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Please fix the knockout, broken limb possiblities

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Wonderful game, seriously. Bandits are assholes, but that's life. What sucks and just ruins the game is the ability for zombies to knock you out and to break your limbs with one hit.

I just lost a life where I had all sorts of gear, doing perfectly fine and one zombie runs up to me and knocks me out with one hit and eats me right then and there. I had over 3/4 of my blood, every other zombie that had attacked me didn't pack that kind of a wallop, so wtf?

You can justify this a million different ways, at the end of the day it ruins the experience. A person that has survived long enough and killed over 150 zombies with just a hatchet is not going to suddenly receive the knockout punch of a lifetime from a stupid zombie especailly when he's anticipating its arrival in order to bury that hatchet into it.

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Getting hit by a raving lunatic could have a chance of breaking bones and knocking you out i suppose. Depends where they hit you.

In game there is a percentage chance of getting the Mike Tyson punch. Get hit enough times and eventually one is going to land. Its the same as bleeding. the chance is always there.

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I fail to see why people complain about this problem so much.

I've been playing DayZ for ages and never have had it happen to me.

Perhaps I got lucky?

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he is the local Chernarus boxing champion! I´ve had him taking me down now and then, you just have to deal with it.


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I had over 3/4 of my blood,

over 150 zombies with just a hatchet

All problems are quoted. You go in fight with below 12K blood (full blood), you take a hatchet but have best gear. You can´t knocked out with 12K blood by Z. I prefer, you get hit by Z you die, but they don´t do it. :P http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Blood Edited by NoCheats

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If there was no threat of this happening anybody that has been playing longer than a few weeks would never die to zombies. Although I do agree, I hate being hit and getting a 20 minute KO.... It's just frustrating.

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I've had this, it can be extremely annoying (like any death) but on the other hand, zombies aren't nearly dangerous enough, so it's a good thing.

Just be more aware of them... I've always kinda wanted to see Muay Thai zombies.


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The only thing I want, is that you can sneak behind Z with hatchet and kill them without getting hit. Was possible some patches ago. Don´t know why this was changed. That needed to be "fixed".

Edited by NoCheats

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The main reason I have an issue with it is because the zombies are dumb. They've clearly lost their reasoning, but somehow they know to hit the "button on the chin" and produce a knockout? I know its a dice-roll, but it removes believability from the game.

If they're strong enough to break a limb with a single strike, then the likelyhood of them doing that should be way higher.

If they're capable enough to give you a knockout hit then they should be more capable at finding you or dodging your attacks

I can understand the concept of multiple zombies attacking you and producing an opening that could knock you on your ass, but not a single lone zombie that the server decided had hit me before I hit him.

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I've broken my legs numerous times getting hit by zombies.

I've also broken my legs going down the office stairs and running into my buddy.

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All problems are quoted. You go in fight with below 12K blood (full blood), you take a hatchet but have best gear. You can´t knocked out with 12K blood by Z. I prefer, you get hit by Z you die, but they don´t do it. :P http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Blood

No, it's definitely possible.

Edited by colekern

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