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Elevation and bullet trajectory

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Do differences in elevation make any difference in the bullet trajectory?

Example: I'm sniping from the top of a mountain and my target is standing at the bottom of a valley.

Example: I'm standing on the shore and my target is standing on the shore.

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DayZ of course has gravity, so there will be some difference... will you ever have to take it into consideration? Not really.

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YES Dayz is a mod for Arma 2. A combat SIMULATOR.

ALL weapons have bullet drop which is why sniping is more of a skill

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Yes, there is bullet drop and wind effects bullet trajectory as well, however as far as I can tell topography in DayZ doesn't effect bullet trajectory unlike rael life where a shooter tends to shoot high when aiming down hill and low when the aiming at targets above you.

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I would only add that some weapons - rifles - seem to possess laser like accuracy, while the pseudo-bullets of others drop like a lead kite at range. Experimentation clears this up nicely. My favorite medium range "testing range" is on Namalsk around the dam. I've zeroed many rifles there - not with the 'page' keys - but rather by firing groups of shots at varying ranges to see how they drop and wander. Crates on the towers make the best targets. Also a good place to practice the firing of 40mm M203 grenades into open windows.

Edited by Saethkept

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Hmm. Well, what I find is - and this is very important so do pay close attention - you point the narrow end of the thingy and pull the trigger and the bullet shoots out. That's as technical as my advice gets, I'm afraid. :thumbsup:

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Hmm. Well, what I find is - and this is very important so do pay close attention - you point the narrow end of the thingy and pull the trigger and the bullet shoots out. That's as technical as my advice gets, I'm afraid. :thumbsup:

Holy crap, Sula is alive!!!

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I'm here every day, I just don't have much to say. :)

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Yes, there is bullet drop and wind effects bullet trajectory as well, however as far as I can tell topography in DayZ doesn't effect bullet trajectory unlike rael life where a shooter tends to shoot high when aiming down hill and low when the aiming at targets above you.

That's actually reverse. Shooting above you the bullet will drop faster, so if you shoot low you will hit even lower. And when shooting down the bullet will have less drop, so aim lower than usual because the bullet will hit higher than if at level gound.

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I'm here every day, I just don't have much to say. :)

Post count is proof of that I guess, well good to see you're still kicking :)

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That's actually reverse. Shooting above you the bullet will drop faster, so if you shoot low you will hit even lower. And when shooting down the bullet will have less drop, so aim lower than usual because the bullet will hit higher than if at level gound.

After rereading my post I realized I wasn't very clear earlier. It's not the real life physics that causes shooting high down hill, it's often the shooter...motor reflex or optical allusion causes a great number of shooters to make this mistake.

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I'm here every day, I just don't have much to say. :)

As Yossarian said in Catch 22:

"In order for the tail gunner to hit intercepting fighter planes behind the bomber the gunner has to aim in front of the target, but in order to aim in front of the target the tail gunner has to aim behind the target."

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After rereading my post I realized I wasn't very clear earlier. It's not the real life physics that causes shooting high down hill, it's often the shooter...motor reflex or optical allusion causes a great number of shooters to make this mistake.

Ahhh gotcha. I spend too much time on long range shooting forums where it's MUCH easier for everyone to assume shooter is error free and look at stats only lol

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LOL Anyone I knew that hits out over 500 meters IS error free! :rolleyes:

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Thank you, Mr TheCreeper.

Dallas, uh I'm glad I was so clear and articulate. :blink:

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omgz Sula posting on dayz forums, incredible lol, need to log on bb later.

Not really, but yes there are physics to bullets, but altitude and location doesnt make a diference.

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Be aware that elevation will make a difference if you're using map markers for ranging.

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"topography" does work in arma

wind on the other hand not! the "ace" mod adds this feature

thats why map markers can be off 100-200meters

they are based off the sealevel

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I'm here every day, I just don't have much to say. :)


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Nope, it's true. Don't get me wrong, I'm not sitting here for hour after hour all day, but I do visit regularly throughout the day, and check to see there are mods available, deal with any simple reports and stuff like that. :thumbsup:

Edited by Sula

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Think yourself lucky people. Sulas voice is like the sirens call of Greek mythology!

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Haha! Thanks, I've never heard it described as that before, Bigdogsco. :)

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