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Old bandit skin in next build

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Nice to see this change. Gives bandits some camo, but also easier to distinguish from others.

But make them unable to change to camo and gillies.

Edited by thehet

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This topic has been discussed so many times you could dedicate an entire forum to them. Next time use the search feature.

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IRL bandits would probably not wear clothes that tell you that they are bandits. It is more realistic and would base the game more on trust.

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IRL bandits would probably not wear clothes that tell you that they are bandits. It is more realistic and would base the game more on trust.

True but they're not considering taking it out for the mod. I like the change since it's a damn cool skin and will encourage people to kill each other. Wait, wha... nevertheless I want dat skin.


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Bandits are gay... they should just have all the bandit skins and its just a lucky dip to see which one you get when/if the time comes

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Nice to see this change. Gives bandits some camo, but also easier to distinguish from others.

But make them unable to change to camo and gillies.

Why is this "nice"? Why should bandits have "camo" when their opposite number (heroes) do not? There is a "camo" skin for that exact purpose already. How is this any different to distinguish from the current set of skins? (I can tell who is a bandit already thanks). Why would they be unable to change clothes?

Maybe your suggestion should have some weight to it or it comes across as random.

AFAIK Balota Buddies US offers this skin as a reward for being an über-bandit so maybe play on there if you want it so bad.

Sorry but yours is a hasty suggestion without much credible thought behind it.

Edited by Horde

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You guys really call WHITE in a rural environment camo? ffs you must be blind.

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Why is this "nice"? Why should bandits have "camo" when their opposite number (heroes) do not?

I actually want to test this out, I'm curious to see how the new skin affect camouflage. I'm too lazy to port the "man_bandit.p3d" and associated stuff into a mini mod to compare it to the current skin though.

As of right now though, bandits don't have any advantages apart from the invisible backpacks. Bandits are probably easier to see in some situations due to the bright rag on their heads... heroes allegedly run faster and have bullet resistant vests, that isn't fair either. Shooting everyone you see is as viable a play style as blood bagging everyone you see.

Edited by Gews

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True Gews but maybe we should make the clothes separate, like they will in the SA. Btw if the SA has individual clothes, I am going with leather jacket, tactical vest, jeans, some boots and some shoes. Badass.

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i think, that since heroes get bullet resisting powers, and run faster, why not give the bandits some camo.

(read in caboose's voice from red vs blue)

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