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Add moar Rivers.

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Please, moar water traffic!

I suggest that boats on the Stand Alone should be used more! Please, I think that everybody can agree that the 4 hour run through just fields eventually gets plain... It definately would help spice up the environment as well as giving "newbies" different routes to take. Please add moar River Systems so that water travel is somewhat convenient for people who find say small fishing boats or military dingies. More traffic on water = a variety of routes within the environment which can lead into different scenarios/encounters with other players. Just don't add in military boats with M60's, I just would like to see more travel on water for not only myself, but other players! (Legit map hey heh?) :)


Lidskjalf :beans:


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There are alot of things above that..contradict the "moar rivers" idea.

Also, as far as I'm concerned (but I could be wrong) the devs would have to completely remake Chenarus in order to add in something such as stream/rivers.

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Also, as far as I'm concerned (but I could be wrong) the devs would have to completely remake Chenarus in order to add in something such as stream/rivers.

They have already added swamps, nothing is preventing them from adding waterways. I would expect it be something like the rivers on panthera.

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You have rivers going uphill.

I think he just shat on a picture of Chernarus...

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They have already added swamps, nothing is preventing them from adding waterways. I would expect it be something like the rivers on panthera.

Yes, but to add rivers, wouldn't they need to edit MUCH MORE. Like removing/editing hills, under roads, etc?

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From what i understand rivers need to be at sea level in Arma. So all rivers would have to be gouged into the landscape Grand Canyon-like.

I do like the idea of rivers though.

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Please, moar water traffic!

I suggest that boats on the Stand Alone should be used more! Please, I think that everybody can agree that the 4 hour run through just fields eventually gets plain... It definately would help spice up the environment as well as giving "newbies" different routes to take. Please add moar River Systems so that water travel is somewhat convenient for people who find say small fishing boats or military dingies. More traffic on water = a variety of routes within the environment which can lead into different scenarios/encounters with other players. Just don't add in military boats with M60's, I just would like to see more travel on water for not only myself, but other players! (Legit map hey heh?) :)


Lidskjalf :beans:

It would make boat travel a tonne cooler, but I'm pretty sure Chernarus is based off of an actual location.

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Add snow mountains, then you can have your rivers.

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It would make boat travel a tonne cooler, but I'm pretty sure Chernarus is based off of an actual location.

It is.

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Well if you want rivers, if you don't mind playing on other maps, Ovaron is filled with them

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If you've played Far Cry 2, you get the idea of how useful rivers would be for an alternative means of travel. It'd be great if such waterways could be added to Chernarus, however I would like to see a from scratch Arma2 map inundated with such.

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1: Great idea

2: Your drawn rivers are going uphill

3: Rivers dont just STOP somewhere. Either a delta, swamp, lake, dam or the ocean is needed.

4: We need the rivers, so boat traffic will rise

5: Rivers will be cool for bandits to camp

6: @all the people that say devs cant add rivers because they need to be at sea level -> your wrong. look at panthera.

7: Maybe the water flow will be a problem. Dont know if floading water exists in the Arma engine

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Great idea! Not only rivers will spice up terrain and provide alternate forms of travel, but they can act as obstructions for both zs and other players, with bridges as choke points. Actually, what if u could blow up a bridge? What if we could have a dam that we could blow up? Ah, the possibilities... mu ha ha

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Sure thing! Perhaps we can even use dynamite to fish, (faster but trickier).

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To those who are criticizing my drawing - you hurt my feelers. >:( Lol, it was only a quick sketch for an example on this thread... And yes, I know that moar is spelt more** - get with the internet lingo guys :P

I do agree that fishing would be awesome to see as one way to gather food. Just having more water passages would make boats useful in DayZ, now whether or not they would consider having river & small stream channels along the whole map is another thing, and I do understand that the map design would have to be changed greatly. I just think it would be neat to see boats serve some purpose instead of sitting on the coast. I just know that from my personal experience in DayZ, I was jacked the first time I saw a boat but once I swam to it I realized how fast I could of traveled on foot instead! It seems to defeat the purpose of having water vehicles when all you can do is putt around the south/east coast. That's just my two sents ;)


Lidskjalf :beans:

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