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About Provos

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. 4 more hours until it starts
  2. Bubbajones can I have your internet connection?
  3. Provos

    DayZ & Other Livestreams

    Hey, I do some DayZ streaming on twitch.tv. I only play Epoch but I am lucky enough to be in on the beta testing for it. Come check me out I am very talkative with my viewers.
  4. He is touching his nose a lot like a coke addict. Maybe that was the white powder on his face in the Everest pics.
  5. I have the feeling some people do not read the entire thread prior to their posting. :|
  6. Provos

    Low fps on a decent PC

    Try not to play in windowed mode. That seems to lower the fps. What software are you using to check fps?
  7. I have the same issue with the horizontal line. I believe it is the vegetation detail line. Past the line less is rendered before the line is more. I am not sure if this is correct but that is my guess. I have an NVidia gpu as well. I have messed with several setting trying to improve fps and then this happened. I will try more ideas and post back the results.
  8. Provos

    Looking for more fps

    I have GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; I I was playing around with the video settings and it really doesn't change the fps count by changing anything. I will try editing the core/thread count to see if it changes anything but I don't see how lowering my vram will change anthing. With the ingame setting on default I should be using all of my vram.
  9. Greetings, I am trying to get a bit more fps from DayZ. Here are my PC specs: Windows 7 64 Intel® Core™ i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz 32 GB DD3 Corsair Vengeance 1600 EVGA NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 670 FTW 2GB GDDR5 256 GB SSD Samsung 830 primary(game installed on it)/1 TB WD Green seconday drive Here is my launch command for ArmA 2 Beta -world=chernarus -skipIntro -nosplash –noPause I have tried several guides to setting up the video in this game but nothing seems to help. I have used this guide: http://dayzmod.com/f...phics-properly/ and http://www.dayzpvp.c...d-tweaks-guide/ Launching ArmA 2 Boot Camp I get between 40-50 FPS With these settings. http://imgur.com/La1wjGb Launching DayZ getting 20-30 FPS With these settings http://imgur.com/GhknUUq
  10. Provos


    I use OBS/dxtory to capture the video. There is no need to run as admin then and you can capture older games that do not use dx8 or higher.
  11. Provos

    102ND Is looking For More People

    Changed my avatar on my Twitch stream to this as well. :P
  12. Provos

    102ND Is looking For More People

    Thanks, it is rather slimming as well.
  13. Provos

    Ever get stuck on auto pilot?

    I put electrical tape around a wrench head. I then and leaned it against the forward key. I put tape on to prevent hardened tool steel from scratching the key.
  14. Provos

    102ND Is looking For More People

    Can I join in. <<<<<
  15. I tend to be too trusting of other people. Thanks for some signs to look out for.