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About Rijiii

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  1. Rijiii

    We Showed A Guy The Fastest Route To Cherno

    Your sort of paranoid man , freaking out because you see one player when you are in a group. Just saying.
  2. Rijiii

    No spawn/inlogg Zones

    If you cant logginn in city areas and buldings you cant gost/server jump that mutch. I just got shoot at from the cherno firestation from a server jumper.
  3. Rijiii

    Why everyone is soo unfriendly?

    MANY i meet are friendly , I suspect that alot of people who complain about unfriendlys dont hawe a microphone or just dont say any thing when they meet people...........
  4. Rijiii

    Weird death at NWAF

    The white dot apears on two difret times, first where the screan shot above showes then next frame more to the left. If there were shots the where two shoters. one inbetven the trees and one on the clearing/grassy knoll.
  5. Looking for one or two persons to team up with we will not be a shot first type of group ( il shot you in the face if you do) we wil be playing for funn not to be the best or the ones with the most gear. You must be over 20 You dont hawe to be extremely skilled as long as you know how to drink and eat in game im happy . Due to lagg and ping you should be some what near norway (skandinavia , Great Britain ect) You must hawe skype and a functional mic! Send me a Msg if intrested
  6. Rijiii

    How to mug people as a fresh spawn ;)

    This is why i prefer to wear a bike helmet.....................
  7. Rijiii

    Scumbag or dumb ?

    If you play nice you do tend to get killed from time to time , but you also get some genuine good experinces from it. For exampel a dudde attacked me out of the blue i managed to knok him out. Put on some handcufs and said , this is what happens when you try stupid bandit shit. Then i left him handcufed after i bandaged him.
  8. Rijiii

    No spawn/inlogg Zones

    Just a tougth to awoid gosthing , why not only alow you to inloggspawn in the forest. Thats all.
  9. Again and again Bohemia and the dayz mod has goten critick for it's roll menu. I am there for WERY suprised that they desided to keep this in the stand alone. It ruins game play , in the mod i been killed several times du to this clumsy suolution now in the stand alone i lost a mag with 60 bullets. This need to be changed, PLS change it it would be a improvment to a wery nice game.
  10. Rijiii

    Best gun for player hunting

    My favorits are DMR Very veritile FN fall very aqurate and powerfull as fuck And finaly the le enfield, a extremely under estimated gun. Its aqurate powerfull and your oponents wery ofen undermestiate the threth you pose when your caring a lee.
  11. Rijiii

    Creative Ways to Rob or Murder People

    If u agro a bunch of zombies then run past a player they will follow him insted. Wery satifying when the zombies manage to kill .
  12. Rijiii

    Roaming zombie hordes.

    love the idea how ewer the hordes should only travel and aggro at walking pace so you could outrun them if you are in an open area