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The big "why the standalone will win" thread

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If DayZ Alpha is anything like ArmA 3 Alpha then it won't.

"Alpha" is a developer-abbreviation of "Shit ain't working properly yet."

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People can express their opinion in whatever manner they want, especially when they give a valid reason for why they don't like something.

You probably don't need to add a whole list of features about Standalone when it is more than likely that those who made a comprehensive post about their disdain for SA are more than likely to have known a majority of the features already. I will not condone or chastise those who think otherwise.

The best way to know, is to wait.

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People can express their opinion in whatever manner they want, especially when they give a valid reason for why they don't like something.

You probably don't need to add a whole list of features about Standalone when it is more than likely that those who made a comprehensive post about their disdain for SA are more than likely to have known a majority of the features already. I will not condone or chastise those who think otherwise.

The best way to know, is to wait.

nope, actually it's the other way around:

people open threads bashing the SA stating things that clearly show they don'T have any clue.

That they don't know about all that stuff listed here.

Most of them think like "bwaa, the devs didn't keep their release goal and they didn't do anything"

most people actually think that the SA will be the same like the mod, and thus don't understand why it takes so long.

that's why this topic is really needed...

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most people actually think that the SA will be the same like the mod, and thus don't understand why it takes so long.

That's something I really don't understand. WHY THE FUCK do they keep adding new stuff to the game instead of releasing it?! I know that the server and client architecture overhaul was desperately needed, but that's basically it! They could have released it as a standalone which is almost identical to the mod (except more hacker-proof) and then continued on developement with patches.

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That's something I really don't understand. WHY THE FUCK do they keep adding new stuff to the game instead of releasing it?! I know that the server and client architecture overhaul was desperately needed, but that's basically it! They could have released it as a standalone which is almost identical to the mod (except more hacker-proof) and then continued on developement with patches.

If they released the SA while it was "identical" to the mod people would have lost interest before they had a chance to patch it. At least by holding off they have retained "hype" which can never be underestimated.

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Thats an opinion not a fact.

Then tell me about the games before Day Z that managed to merge sandbox horror survival, massive PvP survival elements, no enforced or encouraged methods of play, on large scale maps, with dynamic weatehr and daylight settings, large nubers of players and intergrated sustainance & survival systems, all pacakged in a user friendly, realtively straight forward and attractive package.

I'm not arguing the toss of if it's technically the game that introduced all, any or even each of these elements or features , but I dont think it can't be really argued that it delivered all of these things, and more, really well and more importantly succesfully (1.6million players cannot be argued with and is not just opinion), therefore it is truly original as it's the first game that has succesfully done this. You conceed it's a jack of all trades, master of none - but you say it like that's something bad and not something to be celebrated. That IS it's defining feature and what makes it unique and original in it's own right.

Not a lot in gaming is truly original, arguing over which is the first to do this and whats the best to do that is silly. Day Z will be rememebred as the pioneering title of the genre, that being a mashup of sandbox-survival-horror-RPG as it it's a game that adds all the elements together, in the right amount and does it well. That makes it original.

Edited by Box
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That's something I really don't understand. WHY THE FUCK do they keep adding new stuff to the game instead of releasing it?!

Wasn't that 'Plan A' - just recreate the mod as its own SA on new architecture, but they decided to go further with 'Plan B', which was take this opportunity and actually build upon what they had (the mod)?

Hopefully that answers your 'WHY THE FUCK'

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That's something I really don't understand. WHY THE FUCK do they keep adding new stuff to the game instead of releasing it?! I know that the server and client architecture overhaul was desperately needed, but that's basically it! They could have released it as a standalone which is almost identical to the mod (except more hacker-proof) and then continued on developement with patches.

You're looking at it a bit wrong there, they are not merely "adding new stuff" they are completely rebuilding the game from scratch. This allows them to totally strip all the unnecessary code from Arma 2 and build a proper foundation for all the features that they have planned.

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Then tell me about the games before Day Z that managed to merge sandbox horror survival, massive PvP survival elements, no enforced or encouraged methods of play, on large scale maps, with dynamic weatehr and daylight settings, large nubers of players and intergrated sustainance & survival systems, all pacakged in a user friendly, realtively straight forward and attractive package.

I'm not arguing the toss of if it's technically the game that introduced all, any or even each of these elements or features , but I dont think it can't be really argued that it delivered all of these things, and more, really well and more importantly succesfully (1.6million players cannot be argued with and is not just opinion), therefore it is truly original as it's the first game that has succesfully done this. You conceed it's a jack of all trades, master of none - but you say it like that's something bad and not something to be celebrated. That IS it's defining feature and what makes it unique and original in it's own right.

Not a lot in gaming is truly original, arguing over which is the first to do this and whats the best to do that is silly. Day Z will be rememebred as the pioneering title of the genre, that being a mashup of sandbox-survival-horror-RPG as it it's a game that adds all the elements together, in the right amount and does it well. That makes it original.

Give this man your beans people. Saying exactly what I'm thinking.

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You're looking at it a bit wrong there, they are not merely "adding new stuff" they are completely rebuilding the game from scratch. This allows them to totally strip all the unnecessary code from Arma 2 and build a proper foundation for all the features that they have planned.

If they released the SA while it was "identical" to the mod people would have lost interest before they had a chance to patch it. At least by holding off they have retained "hype" which can never be underestimated.

Wasn't that 'Plan A' - just recreate the mod as its own SA on new architecture, but they decided to go further with 'Plan B', which was take this opportunity and actually build upon what they had (the mod)?

Hopefully that answers your 'WHY THE FUCK'

Oh, okay, thanks guys.

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now you know that's all great and dandy but when the hackers join in "still" you're just wasting your money. if people can hack the standalone im not buying

Edited by b owned

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