not be friendly towards anyone not in my group if I don't want to. I will still play the game how I want to play the game and not how other people think other people should play the game.

Passive aggressive shots at bandits are not cool man.

Insofar as losing LOS - the exploit i am talking about is the fact you know that zombies can only walk indoors and so this is why players don't bother to be stealthy in towns as they know zombies can be easily lost. Having zombies run indoors will make it a little harder to lose them.

Zombies spawning only when players are nearby is the best way of knowing that someone is close. This is the exploit - you know someone is close and you act accordingly. In SA zombies are spawned regardless and so you will have no way of knowing (barring seeing aggro in town).

If you use these exploits in game atm then you will probably have to change your tactics. This has nothing to do with being a bandit or survivor.

Why are bandits so sensitive to any form of perceived criticism? So passive aggressive shots aren't cool but KOS is OK? LOL.

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i will cry if i can't Firestation ladder glitch anyone ;(

I always thought of that as climbing out of the window. xD

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Hopefully it may bring back some of the early dayz where we all crept around in town trying to be a bit quieter so as to not aggro. It will also depend on if you can clear an area for a certain amount of time, if i can kill every zed and have, say five minutes to loot before more zeds appear, then rounds are gonna be flying.

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Insofar as losing LOS - the exploit i am talking about is the fact you know that zombies can only walk indoors and so this is why players don't bother to be stealthy in towns as they know zombies can be easily lost. Having zombies run indoors will make it a little harder to lose them.

Again. How is this an exploit when the mechanics of the game dictate that the zombies walk indoors? Everyone knows they don't run indoors. How are we supposed to not make it happen? How are we supposed to loot indoors when zombies walk indoors? How are we supposed to play the game at all if you deem it an exploit that zombies walk indoors?

The mechanics are known... zombies walk indoors. Because we know what the mechanics are we formulate plans of attack in order to loot, or pass through the city. Part of that plan is to utilize buildings to lose zombies. Again, because the mechanics made it that way.

Now an exploit would be where the mechanics do not allow something, but due to a glitch, bug, whatever, a player knowingly uses said bug for personal advantage. The old tent duping items last year was an exploit. Items multiplying in tents were not by design, nor did the mechanics of the game allow this to happen normally. Yet people figured out how the duping happened and did the tricks that allowed it happen. That is exploiting.

Losing agro through buildings in this game is not exploiting because the mechanics have dictated that zombies walk indoors since DAY 1. Tents were not supposed to dupe items by design. There is a big difference.

Zombies spawning only when players are nearby is the best way of knowing that someone is close. This is the exploit - you know someone is close and you act accordingly.

Again... how in the world is this exploiting when the game has been like this since Day 1? This has been the mechanics of the game for as long as I have been playing! I have no control over someone being in a town that I am not at yet. I have no control over the zombies spawning. But since the mechanics of the game have deemed that zombies will spawn when players are near then your argument is flawed. You as a player cannot control the actions of another player going into a town before you. But you will sure as heck know that they are there since the zombies are already there. Am I supposed to just pretend I did not see them??

If I come across a town and see zombies in that town then I sure as heck am going to make a decision on what I want to do. I'm not going to pretend I don't see them and then run in blind thinking i'm the only one there. How stupid would that be? The mechanics are that zombies spawn when players are (or used to be) within 200m. I cannot control them spawning by another player if I have not made it in that town yet. But because of the mechanics, I am going to make a decision on what I am going to do.

In SA zombies are spawned regardless and so you will have no way of knowing (barring seeing aggro in town).

This is not SA yet. This is a mod of Arma2. And the mechanics of the game have been dictated since day 1. Just because you don't like the fact that zombies don't run, or are already spawned in a town, does not make it an exploit, nor me (or anyone else) an exploiter. It's faulty logic at best.

If you use these exploits in game atm then you will probably have to change your tactics. This has nothing to do with being a bandit or survivor.

We will find out when SA is released what tactics need to be canned, and what tactics can be kept. We will not know 100% until we get there. But i'm sure you'll find something in that game that you would deem an exploit even though the mechanics allow it.

Why are bandits so sensitive to any form of perceived criticism? So passive aggressive shots aren't cool but KOS is OK? LOL.

I wouldn't call it sensitive... but it does get old seeing people cry about KoS, about Banditry, and about PvP in general in this survival game. We don't go around telling you that you have to pvp, we only say that you have to survive. We don't go around telling people they are only a "true" player if they play a certain way. I respect people that don't want to PvP. But I sure as hell do not respect people that tell me that because I PvP that i'm playing it wrong, or that I am a lesser player.

It's like the liberal democrats and whack job environmentalists telling people they can't do something or can't have something just because they don't like that something.

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I realise these are all because of the mod's design but the fact is these mechanics are exploited to make the game easier. All i am saying is if these mechanics are fixed in the SA how do you think the game, and your tactics, will change?

I am not judging people for utilising the faults of the mod. Like being able to peek around and over walls in 3rd person, if it is in game then you can't tell people not to do it. I am not suggesting for one moment that players shouldn't run indoors to escape zombies or use the current zombie spawning mechanic that tells you someone is nearby. I use these myself.

I also do not knock banditry. Without bandits DayZ would be boring. I have said that many times.

I am merely asking what if?

So keep your knickers on.

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I believe the style of play in the standalone will be very much like that of the mod when it was still new to most people. Right up until the point where someone finds an exploit and starts posting about it on a forum or uploads a video about it on Youtube, that is.

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I believe the style of play in the standalone will be very much like that of the mod when it was still new to most people. Right up until the point where someone finds an exploit and starts posting about it on a forum or uploads a video about it on Youtube, that is.

True - i am sure the SA will have its fair share of exploits. Hopefully they are ironed out as the alpha progresses.

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So keep your knickers on.

I refuse.

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I second bored at work with yar

I will play as normal paranoid, living alone in the woods with my axe.

No, you will tag along with me and NOT shoot me in the head.

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How will I play standalone? Hopefully at 60 FPS recording gameplay for my channel!

On a more serious note, the fact that the zombies can, in theory, run indoors is a slightly scary thought. The hospitality of shelter is so inviting, and after getting so used to losing zombies by running into houses, I have no doubt it'll take some getting used to. I feel that new players will likely not have such a hard time as obviously that's their first DayZ experience, but for the mod's players it might get a little uncoordinated.

As for the whole debate with spawning zombies, the situation could become inverted; players might see dead zombies and assume there are players around. Either way, it will add the immersion of the game and add a real incentive to killing zombies, which I agree with indefinitely.

A question for anyone who can answer it, is there going to be an "Agro limit" in standalone as there is in the mod currently? I believe it's around 24, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm just curious as to what will be more dangerous about zombies, mass or power.

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For me, an SA with such functionality will be like playing my first games of DayZ where every zombie is a real threat and you need 100% situational awareness to surivive.

Playing as a new spawn on a vanilla DayZ server with to original loot tables and the current "very aware" zombies has been eye opening this week and I expect the SA to be more of the same where everything is scarce and everything that moves on 2 legs is trying to kill you.

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I think Tek has completed missed the OP's point and the question he posed. Seems he's getting all hot and bothered about semantics, but anyway...

I feel both changes would require a change of tactics. The first point more around looting buildings and the second how cautious you are when approaching and passing through towns.

No longer having this 'six-sense' as to whether someone is at the town you are scouting I feel will be one of the biggest changes to the game. Personally at the moment if you see infected ahead of you it puts you into a state of vigilance as you pretty much KNOW someone is around there somewhere and you act accordingly. You will have to relay more or other identifies, such as dead infected, aggro, etc. or indeed just scout for longer before moving in.

It's somewhat similar to when they removed the peripheral dots. I thought they were a bit 'cheaty' (another 'six-sense' if you will) and LOVE the fact its now been removed. When in the trees between towns I would often find myself looking more at the side of the screen and orientating myself in such a way that would allow me to work out what was to come. You can no longer do that so tactics had to change.

Like some others have mentioned I feel this change (how infected spawn) will have a bigger impact on the game than anticipated, at least for the short term.

Edited by Boshed

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We all use exploits on the mod. I can see it taking time for majority of players taking some time to adapt to the game, including myself. The one thing I will find very interesting is how people get on without their overpowered weapons, without their 400 vehicle server with 20 helicopters. I hope people will forced into thinking about what they do now, not just knowing that they can run into a building, loot it and be completly safe. Knowing they can sit above Elektro and kill spawns because they have snipers, no zombies will come kill them. I could go on and on..

The mod turned into a PvP fest because zombies were a non-factor, there so many exploits, and there was high end gear to be found everywhere. I hope the standalone makes a gun like the enfield seem very rare.

To sum it up, I hope the standalone seperates the men from the boys! B)

Edited by RJTurneR

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