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Tiggr Woodget

Freshly Spawned Kill Suggestion

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I appreciate this game not because it's a "Zombie Survival" but it's a hardcore survival simulator, that just happens to have zombies,

This game wasn't created to 'sell'. It was made fore the people that are sick and tired of the typical games that pander to mass audiences.

To the OP, spend the time learning like the rest of us. Dedicate yourself to it. Eventually you will see what makes this game fun/great.

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This is why new players need to stop playing DayZ.

Too much complaining.

This is the most egotistical thing I have ever read from anyone. This would make the devs/investors of both time and money very pleased.

Anyway. I want to thank you all for your constructive and not so constructive comments. Interestingly, on further reading on this subject in other parts of this very forum, I find that even the Bandit community looks down on this Fresh Spawn Kill behaviour. Clearly even in these circles SOME have morals.

Anyway, its upto the Devs now to make a decision as to weather they want to encourage new players, which I am sure they want, and how to deal with this, in most's eyes, vulgar activity of wanton murder, for nothing but the thrill of killing an unarmed, defenseless survivor.

I thought my suggestion was a fair and reasonable response to this problem, and believe me, as far as new players are concerned, this IS a problem.

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This is why new players need to stop playing DayZ.

Too much complaining.

That doesn't make any sense.

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This vulgar activity of wanton murder, for nothing but the thrill of killing an unarmed, defenseless survivor.


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yeah. i would like to pack a punch the weapons too.

The UAZ should have rocket launchers as well...

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This is why new players need to stop playing DayZ.

Too much complaining.

That's a blunt way to say it but he has a point. Either adapt or let it be but stop whining.

Edited by Enforcer

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My main issue with this idea is that the new spawn would then have virtually nothing to fear and this I think would ruin the atmosphere.

Imagine the scene where every new spawn is running around cherno and electro free from concerns about other players and with the current zombie mechanics not concerned about them either.

This would not be DayZ to me it’d be like one big episode of supermarket sweep, people sprinting as fast as they can, in the open, from firestation to supermarket grabbing as much stuff as they can before their invincibility timer runs out.

Now imagine you’ve parked a car to loot a building or whatever and you see a new spawn running to steal your car. You’re now impotent to stop this.

Or a server restart spawns a chopper between cherno and elektro...

The problems this idea creates (to me at least) seem worse than the problem it aims solves.

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Ok, After my little spray a couple of days ago on bandits, I thought I might say something constructive. In hindsight, it was perhaps a little rant and well, I was amused by the result, The Graveyard hehe. If this has been suggested already or has been discussed, I apologise for repeating, I did have a look through recent discussions to see if this was brought up.

On reading a few discussions on this matter so far I find that most people do agree with the idea that being killed by a bandit after only spawning in the last few minutes seems a little harsh and completely unfair, even more so if you are completely weaponless. You want a game that is realistic, to some extent, I doubt this is realistic based on most people suggesting this kind of activity is just simply wrong. Not when they lay in wait for you to spawn and simply walk upto you fully armed and shoot you.

So, to my suggestion

When you first spawn a new avitar, within the first hour or perhaps 2 hours, they can not be killed by another survivor, on the same token, IF they do get good weapons, they also can not kill another survivor, certainly being able to be killed by a Zombie whilst looting will remain.

This would give the new survivor the opportunity to find some loot, food, drink, medical supplies and of course whatever weapons they can muster up in this time. It gives them a fighting chance against the bandits and may also help with the KoS mentality that is rampant in the game now. This mentality is detrimental to encourage new players who are already struggling to grasp the concepts of the game AND survive against the worst predators, other survivors. It would also give them the opportunity to get out of the major city and into a place they may feel safer and to continue to the next stages of their own survival story.

Many people play this game as lone wolf's as well as in teams. I myself like the lone wolf scenario and am so new to the game I have not, 1) met anyone in the game that does not kill me and 2) dont feel confident enough with my own skills with the weapons/controls to risk other players lives as well as my own.

Anyway, this is a bit more constructive to what I had to say recently re bandits.

I hope this opens up further discussion on the issue.

What is the point?

So the can have a chance at preparing? What for they will die just the same. Combat is already over before it even started depending of the gear but also your placement on the battlefield and your reactions under pressure.

But that's just me simply because i believe no one deserve to live in this game, if they do survive, it means they earned it.

BUT, you shouldn't actually spawn until your client finished loading the game.

Edited by Lady Kyrah
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Comon bro, gotta have hope, once he gets his first taste for fresh spawn blood...well what do they say? Once they've tasted blood....

Edited by Trizzo

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You want a game that is realistic, to some extent

So, to my suggestion

When you first spawn a new avitar, within the first hour or perhaps 2 hours, they can not be killed by another survivor

That`s when you lost me.

a) there is no issue. I dont know how many hundreds of hours i have played, and the only time i can remember beiing killed as a fresh spawn was when the private hives became popular and the first ones had 500+ vehicles, i was run over by a suv instantly. But i consider such servers "fun" servers anyway.

B) The devs said things like that will never happen. Never. Ever. Why discuss it?

c) from all ideas of dealing with the pvp "problem" - sorry and with all due respect - this is by far the dumbest.

In the standalone we will see lots of updated villages which will change the player concentrations on the map completely. Just look whats going on on the NE airfiled in Breaking Point... and i guess they will change the spawn system accordingly so you can spawn anywhere around the map or at least up to the north coast. This will help more to reduce problems with spawns than your suggestion and in a way that suits the game.

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