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Mr Yoloswag

Best gun for player hunting

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Just cause you don't know how to use mildots and don't know bullet drop, doesn't make the gun bad. I know good snipers who've gotten kills up to 1500 meters away.

A few weeks ago I was playing ARMA2 domination on a server which allowed me to take a DMR... I could nail any target from 999 meters down, but out of 100 shots that I took above 1000 meters, none of them seemed to hit.

And at 900 meters you're pretty much at the bottom of the scope anyway...

I don't know for sure that there is an "effective" range and everything beyond that just doesn't hit, but it sure felt like it after a few hours of sniping AI's

I'm calling shenanigans on the 1500 meter claim (though wtf do I know).

EDIT: assuming your claim was that it was a DMR... I think I've hit pretty damn close to 1500 with the AS50

I'll take a DMR over almost any zero-able sniper in the game.

Edited by TheLastEmp

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My favourite gun for banditry is M14 good for medium/long range engagements, i never snipe unarmed player's, i only kill for supplies

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I managed to kill a geared sniper in the Electro Firestation with one of those the other day.

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Preferred Loadout w/reasoning


Primary: 1'st: Bizon SD (64 BPM + Suppressor = 64 HS. Plenty to go around) 2'nd: FN FAL (when in doubt, give em' a mellonballer). 3'rd: Anything


Backup Primary: 1'st: SVD (Built in Rangefinder FTW) 2'nd: M4A3 CCO (duh. nuff said) 3'rd: FN FAL AN/PVQ-4 (don't ask)


Secondary: Makarov SD. Accept No Substitute. Suppressed + 1300 blood per shot (vs M9SD's 980ish) and it can use standard Big Mak Attak magazines.

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looool. on Utes, I actually shot down a chopper with an M136. Everyone pretty much stopped fighting just to stare at it as it went down.

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My  favorits are


DMR  Very veritile


FN fall very aqurate and powerfull as fuck


And finaly the le enfield, a extremely under estimated gun. Its aqurate powerfull and your oponents wery ofen undermestiate the threth you pose when your caring a lee.

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SVD SD or DMR, M4 CCO SD, and PDW would be my setup. 


I like the SVD for general player hunting with a small group since it's better to be unseen/heard incase you're out numbered or in a heavily trafficked area.


The DMR is my ideal weapon for large squad hunts since I get the luxury of being loud with no real worries. Designated fire team with silenced weapon switches? Zombies are no problem for me sitting in a tree in the back.

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The  SVD SD Camo combined with a ghillie if I could get my hands on one. Excellent range, easy to use and hard to spot in the hills (and zombies won't run at you).

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