[email protected] 0 Posted June 19, 2012 http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Hatchet"The Hatchet will use the sidearm slot and when placed in your bag, it takes up 1 slot"Someone say it use the Prime weapon slot, your wiki say sidearm slot...What now?i only need it for Wood Pile to make a Fireplace. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ultimateburger 0 Posted June 19, 2012 I think to pick up a hatchet, you need to drop your secondary weapon...but can you still use a hatchet to cut wood? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zarx 0 Posted June 19, 2012 So... no one answered me... what version is wiping peoples gear? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ejaculacid 19 Posted June 19, 2012 http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Hatchet"The Hatchet will use the sidearm slot and when placed in your bag' date=' it takes up 1 slot"Someone say it use the Prime weapon slot, your wiki say sidearm slot...What now?i only need it for Wood Pile to make a Fireplace.[/quote']http://www.twitch.tv/kodokai/b/321939757It used to take up primary slot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vesmo 21 Posted June 19, 2012 Some things i noticed today..1) People with weapons etc hunting down new spawners on the beach. Really sucks being defenseless but makes sense so its like hmmm...2) Noise and Sight are WAYY too touchy. I dont want the zombies to be bumbling idiots like before but now they have superman senses(ok maybe thats a bit too exaggerated) but still' date=' personally i feel it needs some new tweaking.3) Gender select menu pops up EVERY TIME i spawn for some reason. Maybe bug, maybe not.4) Zombies dying inside buildings. Perhaps it was because there was 12 zombies chasing me but they all entered the house i was in(black/drk brown house) and then 4 of them died. I assume its because of the hallway they were in, all bunched up. Just wanted to report that.Now some ideas that may be great or shit...everyone else can decide.1) Make the flashlight a melee weapon. I know its somewhat absurd but have you ever held a maglight(yes i know the flashlight in this game isnt one but im sure it could be). I get the need for stealth in a Z apoc but leaving noobs defenseless is just...well...a little too mean? People are out for blood in this MOD and the new ones should at least have a minuscule fighting chance.2) Obviously just tweak the values. IMO zombies are attracted to SCENT and SOUND. Perhaps a new mechanic? I dont know...i jsut think thios may be tweaked a bit too high.#) and most important...the hostile survivors. I get people are going to troll for fun and kill for no reason but something NEEDS to be done. The server max out at 50 people. There's no reason 45 should be hostile and not be hold somewhat accountable. I understand that the heartbeat feature was supposed to...i dunno..help? I just think its somewhat counter productive to have to place my crosshairs on someone to see if they are friendly or not. The bandit skin auto change was bad, but good in a way. At least there was no question.Personally i dont want to play this game like its the next FPS, thats what i go to ArmA 2 for(domination and insurgency). It's really fun to meet people and survive. In an apocalypse i have to assume peopel would work together a little more than this.Hopefully if the zombies are going to stay the way they are it will encourage people to work together but perhaps there needs to be better incentive to band together. Perhaps an adjusted spawn rate on items if in a group. Perhaps a better lobby to assign actual groups. That way if a "group" is near loot thers a 5% better chance or something?I dont know. Hopefully my rambling makes sense or at least inspires something, although im sure it will jsut get lost in the suckers going "Game is bad pl0x, CoD noob"Thank you, and goodnight![/quote']No. Nothing needs to be done to hostile survivors. It is fine right now, people getting shot and robbed like they would be in real life. There is no room for the weak.I think something should be done about how the gear can be moved from server to server...some people can just farm good gear on a private server and then come to public servers and just wreck people up with their commando gear just for fun, which sucks for people like me who are just trying to survive. Also ppl camping ALL of the good military gear containing spots is extremely irritating. Don't really know what to do about it though, but maybe something could be done with server specific gear? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted June 19, 2012 I think to pick up a hatchet' date=' you need to drop your secondary weapon...but can you still use a hatchet to cut wood?[/quote']i drop my pistol (free sidearm slot) but its tell only "not enough room".http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Hatchet"The Hatchet will use the sidearm slot and when placed in your bag' date=' it takes up 1 slot"Someone say it use the Prime weapon slot, your wiki say sidearm slot...What now?i only need it for Wood Pile to make a Fireplace.[/quote']http://www.twitch.tv/kodokai/b/321939757It used to take up primary slot.then why wiki say sidearm? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
imagelesskjc 35 Posted June 19, 2012 I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, but the hatchet can reload special "hatchet" ammo. I found it humorous, please don't remove it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Powell (DayZ) 734 Posted June 19, 2012 So... no one answered me... what version is wiping peoples gear?I believe got and I'm fine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ultimateburger 0 Posted June 19, 2012 The hatchet now takes up the secondary weapon slot, but I don't think an icon shows up for it. I dropped my pistol and was able to pick up a hatchet, but then wasn't sure if I could cut wood with it, so I dropped it again and took my pistol. Can we still chop wood? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vdam010 1 Posted June 19, 2012 Guys 26 pages? I disappoint son.ontopic: cant get jiggy with this atm. sorry if BP.im generally sorry Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
logan23 118 Posted June 19, 2012 Let's say Zeds have strong sense of smell.Lets say when you kill a player there is a release of smell, odor/ hormones , what ever you want to call it. The Zeds will be attracted to this odor.After the player kills another player there will be an visible circle around the character that will aggro Zeds in a investigative manner. This Circle size would have to be tested since i don't know i number right off the top of my head that would not trigger hard reactions. This circle around the player who killed will have this for a certain amount of time.This could also be adapted to player bodies. A dead player body will have a chance of spawn 1-3 Zeds within the area (say 30meters) around the dead body as they move towards the location of the dead to eat.We should always be asking if i fire my gun and kill a player. Will this bring Zeds to the location? There is no safe place on the map. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nils (DayZ) 0 Posted June 19, 2012 You guys better dont download that patch...I spawned in the middle of nowhere and lost all my gear :) I hope my char gets a "reset" if the new patch is out... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Powell (DayZ) 734 Posted June 19, 2012 You guys better dont download that patch...I spawned in the middle of nowhere and lost all my gear :) I hope my char gets a "reset" if the new patch is out...You're simply unlucky Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rocket 16567 Posted June 19, 2012 PLEASE NOTE:The majority of bugs posted, which I just dedicated an hour of my life to researching, are because server admins have not installed the (there is no server files.If you run the server on an old version you're gonna have a bad time. There is not currently any way for the clients (you guys) to tell if a server is running old code. But the vast swathe of bugs reported here are because server owners need to ensure they update dayz_server.pbo and not just update all the other files because its easier or because they think was rad.And there is no steal inventory bug. We had to reset some peoples inventory because they became full of the infamous invisible magazines. If we didn't reset your inventory then you wouldn't be able to login. Some of you are still running old versions of dayz_equip, and are still having the same issues. You guys need to update. I played for an hour with basically no issues just before. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phoboss 224 Posted June 19, 2012 You guys better dont download that patch...I spawned in the middle of nowhere and lost all my gear :) I hope my char gets a "reset" if the new patch is out...dont get your hopes up. its alpha, which means you have to live with those kinda bugs. I just was on a night server, crawling around in cherno and after crawling into a little house 3 zeds "saw" me and came hitting through the walls. so I'd say seeing and hitting through walls still isnt fixed.but I also noticed that zeds dont immediately know where you are when they heard shots and come running. was in the cherno hospital and shot a zed, and about 5 came looking, but didnt see me. (could be bug though) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wired 1 Posted June 19, 2012 ALSO: Flies still happening around buried/despawned dead bodies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bandit (DayZ) 3 Posted June 19, 2012 loving the crazy way the zeds are working! they come out of nowhere which is kinda nice. only on the move tho and its still easy to loose them Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 82 Posted June 19, 2012 I imagine Rocket is in development hell right now with everything breaking every time he adds/fixes something else.Lighten up guys' date=' I have a feeling this is just as frustrating for him as it is for us. If you read this, rocket...Dude you are a fucking trooper. Keep it up, as those of us who are NOT on here constantly complaining about an alpha are behind your experimentation 100% and understand that not everything will be perfect right when it gets released.I still can't believe this mod is a thing. Bravo.[/quote']... +1 ...And - played latest version for 2 hours now. No big problems. Stable.BUT: Zombies for some reason detect you through objects and aggro. And still can hit through walls. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cormac McCarthy 15 Posted June 19, 2012 PLEASE NOTE:The majority of bugs posted' date=' which I just dedicated an hour of my life to researching, are because server admins have not installed the (there is no server files.If you run the server on an old version you're gonna have a bad time. There is not currently any way for the clients (you guys) to tell if a server is running old code. But the vast swathe of bugs reported here are because server owners need to ensure they update dayz_server.pbo and not just update all the other files because its easier or because they think was rad.And there is no steal inventory bug. We had to reset some peoples inventory because they became full of the infamous invisible magazines. If we didn't reset your inventory then you wouldn't be able to login. Some of you are still running old versions of dayz_equip, and are still having the same issues. You guys need to update. I played for an hour with basically no issues just before.[/quote']yep, you gosh darn server people, bein all lazies and shiets. thanks uncle dolan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rocket 16567 Posted June 19, 2012 ALSO: Flies still happening around buried/despawned dead bodies.Again - because server admins are not updating their SERVER SIDE files. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rocket 16567 Posted June 19, 2012 PLEASE NOTE:The majority of bugs posted' date=' which I just dedicated an hour of my life to researching, are because server admins have not installed the (there is no server files.If you run the server on an old version you're gonna have a bad time. There is not currently any way for the clients (you guys) to tell if a server is running old code. But the vast swathe of bugs reported here are because server owners need to ensure they update dayz_server.pbo and not just update all the other files because its easier or because they think was rad.And there is no steal inventory bug. We had to reset some peoples inventory because they became full of the infamous invisible magazines. If we didn't reset your inventory then you wouldn't be able to login. Some of you are still running old versions of dayz_equip, and are still having the same issues. You guys need to update. I played for an hour with basically no issues just before.[/quote']yep, you gosh darn server people, bein all lazies and shiets. thanks uncle dolangooby pls... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wired 1 Posted June 19, 2012 PLEASE NOTE:The majority of bugs posted' date=' which I just dedicated an hour of my life to researching, are because server admins have not installed the (there is no server files.If you run the server on an old version you're gonna have a bad time. There is not currently any way for the clients (you guys) to tell if a server is running old code. But the vast swathe of bugs reported here are because server owners need to ensure they update dayz_server.pbo and not just update all the other files because its easier or because they think was rad.And there is no steal inventory bug. We had to reset some peoples inventory because they became full of the infamous invisible magazines. If we didn't reset your inventory then you wouldn't be able to login. Some of you are still running old versions of dayz_equip, and are still having the same issues. You guys need to update. I played for an hour with basically no issues just before.[/quote']Can I ask which issues so I know what to look for? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dph314 2 Posted June 19, 2012 Come on admins! Do your thing already! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
touchmywhat 0 Posted June 19, 2012 Im not here to bitch or moan, the games amazing, i love it, we are here to give constructive feedback and help develop the game and make it as good as it can be. The aggro in the new patch seems to be too sensitive, not sure if this was intended. some veiws have been expressed on the matter in this threadhttp://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=16141 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rocket 16567 Posted June 19, 2012 Come on admins! Do your thing already!There's no schedule for the updates, so I can't blame them too much. However, what is most annoying is the servers who updated the normal mods to but didn't include the dayz_server update. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites