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TrackIR 5 - the hat that got me killed

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Don't get me wrong, I love using my TrackIR 5 in DayZ, who doesn't? Yah get to "look around" with your IRL head movements. What's tah hate?

For those not in the know, TrackIR is basically a webcam on your monitor that is monitoring where 3 little reflectors are (mounted on a baseball cap you wear) in space OR sees a trio of infrared lights on a totally fragile plastic "tree" that's clamped to your headphones. The software works it's spatial math, and Boom, it translates your head movements in-game. (Shhh, everyone is asleep now)

So, I'm wearing my TrackIR "tree" on my headphones, running through some apocalyptic town (that looks like a current day Detroit) being chased by zombies (of course!) with my axe (bc that's how I roll) and as I'm looking around my TrackIR ain't track'n MY head. Who knows, it may be tracking my dogs head for all I know, but I'm running in-game with the viewpoint from my shoes (which by this time are coated in virtual urine) while the Zeds are bitch-slapp'n me, and I'm thinking if I just wasted $150 and am I gonna have to revert to my Num-pad for lookie-loos.

You are Dead.

Okay, time to see what the F happened with my nerd-toy. Apparently, the software somehow switched monitoring for the infra-red tree device I use, to the uber-nerd cap n' reflector system, throwing the whole tracking system temporarily into the toilet.

Now that I wasted a good 3 minutes of your life (sorry) you can return to the 25 minute "Server Loading Screen" for your next DayZ session.

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TrackIR improves SA (Situational Awareness) immensely but it can sometimes loose the center position.

You can tap F12 to reset it.


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I've seen videos for it, but never used one. I don't think I would like it much anyway, having MOVE around and all...

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Nice story! (:

I stumbled over the TrackIR a few weeks ago and got pretty interested. Didnt see/use one yet though.

Guys, i always wondered how the "back look over the shoulder" works with the trackIR? I mean when you go freelook over your left/right shoulder all the time doesnt that break your neck over time with the trackIR?

Also i wonder if it isnt exhausting to move your head so much?

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You can adjust the tracking to suit your preference so you might have it so you turn your head 5° and your character turns 45°

I'm waiting for the Oculus Rift though personally.

Edited by smasht_AU
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You just lean your head to the left or right to look around corners.

+ I have set toggle lean L/R to my tilt wheel so that gives me a "quick look" when needed.

Anything ArmA gets my TrackIR going but not DayZ.

I use Seths Flight Profile most of the time, even when not flying.

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I am very much wanting the Oculus Rift. I have money set aside for it already.

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Guys, i always wondered how the "back look over the shoulder" works with the trackIR? I mean when you go freelook over your left/right shoulder all the time doesnt that break your neck over time with the trackIR?

Also i wonder if it isnt exhausting to move your head so much?

Firstly, it enhances your head movement. To look over your shoulder to the back you need to turn your actual head maybe 30°. So you can still see your screen easily. Wouldn't make sense otherwise. I use the default settings which are just fine.

It does not exhaust my neck muscles. In real life you move your head much more.

It feels totally natural to use that thing. In fact, I can't play without it anymore. It's that awesome.

The only negative things I have to report is, that the TrackClipPro, the borg like thingy you clip to your head set, is relatively fragile. I broke mine but was able to fix it with tape. The german reseller though seems to be an nice guy and gave me a new one for the promo price of just €25,-. That brings me to the second negative point: it is expensive. Awesome, but expensive.

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Now that I wasted a good 3 minutes of your life (sorry) you can return to the 25 minute "Server Loading Screen" for your next DayZ session.

You could have used the Alt-Key like normal people.

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I can´t win a PVP fight with trackIR. I don´t use it in dayz. Love it in SP.

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the biggest problem I see with Oculus Rift is how do you look at your keyboard? lift the goggles off and look down?

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You are doing something wrong if you need to look at your keyboard. :P

Edited by NoCheats
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All speed runs I need much more time using trackir. Maybe I´m not flexible enough to learn new Input devices. :P I can win a PVP fight, but I´m faster without trackIR.

Edited by NoCheats

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That's one example. I can do this without trackIR. The main reason I belive on Keyboard is, I´m direct centered again when I release the finger (hands???) from Alt. Sometimes you have more than one guy hunting you. I need to know their positions always. You see the nice Video I posted? 23:25... running down simple stairs. He runs in wall several times. I bet he can do it better without trackIR.

Edited by NoCheats

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To look "behind" (let's say 170°) from front view in-game you are actually turning your nose to point at the left or right edge of your monitor screen (so you're not actually turning your real-life head that much) The software is completely adjustable (so folks with 1-7,000 monitors can set it up for the "degrees of actual motion" that they

prefer) and pre-set "profiles" are available for many different games.

About "Oculus Rift" - it looks amazing (via You Tube videos) but like others said, "how the heck do you peek down at your keyboard to see the odd button to press?" The unit is strapped to your head covering your whole range of vision! Great for immersion value, but it'd interfere with my actual keyboard interaction (and DayZ has lots and lots of keys to press.

By the way, I am left-handed, so to answer a question earlier about why I didn't revert to keypresses for looking - I have re-keybinded all of the keys for lefthanded use (the Num-Pad is now all for character movement, the WASD re-used for other DayZ functions).

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Do not have both the reflector and trackclip on your head at the same time obviously. Though right now I am pissed with my trackIR and there service reps. If you are getting a trackIR do not bother paying for the trackclip pro, yes it does allow more movement and accuracy but you will be spending a good portion of your life shipping it over seas after it breaks for the hundreth time. it is made of cheap ass plastic that breaks if you look at it wrong and there sales rep instead of sending you a new one will insist you contact your supplier only to send you back yet another one that will break again. Right now mine is stuck together with twine and sticky tape while the sales rep insists I send it 3 quarters of the way across the world for the tidbit of $60 worth of postage.

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You can adjust the tracking to suit your preference so you might have it so you turn your head 5° and your character turns 45°

I'm waiting for the Oculus Rift though personally.

In all honesty I don't think the Rift looks that great, the screen res seems far too low for one thing. I think I'll wait for the Oculus Rift 2 when they've sorted all of the issues out. xD

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I barely use my track ir5

Don't like

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I've heard loads of great stuff about TracIR, I've also heard from many people it will shatter into a million tiny pieces if you even look at it, that pretty much put's me off.

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Don't let that put you off.

I've the standard with the starters cap (not pro), been using it with out any mishaps since the IR5 came out.

As with anything that costs a lot of dosh, treat it with respect and you're good to go.

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In all honesty I don't think the Rift looks that great, the screen res seems far too low for one thing. I think I'll wait for the Oculus Rift 2 when they've sorted all of the issues out. xD

the current testing res ist 720p for each eye

the final version will have 1080p so i dont see a problem there

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the current testing res ist 720p for each eye

the final version will have 1080p so i dont see a problem there

Last I heard it was 480p?

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