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Take out all the snipers except for 1

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In my honest opinion I think all sniper rifles should be gone. They are probably the cheapest weapon in the game. The only one to stick around should be the CZ. I would also say keep a 50 cal one as well, but those are usually used to kill people in this game, not take out light armor. What do you guys think?

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This isn't Call of Duty, where the "overpowered" or "cheap" weapons are taken out unless they are extreme cases [AS50 TWS, for example].

Good luck trying to shoot down a chopper with a CZ.

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Nah...keep all, (besides AS50) AND add wind.

Self descriped "snipers" or people who enjoy "sniping" will pretty quickly stop posting kill videos.

Before all of this if you're still getting taken out by snipers after months of not learning how to avoid getting "sniped" in the first place..learn!

*Don't run in the open where possible rather run where there is cover

*Don't loot in the open/windows

*Run along defilades in the open terrian that you can dive into prone if you take fire

*Cross open ground at the narrowest point between cover

*Run in tree lines

*Quarter away from known sniper alleys in a horizontal fashion.

I only once encountered a person attempting to snipe me after 8-9 months of playing and it was three days ago. Shots were taken in execss of one mile. The delay was long enough that i heard the thud of the bullet, cognised, pressed record and then got the dull report of the shot on camera. Shots were close but they missed. Being shot at 300-500 meters is not being sniped. Thats a regular engagement just outside of the zero of many small arms.

Edited by Trizzo
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Take out ALL weapons.

We can kill people with lasers shooting from our eyes, or we can all live in peace...

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I would say leave it up to the developers decision and not curve to what people prefer. Otherwise last stand perks will be implemented before we know it.

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take out all the weapons... we still have razerblades and toiletpaper we can throw at our enemies... ^^

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Sniper-rifles are fun. It's fun knowing that you could be sniped at any moment, but it's ridiculous when you just know that everyone has a sniper-rifle. Part of the fun is expecting it-- but not expecting it too. Anti-material rifles are overkill.

Edited by Very Ape

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Sounds like you're just mad that this game is unbalanced.

Welcome to DayZ, where most shootings occur with no warning, no provocation, and no reason.

Anyway, I've seen a whole bunch of "take out sniper rifles" arguments that all just boil down to "because they're OP". But that's kinda the point. I don't think the issue is that there are too many powerful guns, I just think it's kinda that there aren't enough low-end ones. If there was more of a progression between a Makarov and a DMR, it would be much better, but I don't think the solution is to take out the higher end, because then you're just ruining the incentive to GO to the higher end.

Edited by FlashHawk4

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This suggestion = no. However:

1. Take out the AS50 and M107 from vanilla.

2. Decrease the spawn rate of the DMR.


Why are there so few SVDs (or SVD-alikes) in a former Soviet Republic? It drives me mad, found a single SVD at a chopper crash with 1 mag... in the same period of time I found multiple DMRs, M4s, a few American LMGs, a silenced MP5, all western shit that I couldn't even fit into my car, but almost no Soviet stuff apart from AKs.


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Alright guis well i qwikscop cus im pro so lik rayguns n lazrs yah?

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Just make them rarer is my preference. I would rather lots of different guns just as long as they are harder to find. Makes finding one so much more rewarding.

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Hello there

I understand Op's point. Having one dangerous 1337 rifle makes owning/finding it far more sexy also the danger of having everyone hunt for it and you would make using it far more risky. I think for an area the size of Chenarus one heavy 50 calibre is enough. I can imagine there still being CZ rifles around for squirrel hunting etc, but they should still be uncommon.

The majority (which imho should still be scarce) should be shotguns for the farming community with the odd rifle and plinking pistol thrown in for good measure.

There does seem to be a heck of a lot of weaponry kicking around Chenarus if we are giving even a vague not to realism/simulation. I'd like gun ownership to feel important. Rather than thinking "there's an AKM, nah, I'll give it a miss there'll be a full Ak in the tower" I want to treasure my revolver and 3 rounds.

This also makes Infected more of a threat again rather than cannon fodder.

Just my playstyle, Looking at the available servers I'm obviously in the minority.



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Holy smokes Orloks back

OMNOMNOM ahh so satisfying

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Oh and HELL no they arent going anywhere...If anything there should be more scoped guns because I know someone who owns like 12 of them.

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They should keep all snipers, just make the ammo rare, kinda like DayZ Origins, but with so much ammo and the dupping bullets is the main reason why we have KoS snipers on the hill all the time.

Edited by Sinkatze

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I personally don’t have a problem with OHK weapons but I do have a problem with I win buttons and that’s all the AS50 is (with gamma can even use them at night)

What I would like to see

- Harder sniping mechanics (add wind etc)

- add the KSVK and lapua

- remove the AS50

- make it so the M107 removes your backpack

- remove the side guns in the chopper

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Everyone has sniper rifles because there is no "sink" mechanic removing objects from the game and forcing players to use something else than the most powerful gun available, add weapon degradation and adjusted spawn chances based on how widespread each weapon is and it will change.

Tho if we had dynamic ratio spawning, with the amount of high power sniper rifles in backpacks and tents at the moment i don't think there would be any sniper rifles spawning for several months.

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As long as they leave in my beloved CZ I don't really care :)

Edited by Timboski

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This suggestion = no. However:

1. Take out the AS50 and M107 from vanilla.

2. Decrease the spawn rate of the DMR.


Why are there so few SVDs (or SVD-alikes) in a former Soviet Republic? It drives me mad, found a single SVD at a chopper crash with 1 mag... in the same period of time I found multiple DMRs, M4s, a few American LMGs, a silenced MP5, all western shit that I couldn't even fit into my car, but almost no Soviet stuff apart from AKs.


This. Why SVDs are inconceivably rare is totally beyond me. Up to one out of every 40 soldiers would have one in a Chernarussian military unit would be packing one. Not to mention the fact that there literally AREN'T PKMs, RPKs, etc. etc. etc, even though RPKs are issued at the squad level.

Then again, if we were to genuinely follow the TO&E laid out in US Army Field Manual 100-60 in all the dead guys' gear, practically one out of every five soldiers would have an RPG if we were talking mechanized infantry.

And I'm sure you guys would shit brix over that one :P

Maybe they think the PSO-1 scope is "OP" or something because of its rangefinding functions. Who knows?

Edited by FlashHawk4

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This suggestion = no. However:

1. Take out the AS50 and M107 from vanilla.

2. Decrease the spawn rate of the DMR.


Why are there so few SVDs (or SVD-alikes) in a former Soviet Republic? It drives me mad, found a single SVD at a chopper crash with 1 mag... in the same period of time I found multiple DMRs, M4s, a few American LMGs, a silenced MP5, all western shit that I couldn't even fit into my car, but almost no Soviet stuff apart from AKs.


I disagree on removing the M107 assuming a western incursion actually occurred in the timeline. However, the AS50 should be gone and the M107 should be so picturesque rare that chances are it won't even spawn on 80% of the servers between restarts.

Anti-Materiel should still be a factor considered (Especially with weapons like the KSVK) but I think the M107 could still remain as a super-endgame weapon.

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