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Could just alt tab out and use DayZCommander to view number of players.

I love how whenever someone comes up with an idea there is some kind of competition to expose first how one could cheat to exploit it.

We don't know ho third party interactions will be with the standalone first of all.

Second of all I think this would be great on normal difficulty servers (the ones that are like the game is supposed to, without sidechat, waypoints and all that).

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But how would we know if our friends are on the right server? :P

I think there are some things that just cant be removed in order to make it realistic. If you could see how many players are in but not their names would be better IMO.

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But how would we know if our friends are on the right server? :P

I think there are some things that just cant be removed in order to make it realistic. If you could see how many players are in but not their names would be better IMO.

The same way you talk to your friends when your playing.

Player number instead of player name makes absolutely no difference. Get rid of them.

If people want to alt tab out then by all means waste your time doing that.

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I love how whenever someone comes up with an idea there is some kind of competition to expose first how one could cheat to exploit it.

We don't know ho third party interactions will be with the standalone first of all.

Second of all I think this would be great on normal difficulty servers (the ones that are like the game is supposed to, without sidechat, waypoints and all that).

Nobody ever said it was regarding to the Standalone.

Personally I think he's talking about the mod. Which would make his suggestion impossible as far as I know. Impossible to completely to make work, at least.

And, it's GOOD that people are looking how to exploit the game/mod, because it's not finished. This way we can fix those exploits.

Just look back at the item-duping fiasco. If you placed your gun in your tent and saved it, and took the gun out WITHOUT saving it, it would be there at server restart, leaving you with several guns. (Same with switching between servers.) Tents now save automatically, thus making item duplication significantly harder.


If people want to alt tab out then by all means waste your time doing that.

Windowed mode = No time wasted. Alt-tabbing takes only a second.

Me having two monitors lets me see the serverlist without tabbing at all.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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Whats the point of getting rid of it? You dont get much realism-wise.

And anyway especialy when dealing with private hives it would make the game especially tedious. I mean it would be stupid to choose a private hive to play on, devote some time on it and then find out that it is mostly dead with no regular players entering.

Take my server in my sig as an example. We set it up a few days ago and there is virtually no one on it, cos we havent got it ready yet. So not knowing if this server is dead or not would be silly (for me as a player not knowing if playing here is worth it)

EDIT: About the pressing the P I agree but about not seeing the player count in Commander I dont agree with.

Edited by Zarniwoop

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I made a topic about this a while back, here were my arguments for it and ideas:

"So, I had this idea, and I thought it may change the way people play on DayZ. What if there was no information that told you how many players are in a server? It would mean that no one could carelessly stroll into the airfields, knowing that there are 0 players in the lobby. It would mean that every time a player goes in to scavenge, there is an uncertainty that the player could encounter a large group of bandits, or nobody. There may be some problems out there, and I've thought of some, and ways to combat them.

Looking for someone in a server

So, what if you want to see who is in a server? You could just count the player names in the list and you would have an advantage. I think the solution to this would be a search function, so you can look up that player's name specifically.

Computer Specs

Having more people in a server causes decreases in performance. Hopefully this will be improved upon in the standalone, but if it is not improved enough, then there could be some sort of compatibility rating for a server and your pc. Not just regarding player count, but max limit of players, ping, whatever."

I definitely think it could work.

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Whats the point of getting rid of it? You dont get much realism-wise.

And anyway especialy when dealing with private hives it would make the game especially tedious. I mean it would be stupid to choose a private hive to play on, devote some time on it and then find out that it is mostly dead with no regular players entering.

Take my server in my sig as an example. We set it up a few days ago and there is virtually no one on it, cos we havent got it ready yet. So not knowing if this server is dead or not would be silly (for me as a player not knowing if playing here is worth it)

EDIT: About the pressing the P I agree but about not seeing the player count in Commander I dont agree with.

No one said anything about not seeing it in Dayz Commander.

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No one said anything about not seeing it in Dayz Commander.

Then we agree! :P

But its not hard to alt tab is it. So what your saying is a bit of a detail XD

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